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Professor Mark Tibbett

Mark Tibbett portrait
  • To lead research in plant-soil-microbe interactions, soil microbiology, soil science and plant nutrition
  • Joint Editor-in-Chief of
  • Editor of
  • Associate Editor for the Australian Journal of Botany and Restoration Ecology
  • Council member of
  • Founder and co-chair of the international series


  • Chair of Soil Ecology, Cranfield University
  • Director of Centre for Land Rehabilitation, The University of Western Australia
  • Team Leader, CSIRO Land and Water

Areas of interest

  • Restoration and measurement of soil functions in creating sustainable landscapes.
  • Plant-soil interactions and feedbacks
  • The physiology, ecology and nutritional aspects of mycorrhizal and other higher fungi
  • Soil ecology and biodiversity
  • Microbially mediated processes in soil
  • Soil organic matter and carbon sequestration
  • Terrestrial biogeochemistry and nutrient cycling
  • Metals in the soil-plant system
  • Early-stage ecosystem development
  • Bioremediation of organics and inorganics
  • Decomposition and forensic taphonomy

Research centres and groups

Selected publications

Publications 2013-1992:

Selected Books and Proceedings:

  1. Tibbett, M. Fourie, A. B. & Digby, C. (Eds.) (2013). Mine Closure 2013Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Mine Closure. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, p642. ISBN 978-0-9870937-4-5.
  2. Fourie, A. & Tibbett, M. (Eds.) (2012).  Perth, Australia. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth. p840. ISBN: 978-0-9806154-9-4
  3. Fourie, A; Tibbett, M. Beersing, A. (Eds.) . Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth. ISBN 978-0-9870937-1-4.
  4. Fourie, A; Tibbett, M. Beersing, A. (Eds.)  Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth. ISBN 978-0-9870937-1-4.
  5. Tibbett, M. & Carter D. O. (Eds.) (2008). . CRC Press, Boca Raton. 13-978-1-4200-6991-4

Articles in Refereed Journals:

  1. Nazeri, N. K.; Lambers; H., Tibbett, M. & Ryan, M. H. (2013). Do arbuscular mycorrhizas or heterotrophic soil microbes contribute toward plant acquisition of a pulse of mineral phosphate? Plant & Soil 373: 699-710.
  2. Tibbett, M. (2013). Step up funding to halt forensic folly. Nature 501: 33.
  3. Pang, J, Wang, Y., Lambers, H., Tibbett, M., Siddique, K. & Ryan, M. (2013). Commensalism in an agroecosystem: hydraulic redistribution by deep-rooted legumes improves survival of a droughted shallow-rooted legume companion Physiologia Plantarum. 149: 79-90.
  4. Harper, R. J. & Tibbett, M. (2013). The hidden organic carbon in deep mineral soils. Plant & Soil 368: 641-648.
  5. Stokes, K. L.; Forbes, S. L. & Tibbett, M. (2013). Human versus animal: contrasting decomposition dynamics of mammalian analogues in experimental taphonomy. Journal of Forensic Science. 58: 583-591.
  6. Kariman, K., Barker S. J. Finnegan, P. M. & Tibbett, M. (2012). Dual mycorrhizal associations of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) in a nurse-pot system. Australian Journal of Botany 60: 661-668
  7. Tibbett, M., Mulligan, D. & Audet, P. (2012). Recent advances in restoration ecology: Examining the modern Australian agro-ecological and post-mining landscapes. Agriculture Ecosystems Environment 163: 1-2.
  8. George S.J., Harper R.J., Hobbs R.J. & Tibbett M. (2012). A sustainable agricultural landscape for Australia: interlacing carbon sequestration, biodiversity and salinity management in agroforestry systems. Agriculture Ecosystems Environment 163: 28- 36.
  9. Tibbett, M., Ryan, M., Kertesz, M. A. (2012) Rhizosphere 3: where plants meet soils down-under. Plant & Soil 358:1-5.
  10. Ryan, M.H., Tibbett M., Edmonds-Tibbett, T.L., Suriyagoda, L. D. B., Lambers H., Cawthray, G. R., Pang, J. (2012) Carbon trading for phosphorus gain: the balance between rhizosphere carboxylates and arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in plant phosphorus acquisition. Plant Cell Environment 35, 2170-2180
  11. Harper, R.J., Okom, A.E.A., Stilwell, A.T., Tibbett, M., Dean, C., George, S.J., Sochacki, S.J., Mitchell, C.D., Mann, S.S., Dods, K. (2012). Reforesting degraded agricultural landscapes with Eucalypts: Effects on carbon storage and soil fertility after 26 years. Agriculture Ecosystems Environment 163: 3-13.
  12. Klironomos, J., Zobel, M., Tibbett, M., Stock W. D., Rillig M. C., Parrent J. L., Moora M., Koch A. M., Facelli, J. M., Facelli, E., Dickie, I. A.& Bever J. D. (2011). Forces that structure plant communities: quantifying the importance of the mycorrhizal symbiosis. New Phytologist 189: 366-370.
  13. Pang J, Tibbett M, Denton MD, Lambers H, Siddique K, Ryan M (2011). Soil phosphorus supply affects nodulation and N:P ratio in 11 perennial legume seedlings, Crop & Pasture Science 62: 992-1001.
  14. Pang, J., Yang, J. Ward, P. Siddique K. H. M. Lambers H., Tibbett, M. Ryan M. H. (2011). Contrasting responses to drought stress in herbaceous perennial legumes. Plant & Soil 348: 299-314.
  15. George, S. J., Sherbone, J., Hinz, C., and Tibbett, M. (2011) Terrestrial exposure of oilfield flowline additives diminish soil structural stability and remediative microbial function. Environmental Pollution 159: 2740-2749.
  16. Lin D. S., Greenwood, P. F. George, S. J., Somerfield, P. J. & Tibbett, M. (2011). The development of soil organic matter in restored biodiverse Jarrah forests of South-Western Australia as determined by ASE and GCMS. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 18:1070-1078.
  17. Tibbett, M., George, S. J. Davie, A., Barron, A., Milton, N. & Greenwood, P. F. (2011) Just add water and salt: the optimisation of petrogenic hydrocarbon biodegradation in soils from semi-arid Barrow Island, Western Australia. Water Air and Soil Pollution216: 513-525.
  18. George S. J., Kelly, R. N.,. Greenwood, P. F., & Tibbett, M. (2010). Soil carbon and litter development along a reconstructed biodiverse forest chronosequence of South-Western Australia. Biogeochemistry 101: 197-209
  19. Bever, J. D., Dickie, I. A., Facelli, E., Facelli, J., Klironomos, J., Moora, M. Rillig, M. C., Stock, W. D., Tibbett, M., Zobel, M. (2010). Rooting theories of plant community ecology in soil microbial interactions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution25, 468-478.
  20. Carter, D. O., Yellowlees, D. & Tibbett, M. (2010). Moisture can be the dominant environmental parameter governing cadaver decomposition in soil. Forensic Science International. 200, 60-66.
  21. Pang, J., Ryan, M. H., Tibbett, M., Cawthray, G. R., Siddique K. H. M., Bolland M. D. Denton, M. D., A., & Lambers, H. (2010). Variation in specific root length and rhizosphere carboxylate concentration contributes to phosphorus-acquisition efficiency in herbaceous perennial legumes. Plant & Soil 331, 241-255.
  22. Pang, J., Tibbett, M., Denton, M. D., Lambers, H. Siddique K. H. M., Bolland M. D. A., Revell, C. K & Ryan, M. H. (2010). Variation in seedling growth of 11 perennial legumes in response to phosphorus supply. Plant and Soil 328, 133-143.
  23. Green, I.D., Diaz, A. & Tibbett, M. (2010). Factors affecting the concentration in seven-spotted ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata L.) of Cd and Zn transferred through the food chain. Environmental Pollution 158: 135-141.
  24. Haslam, T. & Tibbett, M. (2009) Soils of contrasting pH affect the decomposition of buried mammalian (Ovis aries) skeletal muscle tissue. Journal of Forensic Science54, 900-904.
  25. Ryan M. H., Ehrenberg, S., Bennett R. G., Tibbett M. (2009). Putting the P in Ptilotus: a phosphorus accumulating herb native to Australia. Annals of Botany103, 901-911.
