Dr Nat Hansen

+44 (0) 118 378 6993
Associate Professor
- Visiting Speaker Co-Coordinator
- Co-Director, 伊人直播app Centre for Cognition Research
Areas of interest
Philosophy of Language (contextualism, experimental semantics and pragmatics, the meaning of color terms)
Postgraduate supervision
I am happy to supervise doctoral research in any of the following areas: any topic in philosophy of language (especially contextualism), contextualism in epistemology, the role of experiments in philosophy and semantics and pragmatics, the philosophy of J.L. Austin and ordinary language philosophy.
- Speech Attacks: Bullshit, Lies, Propaganda
- Philosophy of Language
- Mental Machines
Research centres and groups
Nat received his PhD from the University of Chicago in 2010 and has held postdoctoral research fellowships at Umeå University in Sweden and at the Institut Jean-Nicod in Paris. His research concerns the intersection of philosophy of language, linguistics and psychology, with a focus on experimental evidence for semantic and pragmatic theories, the nature of context sensitivity, and the meaning of color terms.
In 2016-2017, he was an external faculty fellow at Stanford University's Humanities Center, in 2018 he was a visiting scholar at Stanford's Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), and in summers 2021–2023 he is a Humboldt Research Fellow. (CSLI).