Dr Yoojin Chung

0118 378 6725
Associate Lecturer in Second Language Acquisition
Areas of interest
Yoojin’s primary research interests lie in instructed second language acquisition, with particular emphases on task-based language teaching and children learning English as a foreign language. She has worked in a wide range of contexts, from teaching English to primary school children; training teachers at international language centres; and working as a TESOL instructor at universities.
Yoojin received her PhD in Second Language Acquisition from University College London, Institute of Education. Her PhD thesis explored the impact of post-reading tasks with textual enhancement, a commonly used focus on form technique within the context of second language reading, on developing grammar among children learning English as a foreign language.
- LSMSL: Second Language Learning Principles
- LSMAPAL: Academic Practices in Applied Linguistics
- LS3LST: Teaching the Language Skills
- LS2LAT: Introduction to English Language Teaching
- MA supervisions
Selected publications
Chung, Y., & Révész, A. (2024). Impact of post-task explicit instruction on the interaction among child EFL learners in online task-based reading lessons. International Review of Applied Linguistics (in review)
Jung, J., Révész, A., Stainer, M., Pellicer-Sánchez, A., Chung, Y., & Shi, D. (2024). The impact of gaze-contingent textual enhancement on L2 collocation learning from computer-mediated reading tasks. TESOL Quarterly (in review)
Chung, Y., & Révész, A. (2024). Investigating the effect of textual enhancement in post-reading tasks on grammatical development by child language learners. Language Teaching Research, 28(2), p.632-653
Chung, Y., & Kim, H.J. (2017). The effect of written corrective feedback and learner differences on Korean l±ð²¹°ù²Ô±ð°ù²õ’ acquisition of English articles. The Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction, 17(24), 951-975.