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Professor Richard Bosworth

dr ruth dowsett portrait
  • Shared Professorship in the History departments at 伊人直播app University, UK and the University of Western Australia.
  • Professor

Areas of interest

Late Modern European history, historiography, migration history. Research interests include twentieth century Italian social and political history, historiography, migration history.

Selected publications

a) books


1.Benito Mussolini and the Fascist Destruction of Liberal Italy, 1900-1945, Rigby, Adelaide, 1973.

2.Italy, the Least of the Great Powers: Italian Foreign Policy Before the First World War, Cambridge U.P., 1979, paperback edition, 2005.

3.(with G. Cresciani, eds), Altro Polo:a Volume of Italian Studies, F. May Foundation, Sydney, 1979.

4.Italy and the Approach of the First World War, Macmillan, London, 1983.

5.(With G. Rizzo, eds), Altro Polo: a Study of Intellectuals and Ideas in Contemporary Italy, F. May Foundation, Sydney, 1983, including my chapter on 'Italian foreign policy and its historiography' and my introduction.

6.(With J. Wilton), Old Worlds and New Australia: a History of Non-British Migration to Australia Since the Second World War, Penguin, Ringwood, 1984, (3rd ed., 1987).

7.La politica estera dell'Italia giolittiana, Riuniti, Rome, 1985 (translation of Italy the Least of the Great Powers).

8.(With M. Melia) (eds), Aspects of Ethnicity: Studies in Western Australian History, Vol. XII, Nedlands, 1991, including my 'Preface'; my 'Luigi Mistrorigo and La Stampa Italiana: the strange story of a Fascist journalist in Perth' and (with M. Melia) my 'The Italian feste of Western Australia and the myth of the universal church'.

9.(with S. Romano) (eds), La politica estera italiana, 1861-1985, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1991, including my 'Mito e linguaggio nella politica estera italiana'.

10.(with R. Ugolini) (eds), War, internment and mass migration: the Italo-Australian experience 1940-1990,Gruppo Editoriale Internazionale, Rome, 1992 including my 'Introduction', and my (ed.) 'Oral histories of internment'.

11.Explaining Auschwitz and Hiroshima: history writing and the Second World War 1945-1990, Routledge, London, 1993 (paperback edition, 1994).

12(with M. Bosworth), Fremantle's Italy, Gruppo Editoriale Internazionale, Rome, 1993.

13.Italy and the wider world 1860-1960, Routledge, London, 1996.

14.An annotated translation (with M. Melia) of Leopoldo Zunini's L'Australia attuale (Western Australia as it is today, 1906) University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands, 1997.The book also includes my introductory paper 'Leopoldo Zunini and Liberal Italy'.

15.The Italian dictatorship: problems and perspectives in the interpretation of Mussolini and Fascism, E. Arnold, London, OUP, New York, 1998 (paperback and hardcover).

16.(with Patrizia Dogliani eds), Italian Fascism: history, memory and representation, Macmillan/St. Martin's Press, London/New York, 1999 including my chapter 'Film memories of Fascism' and an 'Introduction' co-written with Dogliani; I also translated the five chapters in the book written by Italian authors.

17.Mussolini, Arnold, London, OUP, New York, 2002.

18.Mussolini, Barcelona, Peninsula, 2003 (Spanish translation of above).

19.Mussolini, Milan, A. Mondadori, 2004 (Italian translation of above; paperback 'Oscar' edition, 2005).

20.Mussolini's Italy: life under the dictatorship 1915-1945, Allen Lane/Penguin, London, 2005; (US edition, The Penguin Press, New York, 2006).

21.Nationalism (Pearson, London, 2007).

22.L'Italia di Mussolini 1915-1945 (Italian translation of Mussolini's Italy) Mondadori, Milan, 2007 (paperback edition, 2009).

23.The Oxford handbook on fascisms, Oxford University Press, 2009. In this collection of 31 essays by international contributors, I myself wrote the Introduction and a chapter on 'Dictators strong or weak? The model of Benito Mussolini' and I joined with Nathan Stoltzfus in a chapter on 'Memory and Representations of Fascism in Germany and Italy'. I also translated four chapters by the Italian contributors Canali, Corni, Dogliani and Franzinelli.

b)Chapters in Books:

1.'L'Italia dopo l'unificazione (1870-1914)'and 'L'Europa della belle epoque', in J.C. Allain, R.J.B. Bosworth et al., Il Passaggio del Secolo e la Grande Guerra, 2 Vols., Jaca Books, Milan, 1983.

2.'Italy and the end of the Ottoman Empire' in M. Kent (ed.), The Great Powers and the End of the Ottoman Empire, George Allen & Unwin, London, 1984 (republished in new ed., 1996 with Frank Cass).

3.'Italy's historians and the myth of Fascism' in R. Langhorne (ed.), Essays on Diplomacy and Intelligence during the Second World War, Cambridge U.P., 1985.

4.'Post-war Italian immigration', section in J. Jupp (ed.), The Australian People: an Encyclopedia of the Nation, its People and their Origins, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1988.

