Dr Chun Kit (Andy) Chung

0118 378 3927
Lecturer in Economics
- Undergraduate Admissions Tutor
- School Director for Recruitment and Admissions
Module convenor:
- Principles of Economics 1
- Econometrics 1/Economic Data Analysis
Edith Morley 187Areas of interest
I am interested in applied microeconomics, particularly in areas related to human capital, beauty, family, labour, and football (soccer). My current research focuses on video gaming, parenting, and labour earnings.
Postgraduate supervision
I am interested in supervising research students in applied microeconomics, particularly in areas such as human capital, beauty, family, and labour.
My path to becoming an economist is quite unconventional. I started formally studying Economics only after entering the workforce, having completed my full-time education in another field. While working a full-time job, I pursued an undergraduate degree in Economics through distance learning from LSE and University of London, and later obtained a master’s degree in Economics part-time at University of Hong Kong. I continued my academic pursuit by earning a PhD in Economics part-time at Chinese University of Hong Kong. After completing my PhD, I continued working in industry for three more years before transitioning to academia as a lecturer at my alma mater in 2019. In 2021, I joined the 伊人直播app.
I became an applied microeconomist because I enjoy explaining human behaviour from an economic perspective. I find it fascinating to view the world through this lens, and I am particularly interested in researching topics that aren't traditionally considered fields within Economics. My current research interests include beauty, parenting, child development, household structure, labour earnings, and football (soccer).
Academic qualifications
PhD in Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong
MEcon, University of Hong Kong
PG Cert in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, University of London
BSc in Economics, University of London
Dip in Economics, University of London