Professor Paul Davies

Postgraduate supervision
Postgraduate teaching and supervision:
I convene two modules for the MA in the History of Art and Architecture: the core module and the research methods module. I have supervised several PhD students, both full and part-time, and I would welcome research proposals relating to Italian or Spanish architecture 1350-1650.
Undergraduate :
I contribute to two Part 1 modules, entitled Art's histories a survey and Makers and Making: artists, architects and their practices, as well as to four Part 2 modules: Distance and Difference: perspectives on art, architecture and visual culture; Art and Power in Renaissance Italy; Altars, aristocrats and guillotines; and Other Visions: Modern and Contemporary Art and Architecture. At Part3 I teach a module called Framing Piety: architecture and the holy in Renaissance Italy.
Research centres and groups
Member of the Centre for Italian History and the Graduate Centre for Medieval Studies
0118 378 7880
Research projects
My research focuses primarily on architecture in Italy 1350-1650. Particular areas of interest include centrally-planned churches and the architectural response to miracles; architecture in Venice and the Veneto; and Italian Renaissance architectural drawings. I have written (with D. Hemsoll), Michele Sanmicheli (Electa 2004), and The Paper Museum of Cassiano Dal Pozzo. A.X. Renaissance and later architecture and ornament (Royal Collection 2013), and I have edited (with D. Howard and W. Pullan Architecture and Pilgrimage1000-1500: the Southern Mediterranean and Beyond Ashgate 2013)