Andrew Philip

Lecturer in Filmmaking / Knowledge Exchange Fellow
Careers Liaison
UG Recruitment & Admissions Team Member
Knowledge Exchange Fellow
Areas of interest
I’ve been directing, editing, and animating commercial and experimental projects for over twenty years. My current research employs recent feminist and queer philosophies as a method to rethink realism and ethics in documentary filmmaking. I am also interested in questions of technology and special effects. As Knowledge Exchange Fellow on the AHRC funded Screen Industries Voices project, I have been working with Professor Lisa Purse to investigate the key problems facing the UK screen industries through extensive interviews and workshops with those who work in the relevant industries. The research goal is to identify industry-wide problems and propose solutions through targeted research projects.
Postgraduate supervision
I welcome inquiries from postgraduate students with an interest in documentary filmmaking, particularly with an interest in feminist and queer approaches, transnational narratives, and creative uses of technology and special effects in nonfiction filmmaking.
I convene and teach on practice-based modules blending critical thinking with industry professionalisation.
Creative Screen Practice (Year 2 Convenor)
Television Studio Production (Year 1)
Introduction to Filmmaking (Year 1)
MA Film Practice or Dissertation
Professional bodies/affiliations
Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA)