Selected publications
(ed). The Letter Book of John Parkhurst, Bishop of Norwich, compiled during the years 1571-5 (Norwich: Norfolk Record Society, 1975)
Church Courts and the People during the English Reformation, 1520-1570 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979)
The English Family 1450-1700 (Harlow: Longman, 1984)
with George Parfitt (eds), The Courtship Narrative of Leonard Wheatcroft, Derbyshire Yeoman (伊人直播app: Whiteknights Press, 1986)
English Family Life, 1576-1716: an Anthology from Diaries (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988)
(ed.), Death, Ritual and Bereavement (London: Routledge, 1989)
Death, Religion and the Family in England, 1480-1750 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998; paperback edition 2000)
(ed.), James VI and I: Ideas, Authority, and Government (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006)
A selection of journal articles and chapters in books.
'The Protestant Episcopate, 1547-1603: The Pastoral Contribution', in F. Heal and R. O'Day (eds) Church and Society in England, Henry VIII to James I (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1977), 78-98.
'The Making of Marriage in Mid-Tudor England: Evidence from the Records of
Matrimonial Contract Litigation', Journal of Family History, 10 (1985), 339-52
'Women's Social Life and Common Action in England from the Fifteenth Century to the Eve of the Civil War', Continuity and Change, 1 (1986), 171-89
'Henry VIII's Wills: A Comment', The Historical Journal, 37 (1994), 891-9
'Bishop Nykke's Last Visitation, 1532', in M. J. Franklin and C. Harper-Bill (eds), Medieval Ecclesiastical Studies in honour of Dorothy M. Owen (Woodbridge: Boydell, 1995), 113-29.
' "Public" and "Private" in the Funerals of the Later Stuart Gentry: Some Somerset Examples', Mortality 1 (1996), 163-76
'Refoundation and Reformation, 1538-1628', in I. Atherton, E. Fernie, C. Harper-Bill, and A. H. Smith (eds), Norwich Cathedral: Church, City and Diocese, 1096-1996 (London and Rio Grande: Hambledon Press, 1996)), 507-39.
'Death in Childhood: the practice of the "good death" in James Janeway's A Token
for Children', in A. Fletcher and S. Hussey (eds), Childhood in Question (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1999), 37-56.
'The Age of Decency, 1660-1760', in P. C. Jupp and C. Gittings (eds), Death in England: an illustrated history (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1999), 174-201.
'The Family and Pastoral Care in England, c.1500-1642', in G. R. Evans (ed), The History of Pastoral Care (London: Cassell, 2000), 262-93.
'Civility and Civil Observances in the Early Modern English Funeral', in P. Burke, B. Harrison, and P. Slack, eds, Civil Histories. Essays Presented to Sir Keith Thomas (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), 67-85.
'Magic and Witchcraft in the Diocese of Winchester, 1491-1570', in D. J. Trim and P. J. Balderstone, eds, Cross, Crown and Community: Government, Religion and Early-Modern English Culture, c. 1400-1815 (Bern: Peter Lang, 2004), 113-41.
'Royal Grief in England, 1485-1640', Cultural and Social History, 2, 63-79
'The clergy, the church courts and the Marian restoration in Norwich', in E. Duffy and D. M. Loades, eds, The Church of Mary Tudor (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006), 124-48.
'Prince Arthur's Funeral', in Steven Gunn and Linda Monckton, eds., Arthur Tudor, Prince of Wales: Life, Death and Commemoration (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2009), 64-76.
'Robert Robertes and Little Cis: an Extraordinary Relationship', in Angela McShane, and Garthine Walker (eds), The extraordinary and the everyday in early modern England : essays in celebration of the work of Bernard Capp (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), 48-65.
'What Happened to Mary's Councillors?', in Anna Hunt and Alice Whitelock, eds, Tudor queenship: the reigns of Mary and Elizabeth (Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), 209-24.
'Edward VI', a short contribution, with four other historians, to 'The Tudors. Which monarch mattered most?', in BBC History Magazine (August 2011).
Forthcoming publications: print version of a lecture on mid sixteenth-century Staffordshire politics, and a chapter in the Oxford Companion to Holinshed.