- Principal External Examiner, University of Exeter
- External examiner, BA Social Sciences, King’s College London
- Research & Evaluation committee member for Transforming Access and Student Outcomes (TASO)
- Accessibility and inclusion advisory panel member for the Ogden Trust
- Co-Editor-in-Chief of British Educational Research Journal (BERJ)
- Co-Founder of the Evaluation Collective
Billy Wong

+44 (0) 118 378 2655
- Director of Research and Evaluation (Access & Participation)
- Member of Access and Participation Committee (APC)
- Chair of Access and Participation Evaluation Subcommittee (APES)
- Co-Chair of Diversity & Inclusion Community of Interest group (DICOI)
- Member of Awarding Gap Steering Group
- Member of TEF Strategy Group and Educational Gain subgroup
Institute of Education:
- EdD and PhD supervisions
- Deputy Director of Postgraduate Research Studies (PhD)
- Research
Areas of interest
- Sociology of Education
- Higher Education
- Social Mobility, Justice and Inequalities (e.g. of gender, class and ethnicity)
- Education and career aspirations of young people
- Science and computing education (and wider STEM education)
Postgraduate supervision
Current and Recent PhD and EdD Students, with Topics/Titles of their Research:
- Hazel Jensen (with Dr David Dobraszczyk): Disability, health degree education and professional identity formation
- Angie Lin (with Prof Carol Fuller): Trapped in your own country: The higher education experience of Educational Cross-Cultural Individuals in Thailand
- Rose Mina Munjee (with Dr Geoff Taggart): Mindfulness and compassion practices to address racism: an anti-oppression framework for adult education
- Megan Copsey-Blake (with Prof R Harris): Standardised English: a tool for social justice or oppression in UK higher education?
- Nouf Hassanin (with Prof Yota Dimitriadi): The Roles of Home and School toward Digital Citizenship Concepts with Preschool Children in Saudi Arabia
- Doris Leung Wai Wong (with Prof R Harris): Good teaching as revealed by quantitative and qualitative SET data - a case study of a Hong Kong university
- Albert Mususa (with Prof R Harris): An exploration of professional self-understanding of teachers in alternative educational provision
- Millicent Thomas (with Dr Karen Jones): Socialisation experiences of Black middle leaders in secondary school and what they do to ‘fit in’ and get on’ as a newcomer in a department
- Amel Abada (with Dr Maria Kambouri): Mothers' intersubjective perceptions of play and play-based learning in the early years. Completed 2024
- Eqab Almutairi (with Prof Yota Dimitriadi): The use of WhatsApp as Digital Personalised Learning Environments to Support Informal Learning in Kuwait: A Multi-Perspective Investigation. Completed 2023.
- Fatima Zahra Abbou (with Dr Karen Jones): Female Educational Leaders Career Progression in Algerian Universities. Completed 2022
- John Knight: Square pegs in round holes: A study of student identity in a high aspiration international school environment. Completed 2022
- Ilan Dwek (with Dr Tim Williams): How do educational experiences and deaf identity relate to employment success?. Completed 2022
- Peter Jeffreys (with Prof Yota Dimitriadi): To what extent can social media influence parental engagement in primary schools? Completed 2022
- Maha Al-yousef (with Prof Gill Crozier): The role of higher education in developing female students’ social and cultural identities: A case study of one university in Saudi Arabia (University of Roehampton). Completed 2021.
- Amanda Cockayne (with Prof Elizabeth McCrum): An investigation into the professional roles and identities of school based mentors of trainee teachers. Completed 2021.
- Peter Kemp (with Prof Debbie Epstein): Learning pathways for digitally creative youth: a study of 3D animation (University of Roehampton). Completed 2020.
- Myrto Nikolopoulou (with Prof Marie-Pierre Moreau): Young people’s social media online practices in Greece: Developing identities online and shaping future aspirations (University of Roehampton). Completed 2019.
- Ismail Karaoz (with Dr Geoff Taggart): The affordances of technology in second/foreign language learning for learner autonomy. Completed 2019.
Research projects
Current and Recent Research Projects:
- Subject Choice, Attainment and Representation in Computing (SCARIComp) project (2021-2024), CI, funded by the Nuffield Foundation (with P. Kemp, King’s College London) -
- Exploring Evaluation Wicked Issues with the HE Sector (2023-2024), CI, funded by QAA (Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education) (with L. Austen, Sheffield Hallam University) -
- Inclusive institutions: enabling and supporting culture change (2022), CI, funded by Advance HE (with T. Chiu, Imperial College London)
- Supporting the identity development of underrepresented students (SIDUS) (2020-2021), CI, funded by Imperial College London ()
- Student Experiences in STEM degrees (SESTEM) (2018-2021), PI, funded by 伊人直播app ()
- ‘Mapping the characteristics of the ‘ideal’ student at university’ (2017-2019), PI, funded by the British Academy/Leverhulme Trust (with T. Chiu, Imperial College London) –
Past projects:
- Youth Engagement Initiative (PI, funded by the Institute of Physics)
- Mini-Police at 伊人直播app (PI, Thames Valley Police, with T. Walters)
- The state of computing education in England (CI, with P. Kemp & M. Berry)
- Higher education: Views of lecturers toward student’ (PI, funded by Santander).
- ‘Digitally-skilled young people and their aspirations’ (CI, funded by Google CS4HS, with P. Kemp).
- ‘A review of social mobility’ (funded by ASCL, with B. Francis)
- ‘Enterprising Science’ (funded by BP, with L. Archer et al)
- ‘ASPIRES’ (funded by ESRC, with L. Archer et al)
- ‘A review of informal science learning’ (funded by Wellcome Trust, with J. Falk et al)
For further information:
External Roles