- August 2021: Interview on Willy Stoewer’s image of the ship, Professor Woermann for
- the exhibition, Open Histories, Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum
- July 2020: Interview on art and cultural legacies of British Empire in India for the Global History Podcast
- June 2020: Interview on art and British imperialism for podcast series, History Hack
- May 2020: Appeared on the Breakfast show on the radio station, Voice of Islam, UK as an expert on the legacies of British Empire
- February 2020: Historical advisor for a Channel 5 documentary on Murshidabad (shooting postponed due to Covid-19)
- August 2019: Interview for emerging scholar series as part of The Big Rhetorical Podcast, organized by PhD researchers at Illinois State University
- May 2019: ‘A Tale of Calcutta in four images’ presented at the storytelling event, organized by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, The University of Sheffield, at Tamper in Sheffield
- April 2018: ‘Art, Power and the British Indian Empire’, invited talk at Sheffield Central Library as part of BBC Civilisations festival
Apurba Chatterjee

Wellcome Humanities and Social Science Fellowship
Areas of interest
British Empire, India, Histories of Medicine and Science, Visual Culture, Postcolonialism, New Imperial History
Research centres and groups
ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Centre for Health Humanities
ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Gender History Cluster
Awards and honours
- Conference paper titled, ‘Imagery, Governance and Political Legitimacy in Early British India’ nominated for British Society for Eighteenth Century Studies President’s Prize, 2017
- Henrik and Hans Park Scholarship for outstanding academic achievements, Västmanlands Dala Nation, Uppsala University, 2014
- Johan Samuel Löfberg Scholarship for outstanding academic achievements, Västmanlands Dala Nation, Uppsala University, 2014
- Chandra Narayan Memorial Silver Medal for highest marks in History (first class first) in MA examination, Presidency College (now University), 2012
- University of Calcutta Gold Medal for highest marks in History, 2012
- Professor Hemchandra Ray Chaudhuri Memorial Prize for outstanding academic achievements, University of Calcutta, 2010
- Professor Kalyan Kumar Dasgupta Memorial Scholarship for securing highest marks in History (first class first) in BA examination, University of Calcutta, 2010
Grants and Fellowships:
- Honorary Research Fellow, Department of History, The University of Sheffield, 2021
- Max Weber Fellowship, European University Institute, 2020 (Declined)
- Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, UK, 2019
- Competitive bursary award from International Society for Eighteenth Century Studies to attend the International Society for Eighteenth Century Studies Congress, July 2019.
- Visiting Research Fellowship at Yale Center for British Art, Yale University, New Haven (USA) for July 2018
Apurba Chatterjee, ‘Gender, Power, and Agency: Re-evaluating the British Imperial Experience’ for Gender History Research Cluster, ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app (published on 17 March 2022)
Apurba Chatterjee, ‘Thinking Visually with Saartjee Baartman: Intoxicated by Difference’ for Intoxicating Spaces (published on 9 February 2021)
Apurba Chatterjee, ‘James Forbes’ Mango and the Art of British Indian Empire’ for History (Journal of Historical Association) (published on 23 July 2020)
Apurba Chatterjee, ‘Empire and Reformation: Perspectives and Possibilities’ [guest blog post for 500 Reformations] (published on 21 June 2018). Also republished on History Matters on 27 June 2018)
Apurba Chatterjee, ‘Many Worlds of Eighteenth-Century Britain’ for Sheffield Centre for Early Modern Studies (SCEMS) (published May 27, 2016)
Apurba Chatterjee (with Tom Rusbridge), ‘When Uppsala came to stay’ (report for joint workshop organized by Uppsala University and The University of Sheffield in March 2016) for SCEMS (published April 4, 2016)
Selected publications
Book Chapters:
Apurba Chatterjee, ‘Monarchy, imperialism, and visuality: Imaging George III of Great Britain (1760-1810)’ in Astrid Wendel-Hansen, Francisca Hoyer, and Katarina Nordström (eds), Essays in Honor of Margaret R. Hunt (Uppsala: Opuscula Historica Upsaliensia, 2022) (In press)
Apurba Chatterjee, ‘A Memsahib’s Natural World: Lady Mary Impey’s Collection of Natural History Paintings’ in Arlene Leis and Kacie Wills (eds), Women and the Art and Science of Collecting (Routledge) (Forthcoming)
Apurba Chatterjee, ‘Imperialism, Imagery and Political Legitimacy: Visualizing Early British India through the Eyes of Thomas and William Daniell’ in Karen Harvey and Mikael Alm (eds), Power of Description: Language and Social History in the Long Eighteenth Century (Uppsala: Opuscula Historica Upsaliensia, 2019), pp. 113-137
Book Reviews:
Apurba Chatterjee, ‘Review of Geoff Quilley, British Art and the East India Company (Martlesham, Suffolk: Boydell Press, 2020)’ in Eighteenth-Century Fiction (Forthcoming)
Apurba Chatterjee, ‘Review of Priya Maholay-Jaradi, Fashioning a National Art. Baroda’s Royal Collection and Art Institutions (1875-1924) (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2016)’ in South Asian History and Culture, 9.4 (2018), pp. 463-465
Other writing:
Apurba Chatterjee, ‘Review of In Our Time (BBC Four) episode on Coffee’ for British Society for Eighteenth Century Studies Criticks (published on 29 March 2020)
Apurba Chatterjee, ‘Visual Arts and British Imperialism in India in the Eighteenth Century:
A Colonial Society in the Making’ in Discover Society, 6 March 2019