Timetabling & Room Booking Policy
The Timetabling & Room Booking Policy was approved by UBTLSE in January 2025 for the building and publication of the 2025/6 timetable.
Timetabling and Room Booking Policy
Background to formulation of the policy
In advance of the 2022/3 academic year, the Timetabling & Room Booking Team undertook consultation with Schools to understand the factors that were important to them in timetabling, and the times of year at which they were best able to engage in timetabling-related activities. That consultation resulted in a series of recommendations which were implemented for the 2022/3 timetable build and continued into the production of the 2023/4 timetable. The Timetabling & Room Booking Policy builds on the recommendations which were implemented for 2022/3.
The Policy has been drafted as part of the Enabling Operations Workstream of the Portfolio Review Pathway. Consultation was undertaken via the following channels:
- Enabling Operations Workstream
- CILT (Committee for Infrastructure in Learning and Teaching) and its sub-committee SCELTI
- DELT (Sub-Committee on Delivery and Enhancement of Learning and Teaching)
- SDAT Community of Practice
- Conversations with Estates, Disability Advisory Service, Health & Safety Services, DTS, CQSD, and other teams in Student Services
Policy key principles
The key principles for the policy were ordained by Peter Miskell, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Education & Student Experience. These are:
- That a 鈥榬ight first-time' approach is central to a timetabling policy.
- That a consistent, regular weekly pattern of teaching is the desired mode of delivery for the majority of modules.
- That essential programme activities should be timetabled.
- That post-publication changes to the timetable should be kept to an absolute minimum.
- That the University must make efficient use of its resources to achieve the required growth in student numbers.
Frequently asked questions about the timetable for staff can be found on the FAQs page.
The 2024/5 timetable is now live for the whole academic year .
Online room bookings are also available, but are subject to restrictions. Please see the Help Page for more information.
View Calendar (including week numbers & semester dates):
Contact us:
+44 (0) 118 378 5283
Room Bookings:
+44 (0) 118 378 6506
Book a room or view your timetable:
(System updates at 6am; information may not display correctly near this time)