Expert comment: civilian violence in Haiti
25 April 2023

Professor Rosa Freedman, professor of law, conflict and global development at the 伊人直播app, said:
“Over recent days there has been significant violence sweeping across Haiti. This time, communities, civilians, and police are fighting back against the gangs that have taken over many areas of the country since Ariel Henry became President. The gang violence has been all-but ignored by the international community and in particular the USA, which is a strong supporter of President Henry.
“Many Haitians are pointing to yet another round of international interference in Haiti’s politics as pivotal in the violence and criminality that has swept across the country. Now citizens are taking matters into their own – also unlawful – hands.
“Over recent weeks and months, there have been waves of internally displaced persons fleeing areas controlled by gangs that the government has done little to counter. In the past few days, many civilians, joined by the police, have stoned, beaten, and engaged in mob violence using sticks, stones and sidearms against the gangsters who patrol and control areas with large and powerful guns.
“The sheer number of those fighting back has meant many gangs are being overwhelmed, and many gangsters murdered in broad daylight. Kenya appears to be ready to send police to help stabilise the situation, and there have been murmurings from other countries. But there needs to be a much stronger and more concerted response from the international community to support the police and to enable Haitians to re-establish law and order. This cannot be yet another international interference in Haiti and in its politics, but rather now must be the time for international efforts to focus on supporting Haitians to elect a government of their choosing and one that is capable of bringing stability to the country.”
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