  26. Greenwood, P. F., Wibrow, S., George, S. J. & Tibbett, M. (2009). Hydrocarbon biodegradation and soil microbial community response to repeated oil exposure. Organic Geochemistry 40, 293-300.
  27. Stokes, K. L., Forbes S. L. & Tibbett, M. (2009). Does freezing skeletal muscle tissue affect its decomposition in soil? Forensic Science International183, 6-13.
  28. Carter, D. O. & Tibbett, M. (2008). Does repeated burial of skeletal muscle tissue (Ovis aries) in soil affect subsequent decomposition? Applied Soil Ecology 40, 529-535.
  29. Greenwood, P. F., Wibrow, S., George, S. J. & Tibbett, M. (2008). Sequential hydrocarbon biodegradation of a soil from arid coastal Australia oil-treated under laboratory controlled conditions. Organic Geochemistry39, 1336-1346.
  30. Carter, D. O., Yellowlees, D & Tibbett, M. (2008). Temperature affects microbial decomposition of cadavers (Rattus rattus) in contrasting soils. Applied Soil Ecology 40, 129-137.
  31. Tibbett, M., Ryan, M. H., Barker S., Chen, Y., Denton M. D., Edmonds-Tibbett T. L. & Walker, C. (2008). The structural and functional diversity of native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the Australian Fabaceae. Plant Biosystems 142, 420-427.
  32. Diaz, A., Green, I. D. & Tibbett, M. (2008) Re-creation of heathland on improved pasture using topsoil removal and sulphur amendments: Edaphic drivers and impacts on ericoid mycorrhizas. Biological Conservation141, 1628-1635.
  33. Smith, M. T. E., Smernik, R. J., Merrington, G. & Tibbett, M. (2008). Changes in sewage sludge carbon forms along a treatment stream. Chemosphere 72, 981-985.
  34. Carter, D. O., Yellowlees, D & Tibbett, M. (2008). Using ninhydrin to detect gravesoil. Journal of Forensic Science 53(2) 397-400.
  35. Green, I. D. & Tibbett, M. (2008). Differential uptake, partitioning and transfer of Cd and Zn in the soil-pea plant-aphid system. Environmental Science & Technology. 42, 450-455.
  36. Carter, D., Yellowlees, D & Tibbett, M. (2007). Autoclaving kills soil microbes yet soil enzymes remain active. Pedobiologia51, 295-299.
  37. Chen S. H. & Tibbett, M. (2007). Phosphate supply and arsenate toxicity in ectomycorrhizal fungi. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 47, 358-362.
  38. Standish, R. J., Stokes, B. A., Tibbett, M. & Hobbs, R. J. (2007). Seedling response to phosphate addition and inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizas and the implications for old-field restoration in Western Australia. Environmental and Experimental Botany61, 58-65.
  39. Tibbett, M. & Cairney, J. W. G. (2007). The cooler side of mycorrhizas: their occurrence and functioning at low temperatures. Canadian Journal of Botany85, 51-62.
  40. Robinson, K., Bell A. L. W., Bennett, R. G., Henry, D. A., Tibbett M. & Ryan, M. H. (2007). Perennial legumes native to Australia - a preliminary investigation of nutritive value and response to cutting. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 47, 170-176.
  41. Carter, D., Yellowlees, D & Tibbett, M. (2007). Cadaver decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems. Naturwissenschaften. 94, 12-24.
  42. Green, I.D., Stockdale, J., Tibbett, M. & Diaz, A. (2007). Heathland restoration on former agricultural land: effects of artificial acidification on the availability and uptake of toxic metal cations. Water, Air and Soil Pollution178, 287-295.
  43. Denton, M. D., Sasse, C., Tibbett, M. & Ryan, M. H. (2006) Root distributions of Australian herbaceous perennial legumes in response to phosphorus placement. Functional Plant Biology. 33, 1091-1102.
  44. Green, I. D., Jeffries, C., Diaz, A & Tibbett, M. (2006). Contrasting behaviour of cadmium and zinc in a soil-plant-arthropod system. Chemosphere64, 1115-1121.
  45. Diaz A., Green I. D., Benvenuto M. & Tibbett M. (2006). Are ericoid mycorrhizas a factor in the success of Calluna vulgaris heathland restoration? Restoration Ecology14, 187-195.
