

Archaeology, Geography and Environmental Science - Modules for 2024/5

Module Code Module Title Level Further Information
AR1EMP Early Empires: Mesopotamia, Egypt & Rome 1 More Information
AR1FOR Forensic Anthropology and the Archaeology of Death 1 More Information
AR1MET Archaeology today: methods and practice 1 More Information
AR1RAT Revolutions and Transitions: The Human Journey from 6 Million Years Ago to the Present Day 1 More Information
AR1SOC Contemporary world cultures: an introduction to social anthropology 1 More Information
AR2AOB Ancient Objects: Materials and Meanings 2 More Information
AR2BIO Bioarchaeology 2 More Information
AR2CSA Forensic Archaeology and Crime Scene Analysis 2 More Information
AR2FSC Archaeology Field School and Professional Practice 2 More Information
AR2L2 Study Abroad 2 More Information
AR2M8 Medieval Europe: power, religion and death 2 More Information
AR2P14 Prehistoric Europe: the first million years 2 More Information
AR2PHY Professional Placement Half-Year 2 More Information
AR2PLA Summer Placement 2 More Information
AR2PPY Professional Placement Year 2 More Information
AR2R8 Rome's Mediterranean Empire 2 More Information
AR2SAY Study Abroad in Archaeology 2 More Information
AR2SCF2 Changing the Face of the Earth: Past, Present and Future Sustainability 2 More Information
AR2TAH Archaeology and heritage: past, present and future 2 More Information
AR3D1 Dissertation 3 More Information
AR3F1 Post-Excavation: assessment, analysis & publication in the profession 3 More Information
AR3HCP The Anthropology of Heritage and Cultural Property 3 More Information
AR3M14 Living in Medieval Towns 3 More Information
AR3P13 Emergence of Civilisation in Mesopotamia 3 More Information
AR3P20 Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Britain 3 More Information
AR3P22 The First Europeans: The Archaeology and Palaeoanthropology of the Lower Palaeolithic 3 More Information
AR3R12 Objects and Identities in the Roman Empire 3 More Information
AR3S20 The Archaeology and Anthropology of Food 3 More Information
AR3S21 Biological anthropology 3 More Information
ARMDSS Dissertation M More Information
ARMF1 From Excavation to Publication: Professional Practice in Archaeology M More Information
ARMFC Food and Culture M More Information
ARMHCP Contemporary Issues and Debates In Heritage and Cultural Property (Ma) M More Information
ARMNBA Interpreting the Neolithic and Bronze Age in Britain M More Information
ARMR27 Material Culture and Identities in the Roman Empire M More Information
ARMREP Research and Enterprise Placement M More Information
ARMT02 Themes and Approaches in the Study of Mesopotamia M More Information
ARMTCA Theoretical Approaches and Contemporary Challenges in Archaeology M More Information
ARMUMA Becoming Urban in the Middle Ages M More Information
GV1A3NU Chemistry of the Earth & Environment 1 More Information
GV1AHG Approaching Human Geography 1 More Information
GV1AHGNU Approaching Human Geography 1 More Information
GV1DEN Data Environment 1 More Information
GV1DENNU Data Environment 1 More Information
GV1EENU Environmental Engineering Microbiology 1 More Information
GV1EL Earth Lab 1 More Information
GV1EMNU Environmental Monitoring 1 More Information
GV1ESNU Environmental Science: Issues and Techniques 1 More Information
GV1FC Geography and Environmental Science Field Class 1 More Information
GV1GC Global Challenges: a Planet in Crisis 1 More Information
GV1GCNU Global Challenges: a Planet in Crisis 1 More Information
GV1GIM Geographical Imaginaries 1 More Information
GV1LAR Landscapes and Natural Resources 1 More Information
GV1LARNU Landscapes and Natural Resources 1 More Information
GV1RES Restless Planet 1 More Information
GV1SENU Soil and Earth Surface Dynamics 1 More Information
GV1SKL Skills in Geography and Environmental Science 1 More Information
GV1SKLNU Skills in Geography and Environmental Science 1 More Information
