A - Z index
Account codes
Accruals and Prepayments
Procedure detailing the actions necessary by Finance staff in order to ensure accurate accruals and prepayments are input each period into the General Ledger, thereby recording the true value of Income and Expenditure within the Income and Expenditure Account and the Balance Sheet. -
Agresso Application forms for changes to IP address and new users -
BIF templates can be downloaded from -
Agresso User Guides
Annual Accounts
Chapter providing information on the audit arrangements that exist at the ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app. -
Information detailing
Banking and Treasury
Chapter setting out the University's banking and treasury arrangements. -
Benefit in kind
Chapter explaining the University’s policy on Travel and Other Expenses, Benefits, Hospitality and Gifts; provides the necessary information in order to comply with obligations under the self-assessment income tax regime. -
Chapter setting out, in outline only, the key features of the University’s budgetary system.
Campus Card
Campus Card
Capital Expenditure
Chapter providing an overview of the University’s arrangements for capital expenditure -
Chart of Accounts
The University’s financial system, FOCUS, relies upon the use of various coding structures, together called the ‘Chart of Accounts’, to produce financial and management accounting information. The use of certain codes is mandatory for each of accounting entry made in FOCUS to ensure the quality of input and that information can be readily produced in the format. This chapter details these mandatory requirements. -
Coding structures
Coding structures
Complaints Procedure
Policy detailing the Finance complaints procedure. -
Conference Attendees
Information regarding VAT exemption for conference attendees -
Consultancy and Other Related Income
University Consultancy is a service where expertise is provided by a member of staff at the University to an external client for a fee or in-kind benefit, to help them solve a problem. For further information, please refer to the Consultancy pages, or to the Chapter setting out the University’s policy on consultancy and other related income. -
Corporate Planning
Policy statement setting out the role of Finance in the University’s corporate planning process. -
Credit and Charge Cards
Chapter setting out University policy on the provision of credit and charge cards for members of staff. -
Credit Control
Guide explaining the processes for collecting payment due against invoices raised on outside bodies. -
Credit/ Debit card payments
If you are taking or wish to take card payments on behalf of the University then you will need to do so in a manner which is within the Universities PCI-DSS compliance obligations. -
Form necessary to request a payment in foreign currency -
Interactive form used to set up new customer accounts with the University -
Customs Duty
Information regarding Customs Duty can be found at the following page.
DUNS Number
Helping the university with payment solutions. -
Employment Status Questionnaire to be completed where you are engaging a person or business to undertake work on behalf of the University. Guidance is also given at this link. -
Help on claiming expenses for staff, research students and visitors who are entitled to a reimbursement of expenses incurred as part of their University work. -
Chapter explaining the University’s policy on Travel and Other Expenses, Benefits, Hospitality and Gifts; provides the necessary information in order to comply with obligations under the self-assessment income tax regime. -
External Sales
Chapter setting out, at a high level, the University’s policy on invoicing for external sales, of whatever kind, and the subsequent credit control.
Finance coding structures
Finance coding structures
Financial Delegations
Chapter setting out the University’s arrangements for delegation of financial authority. -
Financial Manual
The Financial Manual is an essential component in ensuring the effective, efficient and consistent applications of financial controls and systems within the University. The Manual sets out in detail the University's key financial policies and procedures that need to be followed. The Manual is supplemented by a series of Practical Guides on items of particular interest to academic and administrative staff concerned with financial matters. -
Financial Planning and Analysis
The Financial Planning and Analysis (Management Accounts)Team are responsible for the reparation of annual budgets and production of financial forecasts and reports. -
Financial Regulations
The ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Financial Regulations, which have been approved by the Council, set out the responsibility for financial matters within the University and, in broad terms, the financial policies and procedures to be followed within the University. The Financial Regulations are supported by a Financial Manual which sets out in more detail how the various financial activities and processes within the University should operate. In addition, within Finance, a Working Instruction Manual supports our part of the activities and processes in more detail. -
Financial Statements
Financial Systems
Fixed Assets
Chapters setting out the University’s procedures regarding fixed assets. This chapter covers Admissible Capital Costs and Approval for the Purchase of Fixed Assets.
Foreign Currency Transactions
Chapter providing an overview of arrangements within the University for dealing with foreign currency transactions. -
Foreign Payments
Form necessary to request a payment in foreign currency
Chapter explaining the University’s policy on Travel and Other Expenses, Benefits, Hospitality and Gifts; provides the necessary information in order to comply with obligations under the self-assessment income tax regime. -
Government Funding
Chapter providing an overview of the University’s funding from the Office for Students and UK Research and Innovation.
Health & Safety
Guide explaining the University’s policy on Travel and Other Expenses, Benefits, Hospitality and Gifts; provides the necessary information in order to comply with obligations under the self-assessment income tax regime.
