Dr Deepa Senapathi

+44 (0) 118 378 4541
Associate Professor of Applied Ecology
Areas of interest
My research focusses on the impacts of environmental change on biodiversity and ecosystem services. To date I have worked in both tropical and temperate systems and assessed the effects of climate change and land-use change on avian populations and insect pollinator communities. I also work as knowledge exchange fellow with different stakeholder communities including policy makers, non-government organisations, delivery agencies and land managers with a view towards enhancing land management for biodiversity conservation and improving ecosystem services. More recently I have begun to explore ecological intensification within small holder communities to enhance biodiversity and improve livelihoods.
Specific areas of interest include:
- Exploring interactions between drivers of biodiversity loss including climate and land use change impacts.
- Conservation of threatened and endangered species and populations
- Ecological intensification to enhance biodiversity and improve livelihoods
- Knowledge Exchange to facilitate link between research and practical conservation
- Science-Policy dialogue to ensure existing and emerging policy is informed by up to date scientific evidence
Postgraduate supervision
PhD Students:
- Fathema Rana – Quantifying the impact of extreme events on bees and butterflies in the UK 2023 – 2027 (Scenarios DTP)
- George Allen – Reconstructing bee communities - the role of national parks in supporting pollination ecosystem services 2023 – 2027 (Pollinis, co-supervisor)
- Megan Sherlock – Modelling the impact of planting choices and management on the delivery of multiple ecosystem services by domestic gardens 2023 – 2027 (Scenarios DTP, co-supervisor)
- Aditya Chelmaya – Conservation prioritization of South Asian bats 2021-2024 (ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app international studentship, co-supervisor)
- Sophie Cunnington - Impacts of Farming Practice on Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava) Populations in Lowland England 2021-2026 (ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Bursary)
- Laura Reeves - Climate driven mismatches in fruit pest and natural enemy phenology to mitigate crop damage 2020-2024 (Waitrose CTP)
- Chris Wyver: Spatio-Temporal Responses of British Wild Bees and Fruit Trees to Climate Change 2019-2024 (Waitrose CTP)
- Theresa Robinson: Population ecology of the endangered endemic Mauritius Fody 2016-2024 (ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Bursary)
- Elena Cini: New tools for improving Bee Health - 2018-2022 (EU H2020 - PoshBee, co-supervisor)
- Alice Haughan: Exploring the interaction between climate and land use change and the resulting impact on ecosystems - 2017 -2021 (QMEE CDT)
- Kelly Jowett: Modelling landscape quality and configuration effects on natural enemy communities and the provision of pest regulation services - 2017-2021 (Rothamsted-ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Alliance)
I regularly act as guest lecturer and dissertation supervisor for several postgraduate and undergraduate modules including
- GVMRP - MSc Research Project
- - Issues in Agriculture and the Environment
- - Wildlife and Farming
- - BSc Dissertation
- – Nature Conservation
- – Agricultural Research Skills
- - Foundation Programme: Environment, Ecology and Sustainability
- ISLI - International Study and Language Institute's Pre-sessional English Programme
Research centres and groups
Department of Sustainable Land Management
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Research Division
Research projects
- – A project aiming to better evaluate the risk to wild #pollinators of pesticide exposure, enhancing their health & pollination services (EU Horizon Europe 2024-2028)
- - Restoring pollinator habitats across European agricultural landscapes (EU Horizon Europe 2023-2027)
- – Modern Approaches to Monitoring of BiOdiversity (EU Horizon Europe 2022-2026)
- - Safeguarding European wild pollinators (EU H2020 2021-2025)
- – Food Systems Equality (Transforming UK Food Systems 2021-2025)
- - Translating Research Opportunities to enhance Pollination benefits to economically Important Crops And improve Livelihoods (GCRF BBSRC NERC 2020-2022)
- - Working together to add value: Enhancing land management for biodiversity and multiple ecosystem services (UKRI NERC 2019- 2022)
- - SUstainable farming through effective Pollination and pEst Regulation in India (ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app GCRF 2019-2021)
- - Pan-European assessment, monitoring, and mitigation of stressors on the health of bees (EU H2020 2018-2023)
- - Sustainable Pollination in Europe (EU COST Action, 2014-2018)
- - Linking farmland biodiversity to ecosystem services for effective ecofunctional intensification (EU FP7 2014-2017)
- - Role of biodiversity in improving and enhancing human health and well-being (2014-2015)
Professional bodies/affiliations
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Bumblebee Conservation Trust – Scientific Trustee
- A Rocha International - Conservation Science Advisory Council
- British Ecological Society – Member, personnel committee & former Policy Fellow
- BBSRC – Pool of experts
- NERC – Peer review college
- ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Athena Swan SAT 2019
- Athena Swan SAT. School of Biological Sciences - Co-chair - 2016
- Ecological Entomology - Associate Editor
- Walker Institute - Ambassador