GV1SOC Contemporary world cultures: an introduction to social anthropology 1 More Information
GV2ATA Analysing Social Data: Techniques and Applications 2 More Information
GV2ATANU Analysing Social Data: Techniques and Applications 2 More Information
GV2CEC Climate and Environmental Change 2 More Information
GV2DEV Environment and Development 2 More Information
GV2ED Environmental Diagnostics 2 More Information
GV2EDNU Analysing Environmental Data and Information Systems 2 More Information
GV2EEENU Ecological Engineering of the Environment 2 More Information
GV2EGR Energy Resources 2 More Information
GV2ENNU Environmental Engineering: Principles and Practice 2 More Information
GV2EPG Encountering Political Geographies 2 More Information
GV2EPH Earth Processes and Hazards 2 More Information
GV2EPMNU Environmental Planning and Management 2 More Information
GV2FCANU Geography & Environmental Science Field Class 2 More Information
GV2FLD Field Class 2 More Information
GV2FLDNU Field Class 2 More Information
GV2GEO Geographical Information Systems 2 More Information
GV2GEONU Geographical Information Systems 2 More Information
GV2MEA Monitoring the Earth from Above 2 More Information
GV2MEANU Monitoring the Earth from Above 2 More Information
GV2PLA Summer Placement 2 More Information
GV2PPY Professional Placement Year 2 More Information
GV2SAY Study Abroad in Geography 2 More Information
GV2SCG Living Together: Social and Cultural Geographies 2 More Information
GV2STP Skills Training and Project Design 2 More Information
GV2STPNU Skills Training and Project Design 2 More Information
GV2WES Water in the Earth System 2 More Information
GV2WESNU Water in the Earth System 2 More Information
GV2WPNU Water Pollution Control Engineering 2 More Information
GV362 Water Resources 3 More Information
GV3AECNU Air Pollution: Effects and Control 3 More Information
GV3CCR Climate Change and the Geographies of Responsibility 3 More Information
GV3CEM Coastal and Estuarine Management 3 More Information
GV3CLC Climate Change 3 More Information
GV3CLCNU Climate Change 3 More Information
GV3CPS Consumption, Politics and Space 3 More Information
GV3DDT Deathscapes and Dark Tourism 3 More Information
GV3ESF Environmental Science Field Class 3 More Information
GV3ESMNU Ecosystem Modelling 3 More Information
GV3GED Geography & Environmental Science Dissertation 3 More Information
GV3GEDNU Dissertation 3 More Information
GV3GEF Geography and Environmental Science Field Class 3 More Information
GV3HCP The Anthropology of Heritage and Cultural Property 3 More Information
GV3HGF Human Geography Field Class 3 More Information
GV3PFF Preparing For Floods 3 More Information
GV3PGF Physical Geography Field Class 3 More Information
GV3PLANU Summer Placement 3 More Information
GV3POL Environmental Pollution 3 More Information
GV3POLNU Environmental Pollution 3 More Information
GV3RSP Research Skills and Project Management 3 More Information
GV3RSPNU Research Skills and Project Management 3 More Information
GV3SAP Study Abroad Programme 3 More Information
GV3SCW Spaces of Care and Wellbeing 3 More Information
GV3SEES Soil Ecology, Environment and Sustainability 3 More Information
GV3TRC Tropical Rainforests, Climate and Lost Civilisations 3 More Information
GV3VOL Volcanic Hazards and Risk Management 3 More Information
GVMCLC Climate Change M More Information
GVMEMFC Environmental Management Field Class M More Information
GVMENVC Environmental Consultancy M More Information
GVMEWM Environmental and Waste Management M More Information
GVMPFU Preparing for Floods in an Uncertain Future M More Information
GVMPOL Environmental Pollution M More Information
GVMQAES Quantitative Analysis of Data in Environmental Science M More Information
GVMRP Research Project M More Information
GVMSES Soil Ecology, Environment and Sustainability M More Information
GVMSILR Skills for Independent Learning and Research M More Information

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