  46. Carter, D. O. & Tibbett, M. (2006). Microbial decomposition of skeletal muscle tissue (Ovis aries) in a sandy loam soil at different temperatures. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 38, 1139-1145.
  47. Smith, M. T. E., Cade-Menun B. J. & Tibbett, M. (2006). Soil phosphorus dynamics and phytoavailability from sewage sludge at different stages in a treatment stream. Biology and Fertility of Soils42, 186-197.
  48. Stokes, C., Ash A., Tibbett, M. & Holtum J. (2005). OzFACE: the Australian Savanna Free Air CO2 Enrichment facility and its relevance to carbon cycling issues in a tropical savanna. Australian Journal of Botany53, 677-687.
  49. Green, I. D., Tibbett, M & Diaz, A. (2005). Effects of aphid infestation on Cd and Zn concentration in wheat. Agriculture Ecosystems Environment109, 175-178.
  50. Tibbett, M. & Diaz, A. (2005). Are sulphurous soil amendments (So, Fe(II)SO4, Fe(III)SO4) an effective tool in the restoration of heathland and acidic grassland after four decades of rock phosphate fertilisation? Restoration Ecology13, 1‑9.
  51. Haslam R. & Tibbett M. (2004). Sampling and Analyzing Metals in Soils for Archaeological Prospection: A Critique. Geoarchaeology. 19, 731-751
  52. Tibbett, M. & Carter, D. O. (2004). Commentary on: Carter DO, Tibbett M. Taphonomic mycota: fungi with forensic potential. J Forensic Sci 2003;48:168-171.-Reply. Journal of Forensic Science49, 1135-1136.
  53. Tibbett, M., Carter, D. O., Haslam, T, Major, R & Haslam, R. (2004). A laboratory incubation method for determining the rate of soft tissue decomposition in soil. Journal of Forensic Science. 49, 560-565.
  54. Smith, M & Tibbett, M. (2004) Nitrogen dynamics under Lolium perenne after a single application of different sewage sludge types from the same treatment stream. Bioresource Technology91, 233-241.
  55. Tibbett, M. & Carter, D. O. (2003) Mushrooms and Taphonomy: the fungi that mark woodland graves. Mycologist17, 30-34.
  56. Green, I. D., Merrington G. & Tibbett, M. (2003). The transfer of cadmium and zinc from a sewage sludge amended agricultural soil through the soil-plant-aphid system to newly emerged adult seven-spotted-ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata). Agriculture Ecosystems Environment99, 171-178.
  57. Carter, D. & Tibbett, M. (2003). Taphonomic mycota: fungi with forensic potential. Journal of Forensic Science48, 1-4.
  58. Tibbett, M. (2002). Considerations on the use of the p-nitrophenyl phosphomonoesterase assay in the study of the phosphorus nutrition of soil borne fungi. Microbiological Research157, 221-231.
  59. Tibbett, M. & Sanders, F. E. (2002). Ectomycorrhizal symbiosis can enhance plant nutrition through improved access to discrete organic nutrient patches of high resource quality. Annals of Botany89, 783-789.
  60. Tibbett, M., Sanders, F. E. & Cairney, J. W. G. (2002). Low-temperature-induced changes in trehalose, mannitol and arabitol associated with enhanced tolerance to freezing in ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes (Hebeloma spp.). Mycorrhiza. 12, 249-255.
  61. Cox, M. J., Earwood C., Gareth Jones, E. B., Jones, J., Robinson, M., Straker, V., Tibbett, M., & West, S. (2001). An assessment of the impact of trees upon archaeology within a relict wetland. Journal of Archaeological Science28, 1069-1084.
  62. Tibbett, M., Dowell, M. & Hartley, S. (2000). Comparative growth of ectomycorrhizal fungi (Hebeloma spp.) on organic and inorganic nitrogen. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 40, 393-395
  63. Tibbett, M., Sanders, F. E., Grantham, K. & Cairney, J. W. G (2000). Some potential inaccuracies of the p-nitrophenyl phosphomonoesterase assay in the study of the phosphorus nutrition of soil borne fungi. Biology and Fertility of Soils31, 92-96.
