伊人直播app policies
Here you'll find all of the University's student policies and procedures listed in categories so you can easily find them.
Teaching and Learning Policies
- Academic engagement and fitness to study
- Academic integrity and misconduct
- Academic regulations and guidance
- Academic misconduct
- Attendance and Engagement
- Attendance Management and Engagement policy
- Key Dates Calendar
- Changing your degree programme
- Exceptional circumstances
- Exceptional circumstances appeal
- Feedback policy
- The determination of ‘fitness to practice’
- Guide to assessments
- Guide to Policies and Procedures for Teaching and Learning
- Online submission protocols
- Penalties for late submission (all students excluding Postgraduate Flexible programmes)
- Penalties for late submission for Postgraduate Flexible programmes
- Procedure for considering appeals of results
- Use of editorial and proof-reading services
- Student Policy for the Recording of Teaching & Learning Activities
- Statement of learner responsibilities
- Policy for the recording of Teaching & Learning activities
- Teaching and learning strategy
- Transfer request
- Withdrawing from study
- Policy on Inclusive Practice in Teaching and Learning
Financial, Fees and Funding Policies
Campus and Behaviour Policies
- Campus Principles and Campus Exclusion Procedure
- Code of good practice (valuing ourselves and others)
- Drugs and alcohol
- Freedom of Speech
- Harassment statement
- Parental responsibilities policy (students)
- The University's Prevent policy statement
- Regulations for Student Conduct
- Representation
- Student Disciplinary Procedure
- Access to security sensitive materials
- Procedures relating to the Student Appeals Committee
- Suspensions
- Student Name Changes
- Support through appeals or misconduct process
International Student Policies
Diversity and Inclusion Policies
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- Gender neutral toilets
- Policy and procedure for supporting trans staff and students
- Smoking on campus
- Social media policy
- Student Protection Plan
- Student Charter and Contract
Library Policies
Complaints Policies
Student Service Policies
Data Policies
Travel Policies