- Chartered Engineer (C.Eng.) through the Engineering Council
- Registered European Engineer (Eur Ing) through FEANI
Simon Sherratt (Eur Ing Professor)

+44 (0) 118 378 8588
Professor of Biosensors
- Director of Staff Teaching Development
- Currently, Head of Wireless and Computing research. Editor-in-Chief of the .
Areas of interest
My research area is consumer electronics, particularly in the following areas:
- Equalisation (cable, wireless and broadcast)
- Digital Communications layer 1 and associated DSP issues
- Adaptive signal processing
- DSP architectures
Modules taught:
- First Year programming
- Second Year lecture part of Engineering Applications
- Third Year USB Integration
- Fourth Year (Masters) Wireless Communications and Networking (half of the module)
Academic qualifications
- B.Eng. from Sheffield City Polytechnic (now Sheffield Hallam University)
- M.Sc. from The University of Salford
- Ph.D. from The University of Salford
Awards and honours
- IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) 2006 1st Place Best paper Award
- IEEE Chester Sall Award for 1st place paper in IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 2004
- IEEE Consumer Electronics Society International Chapter Chairs Outstanding Service Award 2005
- IEEE Region 8 (Europe an Africa) Diploma award for the UKRI Consumer Electronics Chapter (which I chaired) (presented in Paris April 2005)
- IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Chairs Award 2004
- IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Singapore Section Appreciation Award 2003
- Best Engineering program with an SME, awarded by Engineering Employers Federation, Department of Trade and Industry TCS awards 2000
- Runner-up in Hunt Engineering DSP Innovation competition, 1999
Professional bodies/affiliations
- Fellow of the IEEE (class of 2012).
- Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (2009)
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2014)
Professional Qualifications