Areas of interest
Student development, education, food choice and communication.
Nutrition communication, nutrition policy and professional practice, clinical and applied nutrition.
Communities of Practice
- Student engagement
- National Teaching Fellows/University Teaching Fellows
- Postgraduate programme directors
- Education for Sustainable development
Research projects
Externally Funded Research
- Sugar swaps campaign evaluation. Kennedy O.B.(Co-i) 2014/2015. Public Health England
- Exploring novel protein ingredients affects on appetite regulation and the gut microbiome. Kennedy O.B.(Co-i) 2013/2018
- An assessment of the way the food industry has transformed lives over the last 100 years.’ Kennedy O.B.(Co-I), 2013/2014 Food and Drink Federation
- The effects of XXX fibre on appetite regulation. Kennedy,O.B. (P.I) 2012-2017.Roquette
- The effects of XXX fibre on microbiota in gut model systems. Kennedy,O.B. (P.I) 2011-2012.Roquette
- Effects of a wholegrain diet on digestive health and markers of immune function in healthy overweight adults. Kennedy,O.B. (P.I)
- A visual exposure strategy to facilitate the introduction of fruit and vegetables into the diets of toddlers. Kennedy O.B.(Co-i)2010-2012. ESRC
- Improvement in the Palatability of Clinical Nutrition Feeds and Hospital Prepared Foods for Older Patients in order to Reduce Malnutrition. Kennedy O.B.(Co-i)2010-2012. Helt the Aged & British Geriatric Society
- Impact of increasing doses of flavonoid-rich and flavonoid-poor fruit and vegetables on cardiovascular risk factors in an 'at risk' group. Kennedy O.B.(Co-i) 2007-2011. FSA
Awards and honours
2022 ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app, AdvanceHE Collaborative Award for Teaching & Learning Nominee for Academic Tutor System Project (project lead)
2021 Academic Tutor System Project, UoR nominee to the Times Higher Education (THE) Awards, for Outstanding Student Support
2021 ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app, Winner of the outstanding Contribution to Teaching and Learning (Collaborative award) for the Academic Tutor System project (project lead)
2018 ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app, National Teaching Fellowship Nominee
2017 ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app, AdvanceHE Collaborative Award for Teaching & Learning Nominee for THRIVE Career Mentoring Project
2016 ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app, Winner of the outstanding Contribution to Teaching and Learning (Collaborative award) for the THRIVE Career Mentoring project
2013 ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app, University Teaching Fellowship award
2012 ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app, Gold Star award recipient, Student nominated award for the Most Outstanding Contribution to Teaching & Learning, Faculty of Life Sciences
2008 Two school awards in recognition of valuable contribution in successfully organising and managing courses and addressing employability issues
2007 School Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching and Learning Support (New Staff Category)
2006 University Award Outstanding Contributions to Teaching and Learning Support (Team Teaching Category); The Nutrition Teaching Team
Professional bodies/affiliations
Professional affiliations:
- Registered Nutritionist(Public Health) Association for Nutrition
- Registered Dietitian, HCPC
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Professional bodies:
2023- Association for Nutrition, deputy registrar and registration committee deputy chair
2023 Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust, partner governor
2022-2023 Association for Nutrition, Registrar & Registration committee chair(maternity leave cover)
2022-2023 Association for Nutrition, Council Trustee(maternity leave cover)
2021-2022 Association for Nutrition, Council Trustee
2021-2022 Association for Nutrition, Business Planning & Governance Committee
2018- Association for Nutrition, Registration Committee member
2018-2021 Joint Academic Board, (Royal Berkshire Hospital and ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app), Education lead
2017-2020 Association for Nutrition, Council Trustee
2014-2018 Association for Nutrition, Course Accreditor
2007-2010 Nutrition Society, council member
2013- Nutrition Bulletin-editorial board
ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app - university level:
2021-2024 Strategic Partnership Board- (Health)
2021-2024 Health Innovation Partnership
2019-2021 Personal Titles group
2020-2021 Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Board
2020-2021 Access and Participation Committee
2018-2021 Apprenticeship Board (Henley Business School), University representative
2017-2018 People Plan Project
2016-2023 Health Strategy Board
2016-2018 Widening Participation Strategy and Access Agreement Committee
2015-2021 University Programmes Board
2015-2018 Recruitment and Admissions Steering Group
2015-2020 Teaching and Learning Strategy Board
2014 -2016 Health Education Training & Policy Group
2014-2021 Staffing Committee
2010-2021 University Board for Teaching and Learning & student experience (member)
2016-2021 Committee on Student Experience (Chair)
2014-2017 ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Council - elected academic member
2010-2018 ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Senate - member
2017-2021 Kings College London, Masters Level Nutrition Programme
2012-2016 University of Roehampton, Masters Level Nutrition and Health Sciences Programmes
2008-2013 Leeds Carnegie University, undergraduate degrees in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition
External Programme periodic reviews/validations
2023 External panellist for University of Ulster/UCD postgraduate Food law programmes validation
- External panellist for University of Ulster/Hong Kong space - Nutrition and Dietetics programmes validation
- External expert for University of Ulster Nutrition and Dietetics Programme validation
- External expert for University of Surrey MSc Nutrition Programme validation
Awards Panels
2023- British Nutrition Foundation award panel judge (2024, 2023)
2021 National Institute of Health Research (NIHR)- fellowship reviewer
2014 European Union, Framework 7 technical assessment on a project investigating health related claims and consumer behaviour, external assessor
2014 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Food Cognition and Behaviours research call, grant reviewer
2012 Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland, Nutrition and Functional Food panel, expert evaluator
2009 Medical Research Council response mode grant call, assessor
University level:
2021-2024 Health Innovation Partnership collaborative innovation fund
2020-2022 H. Knapman Scholarship, awarding committee
2019-2024 Recognition of excellence scheme
2018-2021 Joint Academic Board Innovation fund
2014-2021 Chair of University Teaching Fellowship Award Panel
2017 Chair of University National Teaching Fellowship Panel
2014-2019 Member of Santander Academic Achievement Scholarships panel
2010-2018 Member of University Annual Awards panel