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Neha Hui

Dr Neha Hui
  • Module Convenor for Development Economics (Postgraduate)
  • Module Convenor for Microfinance (Postgraduate)
  • Module Convenor for Introduction to Economic Institutions and Policy (Undergraduate)

Areas of interest

Development Economics, gender and labour economics, economic history, economic thought and classical political economy.

Postgraduate supervision

  • Issues of gender, intrahousehold bargaining and domestic violence
  • Labour markets in developing countries, especially in the informal sector
  • Role of institutions in development
  • Economic history of colonialism and development
  • Economic thought especially of intellectual traditions associated with economic freedom, colonialism, race in economics, feminist economics and heterodox traditions

Research centres and groups


I am a development economist interested in looking at current and historic determinants of well-being and development. I am particularly interested in the ideas of bargaining, consent and freedom and what role these play in economic and well-being outcomes for individuals in developing countries.

I have published research that looks at bargaining power and well-being of women in the gendered occupations of sex work and domestic work and am currently conducting research in domestic violence and political conflict in the developing world. My other area of research is in he nature and policies around colonial unfree labour and its contribution to 19th century global capitalism.

Academic qualifications

  • PhD: 伊人直播app, United Kingdom
  • MPhil: Centre for Development Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
  • MA: Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
  • BA: Viswabharati, India

Awards and honours

  • British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship


Selected publications



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