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School-specific Requirements

To find out further details on your School's process see below:

School of Chemistry Food and Pharmacy

The Ethics Application form and supporting documents must be submitted for internal review to Barbara Parr, MINIMUM of 2 weeks prior to any submission deadline to UREC/School

For all studies which will be using the Hugh Sinclair Unit of Human Nutrition, please also complete the correct Consent Form, Adverse Events Form and Medical and Lifestyle Questionnaire.

If your project involves the taking of blood samples, you should also refer to the information sheet and consent form for the taking of blood samples - Annex D1 (PDF-83kb)



Send in word document, via email to Barbara Parr b.l.parr@reading.ac.uk a minimum of at least 2 weeks prior to any submission deadlines completed copies of:- 

  • Ethics Application Form
  • Appropriate Consent Form
  • Any Participant Information Sheet 
  • Completed DMP (Data Management Plan)
  • Any other supporting papers 

On receipt, arrangements will be made for the application to be reviewed by an internal School Reviewer, checked and signed by the Hugh Sinclair Unit Manager and Research Nurse (if using the HSU) and if there are HTA-relevant samples involved, the designated individual for the Human Tissue Act (2004) licence must also review (and sign). Once the final version is agreed, the PI should add the name of the internal reviewer and then sign and date electronically and return to Barbara Parr b.l.parr@reading.ac.uk who will obtain signed approval from the Head of Department, and if being submitted to UREC, the Ethics Chair (Julie Lovegrove or Bob Rastall). Once finalised this will then be submitted to UREC or if using the School Exceptions route, will be given School approval by the relevant Department Ethics Lead and assigned a Study Number. 

Any queries, please contact Barbara on extension 8453, b.l.parr@reading.ac.uk


School Research Ethics Contact 

Administrator - Mrs Barbara Parr 

Chair - Professor Julie Lovegrove 

Deputy Chair - Professor Bob Rastall 

Ethics Leads for Food - Professor Julie Lovegrove/ Professor Bob Rastall 

Ethics Lead for Chemistry - Professor Rainer Cramer 

Ethics Lead for Pharmacy - Dr Amelia Hollywood 

Post Doctoral Representative - Dr Michelle Weech

Post Graduate Representative - Nicholas Alifa

Research Nurse - Leidy Diaz



School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences

Information to be updated soon. In the meantime contact your School's Research Ethics Committee directly or the University Research Ethics Committee.


Henley Business School

Ethics Compliance Self Service Portal

All staff and students are required to obtain research ethics approval through the online Ethics Compliance , available at https://hly.ac/ethics-self-service.

Applicants must authenticate their access using their 伊人直播app email address and IT password.



Before proceeding with the online application, please ensure that you have:

- Identified your Approver Level 1 (generally your supervisor) and your Approver Level 2 (typically your department or programme area). It is advisable to seek guidance from your Module Convenor, Supervisor, or Director of Research, depending on what is most relevant to your situation.

- Completed all relevant documents that need to be attached to your submission. This may include, but is not limited to:

  - Consent Form template

  - Participant Information Sheet

  - Questionnaire

  - Fully approved Data Management Plan

  - Data Management Impact Assessment

  - Risk Assessment

The Portal is not intended to provide applicants with feedback on their application. Therefore, it is crucial to review all documentation carefully and discuss with your supervisor, before initiating your online application. The Portal is the final stage of the research ethics process, acting as an approval mechanism. Once submitted, an application cannot be retrieved for corrections; it must be rejected and a new application submitted.

Upon submission, applicants will receive an automated email regarding the status of their application. Data collection can only commence once full approval has been granted. This email can serve as evidence of research ethics approval.

 Any queries, please contact Edith Rigby, e.rigby@henley.ac.uk



Applicants can find templates of the various forms on the University website:


Information on Risk Assessment can be found on the Health and Safety website:



School Research Ethics Committee

 Ethics Committee Chair - Professor James Walker

Ethics Leads for pre-experience programmes – Dr Markos Kyritsis

Ethics Lead for post-experience programmes – Professor Rebecca Jonas

Ethics Committee Secretary – Edith Rigby



Other Schools

Information to be updated soon. In the meantime contact your School's Research Ethics Committee directly or the University Research Ethics Committee.

Things to do now