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Daisy Powell

Dr Daisy Powell profile picture
  • Director, 伊人直播app Statistics Community of Practice

  • Research supervision (PhD, EdD and MA)

  • Theme co-Lead (Neuroscience and Cognition), Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism (CeLM)

  • Teaching (see below)



Areas of interest

Research interests

  • The development of reading and writing abilities in English and other languages
  • The role of the environmental factors (e.g. socio-economic status; the home language and literacy environment) in literacy acquisition
  • Rapid automatized naming (RAN) and its link to reading development
  • Orthographic knowledge
  • Connectionist models of reading
  • The role of technology in children's literacy

Postgraduate supervision

Current Doctoral Students

  • Emma Hartnell-Baker: the impact of using a purpose-built mobile application to expose Key Stage One children to ‘exception words’ organised according to grapho-phonemic structure
  • Dawn Dance: What can error analysis tell us about profiles of cognitive strengths and weakness in pupils with literacy difficulties?
  • Dawn Burnham: What is practitioners’ perception of Co-regulation (CR) and how do they support Self-regulation (SR) development in young children
  • Haifa Alamri: The Effect of Text to Speech Software on 伊人直播app Comprehension of Saudi Third and Fourth-Year Dyslexic pupils
  • Lujain Almatrouk: 伊人直播app difficulties in bilingual English-Arabic children
  • Alice Robinson: An exploration of primary teachers’ perspectives, beliefs and practices: What role do assessment and feedback have in the development of primary pupils’ writing?
  • Sarah Alamoudi: A Sequential Explanatory Study of the Learning of Non- Semantically Transparent Linking Adverbials
  • Haifa Alhumaid: The role of orthography and phonemic coding ability in the acquisition of phonology in a second language
  • Beverley Jennings: Adolescent reading practices: a corpus linguistics approach to defining success
  • Anne House: Speech recognition software in mainstream secondary schools
  • Suhair Alhelfawi: How do reading skills differ across languages in Arabic-English bilingual students?


  • Module Leader: Child Development in Education (MA in Education)
  • Ad hoc contributions to modules on the BA Ed, PGCE, MA and EdD programmes, particularly on topics related to child development and quantitative research methods

Research projects

  • Does bilingualism mitigate the effects of social disadvantage on early literacy? Funded by 伊人直播app RETF Open Fund (with Holly Joseph)
  • Co-designing a school readiness intervention with community members for pre-schoolers in an area of high deprivation.  Funded by Research England (with Holly Joseph and Carol Fuller)
  • The impact of a dialogic book-sharing training programme on child cognitive and socio-emotional development: a randomised controlled trial within UK Children's Centres (Supplementary grant). Funded by the Nuffield Foundation (with Lynne Murray and Peter Cooper)
  • Learning to read in monolingual and bilingual children: does cognitive flexibility play a part? Funded by the 伊人直播app Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme
  • Analysis of cross-language transfer in early literacy acquisition among bilingual Malay-English speaking children in Malaysia. Funded by the British Academy Newton Mobility Grant (with Tze Peng Wong)
  • Precursors of reading in pre-school: longitudinal investigation of the role of cognitive and environmental factors (with Lynette Chesson)
  • The role of the home literacy environment in young children's emergent literacy
  • A longitudinal investigation of Rapid Automatized Naming performance and its relationship to reading: the role of orthographic processing. (ESRC funded: Powell, D., Stainthorp, R., & Stuart, M.)
  • Investigating cognitive processes and their relation to reading in children with rapid automatized naming deficits (ESRC funded: Stainthorp, R., Stuart, M. & Quinlan, P.)

Enterprise activity; external roles and consultancy

  • The Phonics Roadshow (2017). Funded by the Department for Education, UK. (With Stainthorp, Stuart, and Flynn)
  • Provision of Phonics Screening Check Review (2016). Funded by the Department for Education, UK. (With Stainthorp and Flynn
  • Word Review of the Phonics Screening Check (2013). Department for Education, UK. (With Stainthorp and Ricketts
  • Lead: Forum for Research in Literacy and Language
  • Series Editor, Routledge: “Early Literacy, Language and Communication”
  • Member of Editorial Board: British Journal of Developmental Psychology
  • Member of Editorial Advisory Group: Journal of Research in 伊人直播app
  • External Examiner: BSc/MSc Psychology: Middlesex University
  • External Examiner: Professional Doctorate in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: Tavistock and Portland NHS Trust
  • Local advisor: Nine Mile Ride Primary School, Finchampstead, Wokingham
  • Chartered member: British Psychological Society
  • Voting member: Experimental Psychology Society
  • Voting member: Society for the Scientific Study of 伊人直播app


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