5.'Italia e Australia: relazione in sviluppo?', in F. Lucchesi (ed.), Orizzonte Australia: percezione e realtà di un continente, Edizioni Unicopli, Milan, 1988.

6.'Australia and Italian history', in C. Bettoni and J. Lo Bianco (eds), Understanding Italy: Language, culture, commerce, and Australian perspective, F. May Foundation, Sydney, 1989.

7.'L'Italia d'Australia: 1988', in R. Ugolini (ed.), Italia - Australia 1788-1988, Edizioni dell'Ateneo, Rome, 1991.

8.'Golf and Italian Fascism', in M.R. Farrally and A.J. Cochran (eds), Science and Golf III: proceedings of the 1998 World Scientific Congress of Golf, Human kinetics, London, 1999.

9.'History, Fascism, Europe and Australia after the end of history', in B. Bennett (ed.), Australia in between cultures, Australian Academy of Humanities, Canberra, 1999.

10.In G. Moliterno (ed.), Encyclopedia of Contemporary Italian Culture, Routledge, London and New York, 2000, I contributed the sections on anti-fascism (pp. 18-9); emigration (pp. 194-7); fascism and neo-fascism (pp. 212-40; foreign policy (pp. 239-241); historiography (pp. 268-271); Pertini, Sandro (p. 434); Resistance (pp. 508-9).

11.'The internment of Italians in Australia', in F. Iacovetta, R. Perin and A. Principe (eds), Enemies within: Italian and other internees in Canada and abroad, University of Toronto Press, 2000.

12.'Australia's Europe: a fading identity?' in L. Tosi (ed.), Europe, its borders and the others, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Perugia, 2000.

13.'The Second World War' in N.J. Smelser and P.B. Baltes (eds), International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Pergamon, Oxford, 2001, (pp. 13771-7; also available electronically, 2002).

14.seven articles of varied length in V. De Grazia and S. Luzzatto (eds), Enciclopedia sul fascismo, Einaudi, Turin, 2003. ('Anglophobia', Vol. I, pp. ; 'Diplomazia', vol. I, pp. ;'Monaco' Vol. I, pp. ;'Politica estera' Vol. II, pp. 398-403;'Trattato di Rapallo', Vol. II, pp. 465-6; ' Stresa, conferenza di' p. 706;'Turismo' Vol. II, pp. 747-751).

15.'Foreword' to G. Cresciani, The Italians in Australia, Cambridge University Press, 2003 (pp. ix -xii).

16.'Peace and war in the theory of Fascist Italy' in Chiba University conference on Global Public Peace and War from the perspective of state and rights, Chiba, 2004.

17.'Benito Mussolini' in J. Winter and J. Merriman (eds), Europe since 1914: encyclopedia of the age of war and reconstruction C. Scribner, New York, 2006.

18.'Nationalism' in G. Martel (ed.), A companion to international history 1900-2001 Blackwell, Oxford, 2007, pp. 26-38.

19.'Italy' in R. Gerwarth (ed.), Twisted paths: Europe 1914-1945 Oxford University Press, 2007, pp. 161-183.

20.'Foreword' to G. Lichtner, Film and the Shoah in France and Italy London: Vallentine Mitchell, 2008 pp. vii-ix.

21.'Rome 1905' in R. Bosworth, C. Inman and J. Davidow, Rome memories of time past: 70 paintings by Alberto Pisa (Cambridge: Worth Press, 2008) pp. 5-18.


1.'The English, the historians and the età giolittiana', Historical Journal, XXI, 1969.

2.'Sir Rennel Rodd e l'Italia', Nuova Rivista Storica, LIV, 1970.

3.'The British press, the conservatives and Mussolini, 1920-34', Journal of Contemporary History, 5, 1970.

4.'Britain and Italy's acquisition of the Dodecanese 1912-1915', Historical Journal, XIII, 1970.

5.The historiography of twentieth century Italy: answers and questions', Teaching History, 4, 1970.

6.'Verdi and the Risorgimento', Italian Quarterly, XIV, 1971.

7.'The Albanian forests of Signor Giacomo Vismara: a case study of Italian economic imperialism during foreign ministry of Antonino Di San Giuliano', Historical Journal, XVII, 1975.

8.'The opening of the Victor Emmanuel monument', Italian Quarterly, XVIII, 1975.

9.'The historiography of modern Italy: recent developments', Australian Journal of Politics and History, XXIII, 1977.

10.'In the green corner, Denis Mack Smith, in the red? black? corner, Renzo De Felice: an account of the 1976 contest in the historiography of Italian Fascism', Teaching History,11, 1977.

11.'Why watermelons belong on the Left: the Italian general elections of 1976', Australian Outlook, 31, 1977.

12.'The Messina earthquake of 28 December 1908', European Studies Review, 11, 1981.

13.(With J. Wilton), 'Novels, poems and the study of Europeans in Australia', Teaching History, 15, 1981.

