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Dr Jessica Bosseaux

Dr Jessica Bosseaux portrait


Agricultural Economics and Food System Sustainability
As part of the BBSRC funded project (FoodsEqual), I model impacts resulting from future changes to the UK food system, designed to benefit disadvantaged communities. We include in our research a variety of concerns, such as food prices, nutrition and demand, as well as land use and other environmental impacts throughout the life cycles of selected food products.

Areas of interest

  • Environment: Land use impacts, Contamination along the life cycle, Use of resources
  • Social: Epistemology of social impacts assessment, Social impacts of food systems
  • Health: Macro- and micronutrition, Diet-related diseases, Plant-based alternatives
  • Economics: Willingness-to-pay, Consumer behaviour towards quality signs

Postgraduate supervision

 PhD student mentoring concerning Combined Environmental and Nutritional - Life Cycle Assessment.


  • ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app, England (2022 - 2024)

Undergraduate: Research methods and data analysis, Food systems and sustainability

Ph.D students mentoring

  • IAE Montpellier, France (2019 - 2023) 

Undergraduate: International Finance, European Economy

Masters: Research Methodology, International Marketing

Student supervision for master theses

  • Polytech Montpellier School (2017 - 2019)

Undergraduate: Introduction to Economy

Research centres and groups

Land Use Modelling; Environmental Life Cycle Assessment

Research projects



  • Visiting Researcher at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA-UAB) – Universitat Aut`onoma de Barcelona, Spain, 2023

Mission : Development of a Combined Nutritional and Environmental Life cycle Assessment

  • Visiting Researcher at Administration and rural development (Grupo de Investigacion en Gestion y Desarollo Rural – GIGDR) – Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2021

Mission : Literature review and research design for improving the sustainability of food systems and territory – The use of local certifications

Academic qualifications

  • Academic Development and Enhancement - ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app, 2024

EDMAP 1 Introduction to Academic Practice and EDMAP2 Developing Academic Practice

Fellow EA Recognition

  • Ph.D. in Agricultural economics and marketing - University of Montpellier, France, 2020

Dissertation Title: Impacts of official quality signs on market value : The case of agri-food products

  • M.Sc. in Marketing Research - Paris 1 Sorbonne-Pantheon, 2016

Dissertation Title: The effects of the valence and of the nature of the Internet users’ reviews on brand trust: The purchases of cosmetic body product online

  • M.Sc. in Business Studies (EMBS)] - Universita di Trento, IAE Savoie-Mont-Blanc, Kassel Universitat, Universidad de Leon

Dissertation Title: The perception of the actors on the French market towards marks and principles: divergence of opinion about fair trade

  • B.Sc. in International Relations - U-PEC, Paris XII, France, 2011

Dissertation Title: Charitable Association in Togo: between social progress and neo-capitalism

  • B.Sc. in Global Management - With honours

E.M.D Marseille, France, 2010

Dissertation Title: Is the European Union empowering a European culture?

Professional bodies/affiliations

Member of :

  • The International Society for Industrial Ecology
  • The International Society for Ecological Economics


Selected publications

  • Jessica Bosseaux, Kelvin Balcombe, Philippe Aurier (2024) Impact of European egg marking system in France: Empirical time series analysis between 2017 and 2022, Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies (Accepted, under final review)
  •  Jessica Bosseaux (2015) Fairtrade: Principles and Perceptions from a French Perspective, The Green Economics Institute, ISBN: 978-1907543708

Conferences :

  • Jessica Bosseaux, Eugene Mohareb (May 2024), Reconciling divergent paradigms in Social Life Cycle Assessment: a proposed standardised pre-screening method, SLCA
  •  Jessica Bosseaux, Eugene Mohareb (November 2023), The necessity of a standard first-screening method for social life cycle assessment (SLCA): Reflections on the epistemology, ISEE
  • Jessica Bosseaux, Eugene Mohareb (July 2023),On toast: Environmental impacts of high-protein options for bread toppings, ISIE
  • Jessica Bosseaux, Philippe Aurier (September 2021), The influence of brand type and organic farming labelling on the willingness to pay and desired quantity of consumers, Journee du Marketing Agroalimentaire
  • Jessica Bosseaux, (September 2019), The official quality signs influence on prices and volumes: the case of organic fresh eggs, Journ´ee du Marketing Agroalimentaire
  • Jessica Bosseaux, (May 2019), The Effects of Organic Label on Marketing Performance (Prices, Sales, and Margins), 170th EAAE Seminar


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