Emanuel Scherdien da Rosa

Laboratory and Field Technician in Plant-soil-fungal Interactions
Taxonomy, conservation biology and botanical illustrationAreas of interest
Botany, mycorrhizal biology, conservation biology, bioinformatics, scientific illustrationResearch centres and groups
2024-current: Mycorrhiza laboratory (Mark Tibbett’s research group)
2023-2023: Lepidoptera Ecology Laboratory (LELep), Federal University of Pelotas (Brazil)
2020–2023: Scientific Illustration Center (NIC), Federal University of Pelotas (Brazil)
2019–2024: Plant Systematics and Evolution Laboratory (LaSEP), Federal University of Pelotas (Brazil)
Research projects
Digging into the "Gadgil effect": how the competitive balance between fungal guilds affects carbon and nitrogen cycling.Background
Biological SciencesAcademic qualifications
Bachelor’s degree in Biological SciencesAwards and honours
2023 - Highlighted Work in session of the XXXII Undergraduate Research Congress, Federal University of Pelotas (Brazil)
2022 - Highlighted Work in session of the VIII Undergraduate Teaching Congress, Federal University of Pelotas (Brazil)
2022 - Highlighted Work in session of the IX Extension and Culture Congress, Federal University of Pelotas (Brazil)
2021 – 2nd place in Black & White botanical illustration competition, University of Vale do Taquari – Univates (Brazil)
Professional bodies/affiliations
ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app (2024-current)
Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil (2018-2024)
Selected publications
da Rosa ES. (2024). Artificial intelligence and conservation: the use of bioinformatics in the pre-assessment of the conservation status of Iridaceae species endemic to the Pampa biome. 89 p. Bachelor’s thesis in Biological Science. Institute of Biology, Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil. [in Portuguese]