14.(With J. Wilton), 'A lost history?The study of European migration to Australia', Australian Journal of Politics and History, XXXVII, 1981.

15.'The point of Eco', Australian Book Review, 51, 1983.

16.'Cop what lot? A study of Australian attitudes towards Italian mass migration in the 1950's', Studi Emigrazione, XX, 1983.

17.'Italian history and Australian Universities', Risorgimento, 4, 1983.

18.'Nazism, beast from the abyss or triumph of the nation?', Veritas, 5, 1984.

19.'Conspiracy of the consuls?Official Italy and the Bonegilla riot of 1952', Historical Studies Australia and New Zealand, 22, 1987.

20.'Official Italy re-discovers Australia', Affari Sociali Internazionali, XVI, 1988.

21.'History, science and racism: an unholy trinity', The Australian Listener, 12, 15-21 October, 1988.

22.'Did Joe Stalin really exist?', Historicus,May 1988.

23.'Australia and assisted immigration from Britain 1945-54', Australian Journal of Politics and History, 34, 1988.

24.'Bernardo Bertolucci, 1900, and the myth of Fascism', European History Quarterly, 19, 1989.

25.'The Decennale of Late Modern European History I (LME I) or Teaching War and Revolution in East and West 1978-1988', Australian Historical Association Bulletin, 59-60, 1989.

26.'Denis Mack Smith and the Third Italy', International History Review, XI, 1990.

27.'Storia dell'immigrazione e storia nazionale: Australia/Immigration history and national history', Altreitalie, 4, 1990.

28.'Italy, 1993: death of a regime?', Current Affairs Bulletin, 70, 1993.

29.'The limits of Schindler's List', Current Affairs Bulletin, 70, 1994.

30.'Renato Citarelli, Fascist Vice Consul in Perth: a documentary note', Papers in Labour History, 14, 1994.

31.'The wars that never ended', The Australian, 6 May 1995.

32.'I Bosworth, Emma Ciccotosto e Fremantle's Italy, o lo studio dell'italianità nell'Australia occidentale', Altreitalie, 13, 1995

33.'L'affaire Demidenko-Darville', Ormond Papers, 12, 1995

34.'Nations examine their past: a comparative analysis of the historiography of the "long" Second World War', The History Teacher, 29, 1996.

35.'Tourist planning in Fascist Italy and the limits of a totalitarian culture', Contemporary European History, 6, 1997.

36.'On re-reading Gibbon: a love story', Bulletin of the Australian Historical Association, 84, 1997.

37.'The Touring Club Italiano and the nationalization of the Italian bourgeoisie', European History Quarterly, 27, 1997.

38.'Death of a First Year course', Campus Review, 11 June 1997.

39. 'Writing a history of modern Italy as an Australian', Convivio, 3, 1997.

40.'Il caso dell'Italia', Prometeo, 16, September 1998

41.'Explaining "Auschwitz" after the end of history: the Italian case', History and Theory, 38, 1999.

42.'Venice between Fascism and international tourism 1911-45', Modern Italy, 4, 1999.

43.'The Balkans Tragedy', West Australian, 24 April 1999.

44.'Fascism after the end of history: an introduction', The European Legacy, 4, i, 1999 (I was the guest editor for this issue of the journal).

45.'Two conferences, two continents and a question', Dialogue, 18, 1999.

46.'Il Duce, after death', The Australian's Book Review, August 1999.

47.'Per necessità famigliare: hypocrisy and corruption in Fascist Italy', European History Quarterly, 30, 2000.

48.'Shoah business: una storia', Storica, V, 2000.

49.'Delusions of the Sawdust Caesar', BBC History Magazine, 3, iv, 2002.

50.'Imagining Mussolini with advantages: the case of Edgardo Sulis', European History Quarterly, 32, iv, 2002.

51.'Benito Mussolini: dictator', Historically Speaking, IV, v, June 2003.

52.'Mussolini, Mussolini and me', Bulletin of the Australian Historical Association, 96, June 2003.

53.'Biography in modern Italian studies' (discussion with C. Angier, C. Duggan and M. Gilbert), Modern Italy, 8, ii, 2003.

54.'War, totalitarianism and "deep belief" in Fascist Italy 1935-1943', European History Quarterly, 34, iv, 2004.

55.'Everyday Mussolinism:friends, family, locality and violence in Fascist Italy', Contemporary European History, XIV, i, 2005.

56.'Coming to terms with Fascism in Italy', History Today, 55, xi, 2005.

57.'The Italian Novecento and its historians', Historical Journal, 49, i, 2006.

58.'A country split in two? Contemporary Italy and its usable pasts', History Compass, 4, August 2006 (web access at 10.1111/j.1478-0542.2006.00356.x).

59.'Doing European history from Australia: an idiosyncratic historian's journey', New Critic (web access at ).

60.'The killing of histories', Australian Financial Review 25 January 2007.

61. 'Benito Mussolini: bad guy on the international block?' Contemporary European History, 18, i, 2009.


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