Our policies and procedures
Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering the University's services and responsibilities.
Policies and procedures for conducting university business
Procedures and policies relating to academic services
Procedures and policies relating to student services
- Policies and Procedures
- Academic requirements for undergraduate students
- Language and academic requirements
- 伊人直播app Admissions Policies
- Office for Students - Access and Participation Plans for 伊人直播app
Procedures and policies relating to human resources
Procedures and policies relating to recruitment
Code of conduct for members of governing bodies
Equality and diversity
- Diversity, inclusion and equality policies
- 伊人直播app Admissions Policies
- Office for Students - Access and Participation Plans for 伊人直播app
Health and Safety
Estate Management
Complaints policy
Records management and personal data policies
Research policy and strategy
This will include quality assurance procedures, policy and procedures relating to intellectual property, ethics committee terms of reference, applications and their approval, and any other relevant codes of practice. This will include policy, strategy and procedures relating to knowledge transfer and enterprise.
- Research priorities
- Research policy
- Policy Library for Research Staff
- Working with business
Charging regimes and policies
Most of the information in the publication scheme is available free of charge and can be downloaded from the University's website by following links in the guide. Where charges apply it will be indicated. Information that is listed in the scheme but is not available from the website can be requested from the IMPS Office. This request for information will be treated in the same way as a Freedom of Information request and the information will normally be provided free of charge unless the costs involved in retrieving the information exceed the appropriate limit, as described in the . Charges reflect the time necessary to retrieve the information together with the costs of copying and postage, where appropriate. The appropriate limit in the case of the University is currently £450, which equates to about 2.5 days of staff time. More information on the charges for Freedom of Information requests is given in the section
Charges made by the Special Collections Services are given in .
Contact IMPS
- Email:
imps@reading.ac.uk - Telephone: +44 (0) 118 378 8981
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