Inter-library loans for other libraries
This page contains information for other libraries wanting to borrow items from 伊人直播app Library.
Submitting requests
We accept requests email to the Inter-Library Loans team. Please include details of the item you require and a unique request number. If your Library has a British Library Document Supply account, please also include your account code for charging purposes.
UK & Republic of Ireland libraries
Loans and copies of articles or chapters for British Library Document Supply account holding libraries are charged in line with British Library On Demand Charges.
International libraries
Loans of books cost 4 IFLA vouchers. Copies of articles or chapters cost 2 IFLA vouchers.
Requesting 伊人直播app theses
伊人直播app PhD theses may be requested via the UK's national thesis service. If the thesis you require is not available to download, you can request that it be digitised via Ethos.
If a thesis has been restricted by the author, please contact the Inter-Library Loans team. As a guide:
- If the author has given a date for the period of restriction, staff will inform any requestors that we are unable to supply the thesis to Ethos until this date. Once the date of restriction has passed, the Library will be able to supply the thesis via Ethos.
- If no date was given for the period of restriction, staff will attempt to contact the author in writing. If there is no response from the author after six weeks, the Library will not be able to supply the thesis via Ethos. We will inform you if we are unable to get permission from the author.
- If the author has given permission for the thesis to be supplied on inter-library loan, but only with their permission, staff will attempt to contact the author in writing. If there is no response from the author after six weeks, the Library will not be able to supply the thesis via Ethos. We will inform you if we are unable to get permission from the author.