Leaders in their field
Dr Richard Blakemore: Piracy, power and identity
Richard's research explores how sailors had more power and significance than they were credited with. They existed in networks that spread across the world, and it was their labour and travel that facilitated economic growth.

Professor Emily West: Changing the future
Emily actively attempts to engage the wider public with her research, through events such as 2016's 'Mothering Slaves: Motherhood, Childlessness, and the Care of Children from Slavery to Emancipation' conference.
Dr Rohan Deb Roy: Empowering history's hidden voices
Rohan is inspired by the school of History that emerged from South Asia called Subaltern Studies - this focuses on writing from below and how we can give a voice to those who currently lack one in history.
Dr Ruth Salter: Investigating the world of medieval health and healing
Dr Natalie Thomlinson: Gender and feminism
Natalie is a historian of feminism and gender and an Associate Professor of Modern British Cultural History at the 伊人直播app.
Professor Matthew Worley: Punk and politics
Matthew grew up with punk culture, and found himself fascinated by it. Today he is a Professor of Modern History at the 伊人直播app, researching youth subcultures.
Professor Rebecca Rist: Examining medieval heresy
Rebecca's research interests include the history of crusading, Jewish-Christian relations, heresy, the medieval Church, the papacy, religious belief and political ideas in the High and Late Middle Ages.
Dr Jacqui Turner: Female pioneers in politics
Jacqui's desire to inspire her students stems from her own past. Proud to call herself a feminist, Jacqui grew up in a northern post-industrial town surrounded by the political turmoil of the 1970s and 1980s.
Professor Anne Lawrence-Mathers: Sorcery?
Anne’s research centres on the interactions between medieval magic and science. She hopes to disprove the critics and demonstrate that medieval science and medieval scientific weather forecasting really did exist.
Inspirational students
Where can history take you? Open the door to a variety of careers.

Sian David: Exploring history's hidden voices
Siân had the opportunity to undertake independent research projects and study abroad.
Abbie Tibbott: Making history
Abbie is now pursuing her PhD on Conservative Cabinet politics of the 1920s, with a focus on citizenship and women’s voting rights.
Beth Snyder: Keeping her options open
Beth was chosen for the University's Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP). She spent 6 weeks during the summer researching Barack Obama's climate change rhetoric.

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