- Scientific Advisor for Channel 4 documentary series "Foxes Live"
- Interviews with BBC 1 Countryfile, BBC Autumnwatch, BBC Radio Berkshire, BBC Radio Bristol, BBC South Today
Philip Baker

+44 (0) 118 378 4566
Programme Director for BSc Zoology
Areas of interest
Vertebrate ConservationTeaching
- Part 1: Mammal diversity, behaviour and conservation
- Part 1: Introduction to Zoology
- Part 2: Field Course to RSPCA Mallydams Field Centre, Sussex
- Part 3: Urban Ecology
- MSc: Quantitative Methods 1
- MSc: Quantitative Methods 2
- MSc: Vertebrate Survey and Assessment
- MSc: Mammal Conservation
Research centres and groups
Scientific Advisory Panel, The Mammal Society
National Collaborators:
- Prof. Mike Bruford, University of Cardiff
- Dr Dawn Scott, University of Brighton
- Dr Richard Yarnell, Nottingham Trent University
Research projects
- Funding from NERC, People's Trust for Endangered Species
- Behavioural ecology of mammals
- Urban ecology
- Human-wildlife conflict with particular reference to foxes (Vulpes vulpes)
- Conservation biology
- Population monitoring for management and conservation with particular reference to hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus)
Selected publications
Baker, P.J. & Harris, S. (2008) The fox. In: Mammals of the British Isles: handbook, 4th edition (Eds. S. Harris & D.W. Yalden), pp. 407-423. The Mammal Society, Southampton.
Molony, S.E., Baker, P.J., Garland, L., Cuthill, I.C. & Harris, S. (2007) Factors that can be used to predict release rates for wildlife casualties. Animal Welfare, 16, 361-367.
Soulsbury, C.D., Iossa, G., Edwards, K.J., Baker, P.J. & Harris, S. (2007) Allelic dropout from a high-quality DNA source. Conservation Genetics, 8, 733-738.
Baker, P.J. & Harris, S. (2006) Does culling reduce fox (Vulpes vulpes) density in commercial forests in Wales? European Journal of Wildlife Research, 52, 99-108. doi: 10.1007/s10344-005-0018-y
Baker, P.J., Furlong, M.J., Southern, S. & Harris, S. (2006) The potential impact of red fox predation in agricultural landscapes in lowland Britain. Wildlife Biology, 12, 39-50.
Baker, P.J.& Harris, S. (2006) Still shooting in the dark. Animal Welfare, 15, 89-90.
Molony, S.E., Dowding, C.V., Baker, P.J., Cuthill, I.C. & Harris, S. (2006) The effect of translocation and temporary captivity on wildlife rehabilitation success: an experimental study using European hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus). Biological Conservation, 130, 530-537. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2006.01.015
Webbon, C.C., Baker, P.J., Cole, N.C. & Harris, S. (2006) Macroscopic prey remains in the winter diet of foxes Vulpes vulpes in rural Britain. Mammal Review, 36, 85-97. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2907.2006.00069.x
Baker, P.J., Bentley, A.J., Ansell, R.J. & Harris, S. (2005) Impact of predation by domestic cats Felis catus in an urban area. Mammal Review, 35, 302-312. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2907.2005.00071.x
Baker, P.J. & Harris, S. (2005) Shooting in the dark. Animal Welfare, 14, 275-278.
Baker, P.J., Funk, S.M., Harris, S. & Bruford, M.W. (2004) Polygynandry in a red fox population: implications for the evolution of group living in canids? Behavioral Ecology, 15, 766-778. doi: 10.1093/beheco/arh077
Baker, P., Funk, S., Harris, S., Newman, T., Saunders, G. & White, P. (2004) The impact of human attitudes on the social and spatial organisation of urban foxes (Vulpes vulpes) before and after an outbreak of sarcoptic mange. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Urban Wildlife Conservation, May 1-5 1999 (Eds W.W. Shaw, L.K. Harris & L. VanDruff), pp. 153-163. Tucson, Arizona.
