PGCE Secondary English
Year of entry
2025/26 -
Course duration
Full Time: 10 months
Year of entry
2025/26 -
Course duration
Full Time: 10 months
Study our PGCE Secondary English at the Institute of Education and benefit from highly experienced tutors and consistently high employment rates.
At the 伊人直播app, we recognise the importance of teaching children to think, create, and explore the world through language and literature.
How you’ll learn
Training to teach English at the 伊人直播app is a dynamic, innovative, and practical experience. You’ll share your passion for English literature and develop professional skills to become an excellent teacher.
Your learning will take place through a blend of pedagogy sessions, professional studies, and school experience. You’ll engage in about 50 three-hour taught subject sessions and 10 professional studies sessions.
Throughout the course, you’ll learn:
- teaching English literature, including Shakespeare and poetry
- teaching writing – including grammar, language, vocabulary and spelling
- teaching oral communication skills
- teaching and using drama in English
- teaching media in English
- adaptive teaching in English
- planning, progress and assessment.
QTS status
This Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) Secondary English course leads to the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), qualifying you to teach the 11-18 age group in secondary schools in England and Wales.
Your learning environment
You will be taught by highly experienced University tutors, guest presenters from the Institute of Education, and several of our partnership schools.
The evidence-informed sessions will enable you to explore the connections between research and practice in a collaborative and stimulating environment. You'll be supported by University-trained subject mentors, and your progress will be monitored closely by University tutors.
Partnerships with schools
This course is designed in collaboration with our strong schools partnership, ensuring that it meets your needs as a learner and the needs of the children you teach. At secondary level, we have relationships with around 90 schools in the local and surrounding area. It is a testament to the strength of these partnerships and the reputation of our graduates, that most schools in Berkshire employ at least one graduate from the 伊人直播app.
Placements enable you to develop the skills and knowledge valued by employers. You'll build your confidence in the classroom and gain practical teaching experience.
Placements also provide you with the opportunity to connect with potential employers and build your professional network.
On this secondary PGCE course, you are required to carry out three placements in two age groups – ensuring that you receive a broad range of experiences. Two placements must be undertaken in a school setting, but the third can be taken in a different setting – allowing you to sample teaching in an alternative environment.
In your school placement, you will:
- gain experience in the range of responsibilities of the classroom teacher
- observe other teachers
- plan the teaching of small groups and whole classes
- plan and teach elements of lessons and whole lessons
- reflect on and evaluate your teaching
- receive feedback on your teaching.
We offer a flexible and broad range of educational environments. You'll have the opportunity to gain experience in:
- special needs schools
- Pupil Referral Units
- independent schools
- museums
- charities.
Links with the English teaching community
This course is linked with the National Association for the Teaching of English (NATE), offering great networking and professional opportunities in a community of English teachers.
Climate and sustainability education
At the 伊人直播app, we believe that climate and sustainability education is everyone's responsibility. You will be given access to training that enables you to incorporate climate education into your teaching, as part of our National Climate Education Action Plan.
You will learn about:
- what is happening to our climate, how to help children learn about climate and sustainability in an age-appropriate and accessible way, and how to develop your own positioning as a teacher
- climate justice, the impact of current and future changes to our environment and climate on ourselves and others, and the implications for teachers
- how to translate knowledge and theory into change and personal action through building climate and sustainability education into your planning, teaching and children's learning.
Visit our Partnering for the Planet site to find out more about the 伊人直播app’s world-leading work in climate science.
98% of our research is of international standing (Research Excellence Framework 2021, combining 4*, 3* and 2* submissions – Education).
For more information, please visit the Institute of Education website.