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just imagine if

Our mission with just IMAGINE if... is to identify and help develop extraordinary ideas that will contribute to or achieve one or more of the .

If you are a company, partnership, not-for-profit organisation or an individual with a brilliant idea that requires research input to help it become a reality, we want to hear from you.

group meeting around a laptop and taking notes
We all have a responsibility to try and make the world a better place for our children to inherit. Just imagine if an idea we hear as part of this award goes on to shape the future of our planet. I believe this is a possibility.

Paul Lindley OBE

Founder of Just IMAGINE if...

The just IMAGINE if... research grant 2024

just IMAGINE if… 2024 is a research grant for the provision of research and business support by the ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app and Henley Business School, focused on developing the winning applicant's idea. The research grant is worth up to the value of £100,000*.

The application process

We invite candidates aged 18 and over from around the world to apply for the grant. Your application should include:

  • A written idea outline in no more than 1,000 words that demonstrates the idea has a sustainable business model, both scalable and self-supporting
  • A written outline of the type of research provision you require from the University to bring your idea to life and make it viable
  • A short video (no more than 60 seconds) explaining how your idea will make a difference to society and what impact the research prize will have.

Applications for the research grant will undergo initial selection criteria checks to ensure all required information has been received and the applicant is eligible. A committee will evaluate applications that pass the initial checks, with finalists selected to proceed to the next stage.

Applications for just IMAGINE if... 2024 are now closed. 

* There is no cash alternative for the grant, which is not negotiable or transferable. Terms and conditions apply.

blue gloved hands putting slide under microscope

The £100k research grant

Learn more about just IMAGINE if ... and how your idea could receive research and business support worth up to £100,000 from the ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app and Henley Business School.

two people laying roofing on a house

The story so far

Find out how previous just IMAGINE if ... recipients have realised their dreams and tackled a global challenge.

counsellors sat in group discussion

Our counsellors

Some of the UK’s leading business people and nationally known entrepreneurs are on hand to help you turn your life-changing idea into a reality.