  64. Tibbett, M. (2000). Roots, foraging and the exploitation of soil nutrient patches: the role of mycorrhizal symbiosis. Functional Ecology14, 397-399.
  65. Tibbett, M., Sanders, F. E., Cairney, J. W. G. & Leake, J. R. (1999). Temperature regulation of extracellular proteases in ectomycorrhizal fungi (Hebeloma spp.) grown in axenic culture. Mycological Research. 102, 707-714.
  66. Tibbett, M., Sanders, F. E. & Cairney, J. W. G. (1999). Long-term storage of ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes (Hebeloma spp.) at low temperature. Journal of Basic Microbiology39, 381-384.
  67. Tibbett, M., Sanders, F. E. & Cairney, J. W. G. (1998). The effect of temperature and inorganic phosphorus supply on acid phosphatase production and growth in arctic and temperate strains of the ectomycorrhizal Hebeloma spp. in axenic culture. Mycological Research. 102, 129-135.
  68. Tibbett, M., Sanders, F. E., Minto, S. J., Dowell, M. & Cairney, J. W. G. (1998). Utilisation of organic nitrogen by ectomycorrhizal fungi (Hebeloma spp.) of arctic and temperate origin. Mycological Research. 102, 1525-1532.
  69. Tibbett, M., Grantham, K., Sanders, F. E. & Cairney, J. W. G. (1998). Induction of cold active acid phosphomonoesterase activity at low temperature in psychrotrophic ectomycorrhizal Hebeloma spp. Mycological Research102, 1533-1539.
  70. Smith, S. R., Tibbett, M. & Evans, T. E. (1992). Nitrate accumulation potential of sewage sludges applied to soil. Aspects of Applied Biology. 30, (Nitrate and Farming Systems) 157-161.

Peer Reviewed Contributions to Books and Proceedings:

  1. Lardner, T.D. & Tibbett, M. (2013). Deep ripping after topsoil return affects root proliferation and floristic diversity in a restored biodiverse forest after bauxite mining. In: Mine Closure 2013Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Mine Closure. (Eds. M. Tibbett, A. B. Fourie & C. Digby), pp 127-136. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth.
  2. Fourie, A. B., Tibbett, M. & De Jong, J. (2012). The fallacy of designing for in-perpetuity: geotechnical presumptions, ecosystem responses and concepts for managing inevitable change. . In: Mine Closure 2012Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Mine Closure. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth (Eds A. B. Fourie & M. Tibbett), pp 127-136. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth.
  3. Spain A. V. & Tibbett, M. (2012). Coal mine tailings: development after revegetation with salt-tolerant tree species. In: Mine Closure 2012Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Mine Closure. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth (Eds A. B. Fourie & M. Tibbett), pp 583-594. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth.
  4. Lardner T. D., Worthington T. R., Braimbridge, M. F. Vlahos, S. & Tibbett, M. (2011). Optimising soil physical properties for rehabilitation of mined land - effects of tine type on soil strength and root proliferationIn: Mine Closure 2011. Volume 1: Mine Site Reclamation (Eds. A. B. Fourie, M. Tibbett, & A. Beersing.), pp. 153-162. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth.
  5. Spain, A. V. & Tibbett, M. (2011). Substrate conditions, root and arbuscular mycorrhizal colonisation of landforms rehabilitated after coal mining, sub-tropical QueenslandIn: Mine Closure 2011. Volume 1: Mine Site Reclamation (Eds. A. B. Fourie, M. Tibbett, & A. Beersing.), pp. 199-208. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth.
  6. Standish, R. J., Tibbett, M., Vlahos, S., Stokes B. A. & Hobbs, R. J. (2010). The effect of fertiliser on floristic diversity and composition of early-successional jarrah forest restored after bauxite mining in south-western Australia. In: Proceedings of the fifth International conference Mine Closure, Perth, Australia (Eds. A. B. Fourie, M. Tibbett & J. Wiertz), pp 387-395. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth.
  7. Spain, A. V., Hinz, D. and Tibbett, M. (2010). Colonisation of rehabilitated lands by termites (Dictyoptera), RTA Gove bauxite mine, NT, Australia. In: Proceedings of the fifth International conference Mine Closure, Perth, Australia (Eds. A. B. Fourie, M. Tibbett & J. Wiertz), pp 437-448. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth.
