Application Process (UTFS)
Application process:
The University is committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion through its Teaching & Learning funding and award schemes, and to ensuring that these schemes are accessible to all colleagues. We welcome applications from individuals from underrepresented backgrounds, including ethnic minority, LGBTQIA+, disabled and neurodivergent applicants. We also welcome applications from the wide range of disciplines and areas across the University, including colleagues in professional services roles and those on part-time contracts.
A call for applications will be announced by the Centre for Quality Support and Development.
Applicants will be required to submit an application (using the form below) to the University Teaching Fellowship Selection Panel.
The UTF Selection Panel comprises:
- Two Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellors (Education and Student Experience),one of whom will act as Chair
- Two University Teaching Fellows
- A CQSD representative
- 伊人直播app Students' Union Education Officer
The Panel will meet to review the applications and award a small number of University Teaching Fellowships, according to the extent to which the applications meet the scheme criteria.
Applicants should bear in mind that this is a highly competitive process as a limited number of awards are made each year. As such, any appeal can only be made on the grounds of process.
Feedback will be offered to unsuccessful candidates, who will also be offered support towards developing a future application.
Scheme criteria and guidance:
Nominees are required to submit a 2,000 word (maximum) Fellowship application, which clearly articulates their role in developing teaching and learning and/or the support of teaching and learning within the University.
The Scheme focusses on three criteria, which align with those of the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme:
1. Individual excellence (max. 600 words)
2. Raising the profile of excellence (max. 600 words)
3. Developing excellence (max 600 words)
• Please refer to the Writing your UTF application - Guidance for Applicants for detailed guidance about the three criteria and writing an application.
• Your application should address the scheme criteria, providing clear evidence for each, as appropriate to your role within the University.
• Applicants should provide evidence of the impact of their work both within and beyond the local setting, and should demonstrate a sustained impact of their work wherever possible.
• Applicants are encouraged to contextualise their case against the scheme criteria within a personal narrative.
• Applicants are strongly advised to adhere to the maximum word limits for each section. The Selection Panel will not take into account any words exceeding these limits. Hyperlinks and video clips will not be taken into consideration by the Panel and should therefore be avoided. The judicious use of images, diagrams and tables is permitted (any text should be included in the word count).
• Please ensure you allow sufficient time to discuss your application with your School Director of Teaching and Learning/Head of Service and/or a current UTF prior to submission.
Additional support for applicants:
For more information about the UTF Scheme and criteria, you can access two screencasts and transcripts:
- Introducing the University Teaching Fellowship Scheme - This short screencast provides an introduction to the University Teaching Fellow scheme, including: why we have it, the benefits of being a UTF and how you go about applying.
- Writing your UTF application - This short screencast helps to unpick what each section of the UTF application is looking for and gives you some tips and hints for putting your application together.
- Transcript of Writing your UTF application
You may also wish to access a recording of the which took place on Monday 25 March 2024. In this session, we shared key information about the scheme and explored the criteria. A number of recent UTF award winners shared their experiences and some tips for drafting an effective application.
If you would like support with your application from an existing UTF, please contact Jennie Chetcuti
List of University Teaching Fellows:
You can find a list of University Teaching Fellows on the UTF webpage
Scheme requirements:
Applicants for the UTFS should normally be recognised at Descriptor 2 (Fellowship Advance HE) (or its equivalent) of the Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) and should typically be working towards Descriptor 3 (Senior Fellowship). However, this is not a prerequisite for applying.
Please note that successful completion of the University's Academic Practice Programme (APP) is not in itself a sufficient case for a successful UTFS application.
The UTFS is open to staff on fixed-term contracts as well as those on open-ended contracts, provided that there is a minimum of 12 months remaining on the individual member of staff's contract from the date the UTF would be awarded (i.e. from the start of the following academic session). This is to ensure that UTFs can make effective use of their award and can contribute to the development of T&L at the University.
Applicants are expected to discuss their application with their School Director of Teaching and Learning/Head of Service who should be asked to sign the form prior to submission. This serves to raise awareness with Schools/Services of teaching and learning expertise, to confirm the SDTL/Head of Service’s support for the application and to validate any claims made. A list of applicants will be shared with the Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellors (Education and Student Experience) ahead of each Selection Panel meeting for information.
Application dates:
Scheme opens: 09.00am, Monday 3rd March 2025.
Closing date for applications: 17.00pm, Monday 19th May 2025.
Applicants will normally receive the Selection Panel's decision and feedback within four working weeks of the closing date.
Application form:
If you experience any difficulties completing or submitting the form please contact Martin Wise
All completed applications must be converted into a .PDF file and then submitted to Martin Wise by 17.00pm by the submission deadline.
Sample applications:
Please contact Jennie Chetcuti should you wish to refer to successful applications from previous years.