Rooms and facilities
Central Rooms on campus are those owned & controlled by central University. These can be booked online (by staff) or by emailing
Departmental Rooms on campus are those owned & controlled by Schools or Departments directly. These can be booked online by named staff in the Department, or by any staff from the department, as advised by the School/Department themselves.
Details of all bookable rooms are held by this office, as advised by the Space team.
There are two ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app University campuses where bookable spaces can be found.
Maps of the campuses with a key can be found here.
Whiteknights Campus
Whiteknights campus is the main teaching & admin campus, located towards the South East of the town centre.
The campus is split into two areas: Whiteknights (to the West of the lake) and Earley Gate (to the East of the lake).
London Road Campus
London Road campus is the 'original' home of the University and is the base for a couple of University schools and is also where Graduation takes place.
Room Details
Please click the below links for details of central & departmental spaces on London Road & Whiteknights campuses. These will download a document - please save to your desktop for future reference. Please note that due the amount of changes, these sheets are updated before the start of each semester, so recent, or mid-session, changes may not be recorded.
Key help
Room Layouts
BOARDRMDD (Boardroom double desk) – these contain a central table, made up of double desks, with chairs around the outside, suitable for meetings & some seminars. Layout can be changed through Portering services.
BOARDRMSD (Boardroom single desk) – these contain a central table, made up of single desks, with chairs around the outside, suitable for meetings & some seminars. Layout can be changed through Portering services.
BOARDRMFL (Boardroom fixed layout) – these contain a central table, with chairs around the outside, suitable for meetings & some seminars. Layout cannot be changed.
CLASSRMDD (Classroom double desks) – these contain rows of double desks & chairs in a traditional teaching format. Layout can be changed through Portering services.
CLASSRMSD (Classroom single desks) – these contain rows of single desks & chairs in a traditional teaching format. Layout can be changed through Portering services.
GROUPWK (Group work) – previously referred to as ‘Cabaret’ style, which are groups of tables in clusters, creating a space where several groups can work together. Layout can be changed through Portering services.
PCROOM – These are PC labs, with a computer installed at each desk. Layout cannot be changed.
AV Codes
NONE – No AV or technology present.
STANDARD – Contains PC & visual display, suitable for teaching and/or presentations.
STANDARDPLUS – Contains PC & visual display, suitable for teaching and/or presentations, with the addition of dedicated hybrid facilities.
HYBRID – contains hybrid facilities so meetings can be held with people off campus.
General Info
All centrally controlled teaching spaces are equipped with a PC, suitable for teaching, as well as an AV system with either a display screen or digital projection). If further details are required, please contact DTS. (link to be added)
All centrally controlled teaching spaces are also equipped with Learning Capture technology. For further details, please contact DTS.
Hybrid facilities exist in a few rooms, but are not installed in teaching rooms as standard. If these are required, and a relevant space is not available, please contact DTS who can provide this equipment.
For Departmental spaces, while Central Room Bookings controls the booking system, the spaces themselves are owned & managed by the School/Department directly. If you have any queries regarding these spaces, please contact the relevant School/Department in the first instance.
How capacities are calculated
For Centrally Operated spaces the capacity shown is the lower of
- The normal seating capacity of the room
- The maximum capacity at which the ventilation rate in the room can be maintained according to prevailing government guidance.
For School Operated spaces the capacity shown is the lower of
- The last capacity of the room advised to Strategy and Space Management
- The maximum capacity at which the ventilation rate in the room can be maintained according to prevailing government guidance.
Queries about spaces
Centrally Operated spaces
If you have a query about the capacity of a Centrally Operated space, please contact Katy Lanxon from the University Space office.
Every centrally controlled room is equipped with a networked PC and display facilities (projection, smartboard or LED screen) and also contains lecture capture facilities.
If further information is required, please visit the DTS Facilities web page.
If you have any queries about technology in any centrally controlled space, in the first instance, please contact DTS on x.6262 or
Reporting faults
For faults regarding audio/visual equipment please contact DTS on ext. 6262 or email
For faults regarding lighting, room condition etc. please contact Estates on ext. 7000 or email
School Operated spaces
If you have a query about the capacity of a School or Function Operated space, please contact your Head of School or Function, or the nominated Health and Safety Co-ordinator (HSC).
Any rooms which need to be brought into use urgently for teaching will need to be assessed before any teaching can take place. Activities will not be timetabled into rooms until the Timetabling & Room Booking team has received the room's revised capacity from Strategy and Space Management.
The 2024/5 timetable is now live for the whole academic year .
Online room bookings are also available, but are subject to restrictions. Please see the Help Page for more information.
Please note the following:
Book a room
Check room facilities
Contact us
- Telephone: +44 (0) 118 378 6506
- Email: