Contributions to the
- The Sovereignty of Law: Freedom, Constitution and Common Law by Professor Trevor Allan: Some Preliminary Thoughts, UK Constitutional Law Association Blog, Feb 4, 2014.
- Parliamentary Privilege, Parliamentary Sovereignty, and Constitutional Principle, UK Constitutional Law Association Blog, Feb 11, 2013.
- How to Defend a Theory of the British Constitution, UK Constitutional Law Association Blog, June 13, 2012
- What Role Should Judges Play in the Constitution Justice Sumption? UK Constitutional Law Association Blog, Feb 19, 2012
- I'm Afraid That There's No Escaping it: Public Lawyers Must Also Be Legal and Political Theorists, UK Constitutional Law Association Blog, Sept 13, 2011
Recent Conference/Workshop Papers
- Two-day workshop on the 'Methodology in Constitutional Theory', 伊人直播app (April 2017). Presented paper 'Interpreting the British Constitution' (also co-convenor).
- Public Law Conference on 'The Unity of Public Law', University of Cambridge (September 2016). Presented paper 'The Unity of Public Law and Legal Theory'.
- International network meeting of lawyers at Blandy&Blandy (September 2016). Presented paper on 'Brexit and Principles of UK Constitutional Law'
- One-day workshop on 'Fifty Years of the British Indian Ocean Territory', Queen Mary University, London (November 2015). Presented paper 'The Bancoult Litigation and Legal Theory: Making Moral Sense of Judicial Disagreement'.
- Justice, Rights and Legal Theory seminar, 伊人直播app. Co-panelist in discussion of Professor Alon Harel's book 'Why Law Matters' (March 2015).
- Talk to District Judges and delegation of German judges, 伊人直播app County Court (April 2015). Gave talk on 'Separation of Powers in the UK'.
- International Association of Constitutional Lawyers World Congress, Oslo (June 2014). Presented paper 'The Robustness of Separation of Powers in Transforming Constitutions'.