  8. Tibbett, M. (2010). Large-scale Mine Site Restoration of Australian Eucalypt Forests After Bauxite Mining: Soil Management and Ecosystem Development. In: Ecology of Industrial Pollution L.C. Batty & K. Hallberg, (Eds), pp. 309-326. Cambridge University Press, UK. Invited Review.
  9. Carter, D. O., Forbes, S. L. & Tibbett, M. (2009). Soil microbial ecology as forensic taphonomy. In: Wecht CH (ed). Forensic Sciences, pp. D37-D79. LexisNexis Matthew Bender, Albany, NY. Invited Review.
  10. George, S. J., Kelly, R., Greenwood, P. & Tibbett, M. (2009). Is soil carbon being sequestered along a reconstructed biodiverse Australian Jarrah forest chronosequence following bauxite mining? Proceedings of the fourth International conference Mine Closure, Perth, Australia (Eds. A. B. Fourie, M. Tibbett), pp. 137-144. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth.
  11. Lin, D. S., Greenwood, P. & Tibbett, M. (2009). Soil carbon dynamics in a rehabilitated chronosequence determined by accelerated solvent extraction. In: Proceedings of the fourth International conference Mine Closure, Perth, Australia (Eds. A. B. Fourie, M. Tibbett), pp. 145-155. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth.
  12. Tibbett, M. & Carter, D. O. (2009). Research in forensic taphonomy: a soil-based perspective. In: Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics (Eds K. Ritz, L. Dawson & D. Miller), pp. 317-331. Springer, Netherlands.
  13. Carter, D. O., Yellowless, D. & Tibbett, M. (2009). Can Temperature Affect the Release of ninhydrin-reactive nitrogen in gravesoil following the burial of a mammalian (Rattus rattus) cadaver? In: Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics (Eds K. Ritz, L. Dawson & D. Miller), pp. 333-340. Springer, Netherlands.
  14. Stokes, K. L., Forbes S. L., Benningerc, L. A., Carter D. O. & Tibbett, M. (2009). Decomposition studies using animal models in contrasting environments: evidence from temporal changes in soil chemistry and microbial activity. In: Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics (Eds K. Ritz, L. Dawson & D. Miller), pp 357-377. Springer, Netherlands.
  15. Parkinson R. A., Dias K-R., HorswellJ., Greenwood, P. Banning, N., Tibbett, M. Chambers, G. K. & Vass A. A. (2009). Microbial community analysis of human decomposition on soil. In: Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics (Eds K. Ritz, L. Dawson & D. Miller), pp. 379-394. Springer, Netherlands.
  16. Ryan M. H. & Tibbett, M. (2008). The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in organic farming systems. In: Organic Crop Production (Eds. H. Kirchmann & L. Bergström). pp. 189-229, Springer-Verlag, Netherlands. Invited Review.
  17. Tibbett, M. (2008). Carbon Accumulation in Soils during Reforestation: the Australian Experience after Bauxite Mining. In: Fourie, A., Tibbett, M. & Weiersbye, I. & Dye P. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Mine Closure, Johannesburg, South Africa. Pp 3-12. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth. Invited Review.
  18. Worrall, R. C., Spain, A. V. & Tibbett, M. (2008). Establishment of Native Tree Species on Coal Tailings - Lessons from Ebenezer Mine, Queensland, Australia. In: Fourie, A., Tibbett, M. & Weiersbye, I. & Dye P. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Mine Closure, Johannesburg, South Africa. Pp 739 - 750 Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth
  19. Fourie, A. B., Tibbett, M., Worthington, T. & King, E. A. (2008). Quantifying the Effect of Substrate Compaction on Root Development in Cover Systems. In: Fourie, A., Tibbett, M. & Weiersbye, I. & Dye P. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Mine Closure, Johannesburg, South Africa. Pp 27 - 34. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth. Invited Review.
