Dr Natalia Kampakli

+44 (0) 1183787507
Lecturer in Applied Linguistics
Grammar, The Teaching of Writing, Corpus LinguisticsDepartmental Director of Academic Tutoring
Areas of interest
I am interested in grammar, in second language writing and the analysis of its lexicogrammatical features and in corpus linguistics. In my PhD research, I employed corpus-based and corpus-driven methods to investigate the use and development of grammatical and lexical cohesion in the second language writing of Greek learners of English at upper-intermediate to advanced proficiency levels. I also examined the use of cohesion in a comparable corpus of first language writing.
Postgraduate supervision
I currently co-supervise PhD students in the areas of second language acquisition and corpus linguistics.Teaching
I teach the following modules:
- LS1TAL: Techniques and Skills for Applied Linguistics
- LS1SG: Sounds, Grammar and Meaning – Grammar component
- LS2EGP: English Grammar and Phonology – English Grammar component
- LSMFLS: Foundations of Language Study (Descriptive English Grammar)
Academic qualifications
- PhD in Applied Linguistics (伊人直播app)
- MA in Applied Linguistics (伊人直播app)
- BA in English Language and Literature (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
- Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA)