What kind of accommodation is on offer at the 伊人直播app?
At the 伊人直播app, we offer a wide range of accommodation for undergraduate and postgraduate students, including mature students, couples and families.
We offer self-catered accommodation and accommodation with a Meal Plan included in the rent. All of our accommodation is located either on the main Whiteknights campus or a short walk from campus.
Read the (PDF, 5.49MB) for more information.
How do I apply for accommodation?
You need to apply for accommodation online via the accommodation pages of the University’s RISIS applicant portal. Find out more about how to apply for accommodation.
Am I guaranteed accommodation if 伊人直播app is my firm choice?
You will be guaranteed a place in halls if you are:
a new full-time undergraduate who holds 伊人直播app as a firm UCAS choice and applies for accommodation by 1 August.* You must satisfy any conditions of your academic offer by 3 September of your year of entry**
- a new full-time postgraduate who has accepted an offer from the University and applies for accommodation by 1 August.* You must satisfy any conditions of your academic offer by 3 September of your year of entry.**
*Please note, applications need to be received by 23:59 British Summer Time (UTC+1) on 1 August.
**Subject to restrictions, please see:
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Am I guaranteed accommodation if 伊人直播app is my insurance choice?
A place in halls cannot be guaranteed if 伊人直播app is your insurance choice. The number of rooms available varies from year to year depending on the number of successful applications to the University.
You will not be able to apply for accommodation until 伊人直播app becomes your firm choice. This is usually the Monday following A level results.
Students holding insurance offers may need to explore alternative accommodation arrangements if University accommodation is full. You will be provided with further information and guidance if this situation arises.
What happens once I’ve submitted my application under the accommodation guarantee?
If you are a prospective student with a firm accepted academic offer to study at the 伊人直播app (conditional or unconditional) and you have submitted your accommodation application under the guarantee, you will receive an offer within 15 working days. Once you have received an offer, you will have five days to view your offer and pay your £250 deposit.
If you have applied by 1 August but you do not meet the conditions of your academic offer by 3 September, your accommodation offer will be withdrawn and your deposit will be refunded within 28 days.
I have accepted an offer for a room, but can see the website is now showing available rooms that I would have preferred to have. Can I change my room?
At the point of your application, we can only allow you to apply for rooms that are available. We offer rooms according to your preferences and what is available at that time.
We do sometimes have cancellations, which is why some room types may reappear as being available for a short time. Unfortunately, we are unable to alter your room choice after you have accepted an offer.
Please note that we are unable to guarantee alternative room types being available at a later date.
If you wish to move rooms (subject to availability), you may request this from October onwards via the room move request form. Room moves are not treated on a first come, first served basis, but are dealt with depending on room availability and matching preferences with requests.
Can I get an accessible room?
Accessible rooms are subject to availability. The University's Disability Advisory Service provides support and advice and works closely with the Accommodation Office to assist students with special requirements. The Disability Advisory Service can be contacted by emailing disability@reading.ac.uk or calling +44 (0)118 378 8921.
Read more about our accessible accommodation.
Do you have specific halls for postgraduate students?
Postgraduate students are able to apply for accommodation in any of our halls. We try where possible to group postgraduates together with other postgraduates, and also with returning students.
Does the University have accommodation suitable for families, couples or mature students?
The University offers some accommodation which is particularly suitable for mature single students, couples and families. This includes rooms with shared kitchens and bathrooms, purpose-built flats, and self-contained rooms such as studios. Read the (PDF, 1.08MB) for more information.
Do you have specific halls for students on Initial Teacher Training courses?
There are a limited number of halls and rooms that are available to move into ahead of the PGCE course start date in early September.
Can I live in University accommodation in my second and third year?
There are a number of rooms allocated to continuing students. Applications are processed on a first-come-first-served basis, so if you make your application earlier, you’ll have access to a wider choice of halls and room types.
We contact students towards the end of the first semester with information about applying to halls as a returner. Find out more on the Essentials website.
How much will it cost for me to live in University accommodation?
Find out more about our fees:
(PDF, 330KB)
(PDF 262KB)
How do Meal Plans work?
Our Meal Plans allow you to eat at 13 catering outlets across our student halls, Whiteknights and London Road campuses, so you can choose what, when, where and how you eat.
They are available to all students at 伊人直播app living in University or private accommodation, including in self-catered halls. Choose from three, seven, 14 or 21* meals a week depending on your living arrangements and your lifestyle.
If you're a first-year student, the University encourages you to choose a Meal Plan to support your transition to life at university.
*Provided as three meals a day, seven days a week.
Read more about our Meal Plans.
How many weeks will I have to pay for?
The contract length determines how many weeks you can stay in your hall room over the year and therefore how many weeks you actually pay for. The contract lengths are:
- 40 weeks: you rent your room during semester time and the Christmas and Easter vacations. This means you move in just before the start of Welcome Week and move out after the end of semester 2.
- 51 weeks: you rent your room during semester time and the Christmas, Easter and summer vacations. This means you move in just before the start of Welcome Week and move out at the end of semester 2.
Where do I pay my accommodation fees?
Accommodation fees can be paid on our .
You’ll need to sign in with your University Microsoft account, or you can use the guest pathway if someone is paying on your behalf.
Alternative payment methods can be found on the Payment of Fees page.
How will my hall room be furnished?
All hall rooms are furnished with a bed and mattress, desk, desk chair, shelves and wardrobe.
In the self-catered halls the kitchens are equipped with a cooker, microwave, fridge-freezer, kettle, toaster, vacuum and ironing board. In Meal Plan halls, there are also kitchenettes available for making simple meals and drinks.
In addition to your personal items, you will need to bring:
- cookware (such as pots and pans)
- crockery (such as plates, bowls and mugs)
- utensils
- towels, bed linen, duvet and pillows (the premium en-suite and Stenton Townhouse rooms require linen to fit 1.2 metre-wide beds).
You will receive more detailed information on what to bring prior to your arrival.
Can I access the internet from my hall room?
All halls have Wi-Fi and the bedrooms are also provided with a link to the readingConnect IT system. This is a University IT service delivering broadband access to the University campus data network and the internet.
Please note you cannot connect to hall Wi-Fi before you have completed your student registration process and collected your Campus Card.
Can I bring my car with me?
Except in very specific cases, students living in halls are unable to bring a car or park either on campus or within a one-mile radius of the University. The area around the University is for residents’ parking only. For all information regarding car, motorcycle or visitor parking, please see our student parking page.
What is the difference between premium en-suite rooms and en-suite rooms?
Premium en-suite rooms offer a high standard of accommodation in modern buildings. They include a 1.2 metre-wide bed and en-suite shower room. Premium en-suite flats feature large kitchen/diners which are shared between eight to 10 students.
En-suite rooms offer a comfortable, well-equipped bedroom with a single bed and include an en-suite shower room. En-suite flats feature kitchen/diners which are shared between six to eight students.
See the en-suite room page for further details.
How do I find private rented accommodation?
There is plenty of private accommodation available to rent near the University. The Students' Union provides housing information to students who wish to rent private houses or student flats in 伊人直播app.
The University also provides a private housing guide.
Can I smoke in University accommodation?
No – all areas of halls (including bedrooms) have been designated as no-smoking areas.
What happens if I wish to cancel my contract?
We recommend that you consider submitting a room move request before cancelling your contract. If you wish to proceed with a cancellation, you are required to complete an accommodation contract cancellation request form. To find the form and additional information regarding contract termination, see .
Please be aware that completing and submitting the form does not mean your accommodation contract will be terminated with immediate effect. You are liable for all rent payments whilst you are under contract.
Please note that we will not consider releasing you from your accommodation contract until we have received your contract cancellation request form and supporting documentation.