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Student Travel

Travel Information for Students

Booking Student Travel on the Business of the University

Students of the ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app and subsidiaries, travelling on the business of the University, for example to conferences or on research trips, must follow most of the same booking processes as staff. Please see the Travel Booking webpage for the details on how to book travel.

As students may not be able to book their travel directly with the Travel Management Company (TMC), you may need assistance from a member of Executive Support within your School. Please ensure that you have read the Travel Policy prior to booking any travel and see the Travel Booking page for more information on how to book your trip. 


Field Trip Travel

Field trip organisers must follow all of the guidance in Health & Safety Code of Practice 32. Students of the ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app and subsidiaries, travelling on field trips are covered by the University travel insurance and emergency medical attention is automatically in place. Please see the Travel Booking webpage for the details on participating in dangerous sports and activities while travelling and taking medication away with you.

Student Academic Placement Overseas Travel

Students undertaking overseas placements are expected to manage this process themselves but must liaise with the Placements team about overseas travel and trip arrangements during their placement as part of the risk profiling process. Students contracted with the ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app and subsidiaries, are covered by the University travel insurance and emergency medical attention when travelling for their placement. (N.B. when students are away from the ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app on work placements, the organisations accepting them are expected to cover them under their employer's liability insurance with regard to any personal injury which the student may suffer for which the organisation in question is legally liable.) Please see the Travel Booking webpage for the details on participating in dangerous sports and activities while travelling and taking medication away with you. 


Student Risk Assessment

Students at ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app (UK) or RUMAL should access  and complete the online risk management form for students (under ‘Actions’ select ‘Student Risk Management’). Risk assessments do not need to be emailed to the Insurance Team,

Travel Training for Students 

Prior to travel, students can access a suite of travel training modules directly via the website.  Please set up an account using your University email address to access these. Once you have set up an account the training can be accessed through the Security/ Security Training tab.


Student Travel Insurance and Claims 

Students travelling on the business of the University, field trips or placements are covered by our Travel and Personal Accident Insurance Policy. It should be noted that any Insurance cover is subject to terms & conditions and there may be restrictions and exclusions in place.  Failure to comply with these conditions may prejudice the traveller’s position to recover losses in the event of a claim.  For confirmation of cover and supporting documentation please visit the Insurance & Certificate page  

Please refer to the Travel Claims webpage for more information on how to raise a travel claim, noting the Emergency Assistance information and how to access these services whilst you are on your trip.   


Students Requiring Proof of Insurance for Visa Applications

If a letter confirming 'travel insurance in place' is required for VISA purposes you can  submit a request via the AIG Travel Assistance mobile app.  Alternatively please contact the Insurance office. uor-insurance@reading.ac.uk.

Insurance for Renting Property Overseas

When renting a property overseas, it is recommended students takes out their own Home (contents) and Personal Liability Insurance cover.

Whilst there is Personal Liability cover in place under the university Travel Insurance policy  which would normally cover damage to Third Property, this will not apply as rented accommodation is defined as property of the student and under the student’s care, custody and control. 

For this reason our Insurers  recommend students should confirm with their landlord whether there is insurance as part of the rent paid, which would cover them for any damage caused to the property and if not then they will have to take out their own policy.

Foreign Student medical cover

For details of medical cover available for overseas students resident in the UK for less than six months, please visit  or alternatively call them on 01242 866616.