Baker, P.J.& Harris, S. (2004) Red foxes. The behavioural ecology of red foxes in urban Bristol. In: Biology and conservation of wild canids (Eds D.W. Macdonald & C. Sillero-Zubiri), pp. 207-216. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Baker, P.J., Harris, S., Robertson, C.P.J., Saunders, G. & White, P.C.L. (2004) Is it possible to monitor mammal population changes from counts of road traffic casualties? An analysis using Bristol's foxes as an example. Mammal Review, 34, 115-130. doi: 10.1046/j.0305-1838.2003.00024.x
Moberly, R.L., White, P.C.L., Webbon, C.C., Baker, P.J. & Harris, S. (2004) Modelling the costs of fox predation and preventive measures on sheep farms in Britain. Journal of Environmental Management, 70, 129-143. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2003.11.005
Sadlier, L.M.J., Webbon, C.C., Baker, P.J. & Harris, S. (2004) Methods of monitoring Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and Badgers (Meles meles): are field signs the answer? Mammal Review, 34, 75-98. doi: 10.1046/j.0305-1838.2003.00029.x
Webbon, C.C, Baker, P.J. & Harris, S. (2004) Faecal density counts for monitoring red fox numbers in rural Britain. Journal of Applied Ecology, 41, 768-779. doi: 10.1111/j.0021-8901.2004.00930.x
Baker, P.J., Ansell, R.J., Dodds, P.A.A., Webber, C.E. & Harris, S. (2003) Factors affecting the distribution of small mammals in urban areas. Mammal Review, 33, 95-100. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2907.2003.00003.x
Baker, P.J. & Harris, S. (2003) A review of the diet of foxes in rural Britain and a preliminary assessment of their impact as a predator. In: Conservation and conflict - mammals and farming in Britain (Eds F. Tattersall & W.M. Manly), pp. 120-140. Linnean Society Occasional Publication No. 4, Westbury Publishing, Otley.
Baker, P.J., Harris, S. & Webbon, C.C. (2003) Hunting and fox numbers in the United Kingdom - a reply. Nature, 423, 400.
Moberly, R.L., White, P.C.L., Webbon, C.C., Baker, P.J. & Harris, S. (2003) Factors associated with fox Vulpes vulpes predation of lambs in Britain. Wildlife Research, 30, 1-9.
Newman, T.J., Baker, P.J., Simcock, E., Saunders, G., White, P.C.L. & Harris, S. (2003) Changes in red fox habitat preference and rest site fidelity following a disease-induced population decline. Acta Theriologica, 48, 79-91.
White, P.C.L., Newton-Cross, G., Moberly, R.L., Smart, J.C.R., Baker, P.J. & Harris, S. (2003) The current and future management of wild mammals hunted with dogs in England and Wales. Journal of Environmental Management, 67, 187-197. doi:10.1016/S0301-4797(02)00225-6
Baker, P.J., Webbon, C.C. & Harris, S. (2002) Effect of British hunting ban on fox numbers. Nature, 419, 34.
Moberly, R., White, P., Webbon, C., Baker, P., & Harris, S. (2002) Fox predation on sheep farms in Britain: preliminary results from a questionnaire survey. Proceedings of the Sheep Veterinary Society, 25, 7-10.
Newman, T.J., Baker, P.J. & Harris, S. (2002) Nutritional condition and survival of red foxes infected with sarcoptic mange. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 80, 154-161.
Ansell, R.J., Baker, P.J. & Harris, S. (2001) The value of gardens for wildlife - lessons from mammals and herpetofauna. British Wildlife, 13, 77-84.
Baker, P.J., Harris, S., Robertson, C.P.J., Saunders, G. & White, P.C.L. (2001) Differences in the capture rate of cage-trapped foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and their implications for rabies contingency planning in Britain. Journal of Applied Ecology, 38, 823-835.
Baker, P.J., Newman, T.J. Harris, S. (2001) Bristol's foxes - forty years of change. British Wildlife, 12, 411-417.
Harris, S. & Baker, P. (2001) Urban foxes, 2nd edition. Whittet Books, Stowmarket, Suffolk.
Baker, P.J., Funk, S.M., White, P.C.L. & Harris, S. (2000) Flexible spatial organization of foxes (Vulpes vulpes) before and during an outbreak of sarcoptic mange. Animal Behaviour, 59, 127-146.
Baker, P.J. & Harris, S. (2000) Interaction rates between members of a group of red foxes. Mammal Review, 30, 239-242.
Robertson, C.P.J., Baker, P.J. & Harris, S. (2000) Ranging behaviour of juvenile red foxes and its implications for management. Acta Theriologica, 45, 525-535.
Baker, P.J., Robertson, C.P.J., Funk, S.M., White P.C.L. & Harris, S. (1998) Potential fitness benefits of group living in the red fox, Vulpes vulpes. Animal Behaviour, 56, 1411-1424.