Renewing items
You can renew standard and semester loans. Recalled items and journals cannot be renewed.
There are two ways to renew them.
Follow the link from the Library homepage, or login to your account via the My Account link on the Enterprise catalogue to renew your items online. We will also usually send you an email when your books are due which includes a link to your account to renew them. More about renewing your loans online
By phone
To renew your items by phone please call (0118) 378 8770
If possible, please phone 09:00 - 17:00, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, or 09:30 - 17:00 on Tuesdays.
Renewal conditions
This service is available providing you do not have:
- an overdue recalled item
- an item overdue by more than seven days
- a bill outstanding for more than seven days
The following items may not be renewed:
- Items on hold/recalled - recalled and placing a hold
- 7-day loan journals.
How many times can I renew?
Staff, students and Associate Members
There is no limit on the number of times you can renew 伊人直播app Library items, unless they have been recalled.
For inter-library loan items you can request up to 5 renewals (renewals are at the discretion of the lending library).
External borrowers
You can renew items up to 5 times before you will need to return the items to the Library, unless they have been recalled.