Teaching and Learning Enhancement Priorities
In December 2012 University Board for Teaching and Learning approved the University's Teaching and Learning Strategy 2013-18. The Strategy can be found here;
Following a consultation with colleagues in key teaching and learning roles the Board subsequently (in May 2013) approved sixteen Enhancement Priorities for the period 2013-15. These priorities underpin the four strands of the Teaching and Learning Strategy.
The Teaching and Learning Enhancement Priorities 2013-2015 consist of the following;
Engage students in research and enquiry:
- Expand opportunities for students to engage in research in the curriculum
- Broaden research conference/publication opportunities for students
- Raise the public profile of student research
- Engage students in the curriculum and pedagogic development
Develop highly employable graduates:
- Embed and develop placement opportunities
- Increase engagement with co-curricular activities to enhance personal and professional development
- Increase students' awareness of skills gained and their ability to articulate these skills
- Increase interaction with alumni, schools, community and business
Evolve our approaches to teaching and learning:
- Develop our expertise in Technology Enhanced Learning
- Develop our expertise in distance/blended and flexible learning
- Expand the use of new modes of teaching
- Increase the impact of assessment and feedback on learning
Continue to recruit, develop and value well qualified, professional staff
- Provide opportunities and support for postgraduate students as competent and valued teachers
- Clearer criteria and assessment of staff to enhance, deliver and support teaching and learning
- Development of 伊人直播app UKPSF accreditation scheme and expectation for engagement of staff with this
- Promotion to professor predominantly on basis of leadership and excellence in teaching and learning
Email: cqsd-tandl@reading.ac.uk
Tel: 0118 378 7097