  20. Standish R. J., Morald T.K., Koch J.M., Hobbs R.J. & Tibbett M. (2008). Restoring Jarrah Forest after Bauxite Mining in Western Australia - The Effect of Fertilizer on Floristic Diversity and Composition. In: Fourie, A., Tibbett, M. & Weiersbye, I. & Dye P. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Mine Closure, Johannesburg, South Africa. Pp 717 - 725. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth
  21. Carter, D. O. & Tibbett, M. (2008). Cadaver Decomposition and Soil: Processes In: Soil Analysis in Forensic Taphonomy: Chemical and Biological Effects of Buried Human Remains (eds. M. Tibbett & D. O. Carter) pp. 29-52. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
  22. Sagara, N., Yamanaka, T. & Tibbett, M. (2008). Soil Fungi Associated with Graves and Latrines: Towards a Forensic Mycology In: Soil Analysis in Forensic Taphonomy: Chemical and Biological Effects of Buried Human Remains (eds. M. Tibbett & D. O. Carter) pp. 67-108. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
  23. Tibbett, M. (2008). The Basics of Forensic Taphonomy: Understanding Cadaver Decomposition in Terrestrial Gravesites. In: Forensic Approaches to Death, Disaster and Abuse. Ed. M. Oxenham pp. 29-36. Australian Academic Press, Sydney. Invited Review.
  24. Fourie, A. B. & Tibbett, M. (2007). Post-mining Landforms: Engineering a Biological System. In: Proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Mine Closure (Eds. A. B. Fourie, M. Tibbett & J. Wiertz) pp 3-12. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth. Invited Review.
  25. Ryan MH, Barker S, Chen Y, Denton MD, Edmonds-Tibbett T, Tibbett M, Walker C, 2007, Establishing the mycorrhizal status of native Fabaceae. Proceedings of the MEDECOS XI 2007, 2-5 September Perth WA (Eds Rokich D, Wardell-Johnson G, Yates C, Stevens J, Dixon K, McLellan R, Moss G). pp. 217-218.
  26. Worthington, T., Braimbridge, M., Vlahos, S., Amoah, N. & Tibbett, M. (2007). Geotechnical Materials and Wood Wastes for Embankment Stabilisation of Tailing Storage Facilities. In: Proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Mine Closure. (Eds. A. B. Fourie & M. Tibbett & J. Wiertz) pp 655-664. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth.
  27. Worthington, T., Braimbridge, M. F., Vlahos, S. & Tibbett, M. (2006). When to sow your seed for optimal forest rehabilitation: lessons from the Jarrah forest of south western Australia. In: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on Mine Closure (Eds. A. B. Fourie & M. Tibbett) pp.319-328. ACG, Perth.
  28. George, S. J., Braimbridge, M. F., Davis, S. G., Ryan, M. Vlahos, S. & Tibbett, M. (2006). Phosphorus fertiliser placement and seedling success in Australian Jarrah Forest. In: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on Mine Closure (Eds. A. B. Fourie & M. Tibbett) pp.341-350. ACG, Perth.
  29. Spain, A. V., Hinz, D.A. Ludwig, J., Tibbett, M. & Tongway, D. (2006). Mine closure and ecosystem development: Alcan Gove bauxite mine, NT, Australia. In: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on Mine Closure (Eds. A. B. Fourie & M. Tibbett) pp. 299-308. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth.
  30. Fourie A. B. & Tibbett, M. (2006). Minimising closure costs by integrating incremental rehabilitation into mining operations. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on Strategic Versus Tactical Approach to Mining. (Ed. Y. Potvin), pp. 1-12 section 17. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, Australia.
  31. Carter D. O. & Tibbett, M. (2005). Forensic taphonomy: the adaptation of the soil microbial decomposer community to soft tissue burial. In: Proceedings of the 33rd international Symposium on Archaeometry (eds. H. Kars & E. Burke) pp. 453-456. Geoarchaeological and Bioarchaeological Studies Volume 3. Institute for Geo- and Bioarchaeology, Amsterdam.
  32. Haslam, R. & Tibbett, M. (2005). The use of different soil aggregate fractions in the investigation of a possible land use boundary at Merrivale, Dartmoor England. In: Proceedings of the 33rd international Symposium on Archaeometry (eds. H. Kars & E. Burke) pp. 197-198. Geoarchaeological and Bioarchaeological Studies Volume 3. Institute for Geo- and Bioarchaeology, Amsterdam.
