Areas of interest
My teaching and research are focussed on pedagogy for teaching English, and specifically the teaching of children who have English as an additional language (EAL).
- Pedagogy for multilingual learners in mainstream classrooms
- Critical socio-cultural pedagogy
- Bourdieu and education
Postgraduate supervision
Masters and Doctoral supervision offered in these areas:
As outlined above in expertise and research interests.
Current and Recent Doctoral Students, with Topics/Titles of their Research:
- Sarah Coles (PhD, 伊人直播app Wilkie-Calvert Funded) - An exploration of the language-learning journeys of UK-born children with English as an Additional Language
- Aniqa Leena (PhD) (ESRC funded) - Investigating the impact of the Enduring Principles of Learning (EPL) on multilingual pupils’ English language and literacy development
- Helen Norris (PhD, 伊人直播app funded) - Fiction reading, emotion recognition and the emotion language adolescent boys know and use
- Tom Oyunge (PhD) - Examining Teacher’s Perception, practices and Integration of ICTs in secondary school teaching in Kenya
- Debra Page (PhD) (ESRC funded) - The Young Interpreters Scheme: Linguistic features of peer-to-peer input and educational experience of participation
- Jo Palmer (EdD) - An investigation into the influences on the reading comprehension performance of Year 5 children in a disadvantaged geographic location in the UK
- Cong Xia Li (EdD) - Developing the intercultural competence of Mandarin Chinese learners a through Task-based learning approach – A case study in UK higher education
Doctorates supervised to completion:
- Deborah Hickman (EdD) - Who are the readers in the room? Secondary school perceptions of reading: a constructivist grounded theory study of secondary school reader identities, spaces and practices
- Reham Bukhari (PhD) - A Qualitative Investigation of Sixteen Saudi Arabian People who Stutter's (PWS) Life Stories: with a Social Relational Model of Disability's Framework for Understanding PWS's Lived Experiences
- Anna Farleigh (EdD) - English Literature teachers' perceptions of English Literature
- Kate Lloyd (EdD) - The Pioneers of the Hybridised World of Vocational Education and GCSE retake
- Sheikha Majid - English to Malay and back again: An analysis of lecturers’ code mixing in tertiary English classrooms
- Keltoum Mansouri (PhD) - Research into practice: Implementing strategy-instruction and metacognition in the teaching of EFL listening. The case of Algerian university teachers and students
- Steve Rutherford (EdD) - ‘Flying the nest’: An analysis of the development of self-regulated learning during the transition to Higher Education
- Ruth Samuel (EdD) - Teacher Values and Value Construction among low income female teachers in Bangalore, India: implications for reflective practice in teacher education in India
- Marnie Seymour (University of Winchester PhD) - Primary Foreign Languages: Beginning teachers’ narratives of vision and practice
- Olwen Wright (University of Winchester EdD) - An exploration of non-specialist teachers' subject knowledge of English grammar and its relationship with changes in policy and expectation of teachers at KS4