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Campus Jobs

Campus Jobs is the ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app's centralised service for part-time and temporary roles across the University.

The ethos of Campus Jobs is: "If a student can do the work, a student should do the work.”

Our main focus is on roles for our student workforce, but we do have a small bank of non-student workers who undertake roles that would not be appropriate for students such as invigilation and some administration work.

Campus Jobs aims to provide students with a safe and flexible place to work, with the chance to gain invaluable experience, meet new friends, and feel part of the wider University community. Our aim is to also provide staff with a single point of contact for their temporary and short-term posts, and to help recruit the best individuals for the role in a fair and consistent manner.


The Campus Jobs service

Campus Jobs worker with laptop


Who Are We - Meet the Team and How to Contact Us

Campus Jobs sits within the Human Resources Function, but our team comprises of 3 individuals - Zakir Khattak - Campus Jobs Manager, Layla Tatar - Campus Jobs Deputy Manager and Hannah Wetten - Campus Jobs Administrator. During term time, we also have a team of students who work for us as Help Desk Assistants.

To contact us about general hiring or advertising queries, please email campusjobs@reading.ac.uk or phone 0118 378 4499.

If you have a more sensitive concern that you would like to raise with us or you would like to discuss, please contact the Campus Jobs Manager Zakir Khattak on z.khattak@reading.ac.uk or 0118 378 6698.

What Service do Campus Jobs Provide?

Campus Jobs covers part time, temporary and flexible roles across the University's campuses. Our main focus is on promoting that students should be offered work wherever possible, however we do also place non-student student workers into short term positions. These are a maximum of 3 months with a potential to extend this by 3 months if required.


Campus Jobs facilitates the right to work check and assignment offer/terms and conditions for each worker, as well as providing a platform for payment via our timesheet system and via the Campus Jobs Payroll on a monthly basis. Campus Jobs also offers hiring managers the opportunity to advertise their vacancies via our tailored student portal - campusjobs.reading.ac.uk which all enrolled students have access to using their normal student log in details.

What Types of Roles are Within Scope of Campus Jobs?

Campus Jobs covers a whole host of role types. For examples, you can view our Temporary Worker Framework. This document gives examples of job titles, however is not an exhaustive list. Work should be paid at a rate commensurate to the duties and responsibilities of the role. If you are unsure which rate of pay best applies to your role, please contact us on campusjobs@reading.ac.uk with some information about the role so we can help. 

Campus Jobs does not cover teaching roles, even if a student is completing the work. For these roles, please speak with HR directly to arrange an Associate Lecturer contract if suitable. Campus Jobs can, however, facilitate Student Demonstrator positions. These are individuals who are supporting the teaching provided by Lecturers or Professors. If you are unsure whether your role should be considered a Student Demonstrator, please contact the Campus Jobs team to discuss further. 

Please note: Campus Jobs does not offer Graduate Teaching Assistant positions or Post Doctoral Research Assistant positions. 

Individuals who are already working with the University via a contract with the main HR service are not eligible to also work via Campus Jobs. This is due to important legal differences between the contracts via HR and Campus Jobs.


 In Summary:

In scope

Out of scope

All student work, of any duration in an academic year.


All casual work for up to three months (previously paid on timesheets or fees forms).

Permanent or substantive fixed-term contracts (more than 3 months).


Any additional work undertaken by current employees - i.e. staff who already have a substantive contract.


Associate Lecturers and Visiting Lecturers.


External Examiners.


Graduate Teaching Assistants.


Grade 9 and Professorial roles.

When should I recruit a student?

You should recruit a student for all part-time or casual work at the University, or for any fixed-term contract lasting less than three months. Students should not work more than 20 hours per week during term-time.

If the nature of the work prohibits students from undertaking the assignment, the role can be opened up to non-students (Campus Jobs Temps). For advice on whether a role is suitable for a student, please speak with the Campus Jobs team on campusjobs@reading.ac.uk.

How much should I pay?

To ensure equal pay for equal work, we offer standardised rates of pay for all Campus Jobs assignments. Recruiting Managers will not be able to create their own rates of pay. Please see the Temporary Worker Framework for details.

All workers must be paid an hourly rate in line with the Temporary Worker Framework, with holiday pay added on top of the hourly rate (currently 12.07%). Deductions will also be made for tax and NI contributions as appropriate. Workers who meet pension requirements will be automatically enrolled in the URPS pension scheme. When planning the budget for your recruitment, please factor these costs into your calculations. For help with planning your budget, visit the Approvals page.

Every year, rates of pay will be uplifted in August, based on the previous year's pay negotiations. Rates will also change with changes to National Minimum Wage. As a result, please make sure you are using the most up-to-date version of the Temporary Worker Framework and remember that any copies saved to devices may need to be updated.

How can I recruit a student or temporary worker?

In the first instance, please contact Campus Jobs to discuss your requirements. You can call us on 0118 378 4499 or email campusjobs@reading.ac.uk

Before recruiting a student or temporary worker, you will need to go through the and obtain approval to the fill the position(s). You must be connected to the VPN to access the Recruitment Gateway.

Prior to a worker commencing their assignment, you will need to provide basic assignment information to enable Campus Jobs to issue an assignment offer. The worker will also need to complete a right to work check before they are able to work. 

If you would like the position advertised, please fill in the job description and email it to campusjobs@reading.ac.uk with the reference number generated on the .

When completing the Recruitment Gateway request, under the accounting details section, please use one of the following account codes:

  • 3010 - Academic
  • 3100 - Clerical/Admin
  • 3410 - Student Demonstrators
  • 3420 - Student Helpers

How will vacancies be advertised?

Vacancies are advertised via the . All current students have access to the portal using their normal log in details.  Students can log in and view current job adverts under the 'assignments' tab.  

We are based on the ground floor of the Carrington Building on Whiteknights Campus. We encourage Campus Jobs workers to book an appointment via our website wherever possible, however we accept drop-ins between Monday and Friday 10am-4pm during term time.

Visit us

Links for Recruiting Managers
(you must be connected to the VPN to access both sites):

  • s

Are you a student?

Contact us

The Campus Jobs Team


0118 378 4499