  33. Haslam, R. & Tibbett, M. (2005). An Examination of the relationship between firing temperature, soil type and post-depositional alteration in fine wares. In: Proceedings of the 33rd international Symposium on Archaeometry (eds. H. Kars & E. Burke) pp. 7-10. Geoarchaeological and Bioarchaeological Studies Volume 3. Institute for Geo- and Bioarchaeology, Amsterdam.
  34. Tibbett, M. & Diaz, A. (2002). Sulphurous soil amendments as a grassland habitat management tool. In: British Grassland Society 'Conservation Pays' Occasional Symposium Series (Ed. J Frame), pp.167-170. Anthony Row Ltd, Wiltshire, UK.
  35. Haslam, R. & Tibbett, M. (2001). Soil metal analysis: improving the archaeological resolution. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Soils and Archaeology (Ed. G. Füleky) pp. 51-53. Környezetkíméló Agrokémiáért Alapítvány, Gödölló, Hungary.
  36. Smith, M. & Tibbett, M. (2001). Nitrogen nutrition of rye grass under low application rates of sewage sludge. In: Recycling and Reuse of Sewage Sludge. (Eds. R. K. Dhir, M. C. Limbachiya & M. J. McCarthy) pp. 287-292. Thomas Telford, London.
  37. Green, I. D. & Tibbett, M. (2001). Implications of the recycling of sewage sludge to the agro-ecosystem: zinc transfer in the soil-plant-arthropod system. In: Recycling and Reuse of Sewage Sludge (Eds. R. K. Dhir, M. C. Limbachiya & M. J. McCarthy). pp. 217-226, Thomas Telford, London.
  38. Tibbett, M., Smith, H. & Haslam, R. (2001). Learning by joining the dots: the analysis and mapping of biophile elements for teaching archaeological site assessment. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Soils and Archaeology (Ed. G. Füleky) pp. 166-168. Környezetkíméló Agrokémiáért Alapítvány, Gödölló, Hungary.
  39. Haslam, R. & Tibbett, M. (2001). The influence of aggregate size fraction on a metal assay at Merrivale, UK. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Soils and Archaeology (Ed. G. Füleky) pp. 43-47. Környezetkíméló Agrokémiáért Alapítvány, Gödölló, Hungary.
  40. Carter, D. & Tibbett, M. (2001). The effect of temperature on the decomposition of soft tissue in soil. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Soils and Archaeology (Ed. G. Füleky) 57-60. Környezetkíméló Agrokémiáért Alapítvány, Gödölló, Hungary.
  41. Tibbett, M. (2000). Rapid recycling of organically derived nutrients by mycorrhizal fungi. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Soil Dynamics (Eds. T.W. Riley & J. M. A. Desbiolles) pp. 161-167. Profile Communications, Kent Town, South Australia.
  42. Tibbett, M. & Killham, K. (2000). Biodegradation of light crude oil in arable soils from southern Shetland, UK. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Soil Dynamics (Eds. T.W. Riley & J. M. A. Desbiolles) pp. 171-184. Profile Communications, Kent Town, South Australia.
  43. Tibbett, M., Chambers, S. M. & Cairney, J. W. G. (1998). Methods for determining phosphatase activities in ectomycorrhizal fungi. In: Mycorrhiza Manual (Ed. A. Varma) pp. 217-255. Springer-Verlag: Berlin. Invited chapter.
  44. Tibbett, M. & Sanders, F. E. (1998). Exploitation of discrete organic nutrient patches by ectomycorrhizal willow plants. In: Progress in Mycological SciencesProceedings of the 6th International Symposium of the Mycological Society of Japan (Eds. Y. Kitamoto et al.) p.76.
  45. Tibbett, M., Sanders, F. E. & Cairney J. W. G. (1998). Survival growth and enzyme activities of ectomycorrhizal fungi at low temperature. In: Progress in Mycological SciencesProceedings of the 6th International Symposium of the Mycological Society of Japan (Eds. Y. Kitamoto et al.) p.77.
  46. Tibbett, M. & Cairney, J. W. G. (1996). Production and activity of acid phosphatase at low temperature in Hebeloma crustuliniforme. In: Mycorrhizas in Integrated Systems: From Genes to Plant Development. (Eds. C. Azcon-Aguilar and J. M. Barea) pp. 384 - 387.


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