Dr Rachael Neal

+44 (0) 118 378 3339
Associate Professor of Animal Science
- School Director of Recruitment and Admissions
- Programme Co-Director (with Dr Caroline Rymer) for BSc Animal Science and BSc Bioveterinary Sciences
- Admissions Tutor for Animal Science and Bioveterinary Sciences
- Member of the University Senate
- Supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate students
- Module convenor
Areas of interest
- Leadership of Department of Animal Sciences teaching strategy through our regular ‘Teaching Forum’, including new programme development, embedding transferrable skills, authentic assessment, and implementing the ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app curriculum framework.
- Enthusiastic teacher with diverse experience across the animal sciences, covering livestock, companion animals and equine.
- Strong interest in helping undergraduate students enhance their employability and communication skills; and develop strong self-reflection and self-awareness regarding career progression and graduate recruitment potential.
- Online/virtual learning experience of students, especially those enrolled on our sustainable livestock modules.
- Teaching mentoring and pedagogic projects.
- Student voice and partnership projects.
- Coordination and contribution to animal/bioveterinary science outreach events.
Postgraduate supervision
Primary PhD supervisor for Holly Vickery (UoR GTA studentship) (2019-2023) – Goat kid behaviour and welfare in the weaning transition
Esteem factors
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2019)
- External Examiner (undergraduate)
Module convenorship and teaching includes careers and professional development skills teaching and tutoring, supervising and supporting students to undertake mini work-placements, contemporary issues in animal sciences including sustainability in animal systems.
Academic qualifications
- BSc
- PhD
- PGCert Academic Practice