Import Duty
Chapter providing information on the general principles and accounting treatment in the University accounts, relating to the recognition of income and expenditure on contracts which generate receipts or payments in a different accounting period to that in which the activity takes place as well as contracts which straddle more than one accounting period. -
Internal Reporting
Policy statement setting out the internal financial reporting that Finance provides within the University. -
Internal Trading
Please contact Management Accounts for a template, and Financial Systems for a range of Internal invoice numbers (necessary to complete the form). -
Internal Transactions
Chapter setting out the University’s requirements in respect of internal trading -
Investment Appraisal
Policy statement setting out the methods and criteria to be used in carrying out investment appraisals within the University. -
Invoices - Sales
Please contact Sales and Credit Control for a range of external invoice numbers (necessary to complete the Internal Trading form). -
Invoices - Sales
Please contact Sales and Credit Control for a template.
Chapter defining the approval procedures for leases, the accounting requirements and the records that must be kept so that statutory disclosure requirements can be met. -
Long Term Borrowing
Chapter setting out the University’s arrangements for entering into long-term borrowing or similar arrangements.
Money laundering
Policy setting out the principles which are designed to give confidence that all funds transacted through the University’s accounts have been processed in accordance with statutory requirements and to minimise the risk of the University’s funds being used for improper purposes. -
Monthly Accounting Deadlines
PCI-DSS is a set of security standards put in place by the Payment Card Industry in order to prevent data breaches and the theft of customer payment card data by malicious entities. Learn about the Universities PCI-DSS obligations. -
website -
Project Request Form
Form necessary to request a new project from Management Accounts. -
Provisions and Contingencies
Policy statement covering the criteria which must be met before a provision can be established, examples of major provisions currently in place, how such provisions are managed, including how charges against them are approved, and describes mechanisms for adjusting provisions over time. In addition it covers contingent liabilities. -
Purchasing cards
Receipts Office
The Receipts Office is responsible for the receiving of income to the University. -
Reference Numbers
Duns Number 21-450-6664 -
Research Accounts
Guidance documents relating to fEC (full economic costing) and information relating to the financial administration of research projects. -
Research Accounts
Information detailing Post Award Procedures -
Research Accounts
Research Accounts (RA) deal with the post award administration of sponsored research grants and contracts, Short Courses, and the Research Endowment Trust Fund. -
Research and Enterprise (RE)
Research and Enterprise (RE) provide a range of services to support academic staff at the University. -
Research Contracts
Research Contracts provide legal advice and authorisation for Research and Enterprise activities. -
Retention of Documents
Chapter setting out the requirements for the retention of prime (original) documents and advice on the retention of other documents of a financial nature.
Sales and Credit Control
The primary function of the Sales and Credit Control office is to ensure that all money due on credit is paid within the terms agreed. -
Sales Invoicing
Please contact Credit Control for a range of external invoice numbers (necessary to complete the Internal Trading form). -
Sales Invoicing
Please contact Credit Control for a template. -
Guide explaining the creation and subsequent use of Staff Development Accounts (SDAs). -
Self Employment
Employment Status Questionnaire and guidance, to be completed where you are engaging a person or business to undertake work on behalf of the University. -
Guide explaining what constitutes a stock holding and how to account for it, inlcuding link to Year End Memo. -
Chapter defining the accounting requirements for recording in-year movements of stocks and the closing stock valuation. -
Student Payments
help with common payment queries -
Students Union
Chapter setting out the arrangements for the University exercising oversight of the financial affairs of the Students’ Union, and the arrangements for the annual determination of the Block Grant provided by the University to the Students’ Union. -
Subsidiary companies
Chapter explaining the position of Trusts, subsidiaries (Bodies outside the main University Administration) and other organisations related to the University.
The second edition of the Charity Tax Map, a detailed and comprehensive guide to taxes, exemptions and reliefs applicable to charities. -
Responsibilities of the tax team. -
Tax on Expense Claims
Chapter explaining the University’s policy on Travel and Other Expenses, Benefits, Hospitality and Gifts; provides the necessary information in order to comply with obligations under the self-assessment income tax regime. -
Chapter setting out the arrangements for dealing with the tax affairs of the University and its subsidiary companies and Trusts. -
Technical Financial Accounting
Technical financial accounting activities include: producing statatory accounts for the University, financial accounts for the University's subsidiaries and trusts, preparing P11Ds and PAYE settlement agreeements, training and advice on Employment and Self-Employment and company secretarial services, plus many more. -
Terms & Conditions of Sale
Page detailing the University's terms and conditions of sale -
Please contact Financial Systems for a range of Internal invoice numbers (necessary to complete the Internal Trading form). -
Treasury look after a number of areas including: daily and long-term cash flow forecasting, petty cash float applications, managing Tritorr, foreign payments, managing the University’s short term investments and accounting for all capital expenditure in the University. -
Trust Funds
Chapter setting out the arrangements for the discharging of the University’s responsibilities as Trustee of a number of Trusts.
User Guides
User guides for Agresso
Value for Money
Chapter setting out the ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app's responsibility to achieve value for money (VFM) for all its activities, regardless of their source of funding. -
As an educational charity the University is an ‘Eligible Body’ and is entitled to certain exemptions in respect of VAT, but this does not mean it can ignore VAT. The VAT team handle all VAT queries. This page also contains links to VAT guidance notes and other useful documents. -
Chapter setting out the University’s arrangements in the area of Value Added Tax (VAT).
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