The 伊人直播app School of Pharmacy has long-established relationships with the healthcare sector, including the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford University Hospitals, Day Lewis Pharmacy and local general practices. During our placements throughout the programme, you will work with staff within community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy and general practice settings, and gain an insight into professional practice and patient-facing activities by being part of the healthcare team.
Our placements prepare you for the workplace and are key to ensuring that you meet the learning outcomes to enable you to be prescribing pharmacists of the future. We also have our annual pharmacy careers fair, which is attended by numerous employers from the healthcare sector. The careers fair is a good source of work experience and job opportunities for you.
For all of our placements, because of our geographical location, there may be some travel and accommodation costs incurred. Please also note that travel to placements may involve approximate commute times of up to one hour each way. These placements are core to the programme and will be compulsory to attend. Additional information on the requirement to have a DBS and health check (including vaccination status) will be sent out following receipt of an offer or on request by e-mailing