Rules for the use of the University Library
Library mission statement:
The purpose of the Library is to support teaching, learning and research in the University, by developing and promoting access to information resources; and also to contribute to the wider world of scholarship and to the transfer of knowledge, by collaborating and co-operating with other organisations.
Note: The main purpose of these rules is to safeguard the common interests of all readers and to enable the Library to carry out its functions and deliver its mission as efficiently as possible.
Rules framed by the University Librarian in respect of the Library have the force of Regulations for Student Conduct.
Use of all computers and IT facilities within the Library must comply with the IT User Regulations.
Access and Membership:
- Library opening hours are determined by the University Librarian. They may be changed from time to time and notice of any alterations will be given on the Library website.
- Library users must leave the Library by the advertised closing time.
- The following are eligible to join and borrow from the Library:
a) Members of University Staff
b) Students formally admitted to a course of study of the University and leading to a Degree, Diploma, or Certificate
c) Members of reciprocal borrowing schemes (e.g. SCONUL Access)
d) Other persons whose applications have been approved by the University Librarian.
A fee may be charged for borrowing by external degree students and by some categories of borrower in class (d). - The Library reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone without a valid Campus Card or Library Card. Only valid Card holders will have access to the Library during the University Assessment periods and may be required to produce their Card to confirm identity. Visitors without a valid Card may access the Library for reference purposes outside of the University Assessment periods by booked appointment, provided that they have signed an undertaking to abide by the Rules. There may be restrictions on the use of electronic information sources as a result of licensing agreements.
- A card will be issued to each registered Library borrower. The card must be used to access the Library. The card is not transferable and must be shown on request; you will be responsible for all items borrowed using it and any associated fines which may result from their late return. A charge will normally be made for a replacement card.
- All members, other than students and staff, are responsible for informing the Library of any change of address. Lost Library cards must be reported to the Library. Lost Campus Cards should be reported via the online report form to the Campus Card Office.
- Library visitors may be accompanied by children (under 18s) for whom they are responsible. Under 18s are not allowed up to, or on, the 5th Floor. Unaccompanied under 18s are not permitted entry at any time. Currently enrolled 伊人直播app students below the age of 18 are exempted from this rule.
- Animals may not be brought into the Library with the exception of assistance-dogs registered with Assistance Dogs UK (ADUK), or an assistance animal which has been approved by DAS as part of a reasonable adjustment for a disability.
- Modes of transport (e.g. cycles and scooters) may only be brought inside the building in a folded-down state and must remain folded at all times. They must not create a health and safety hazard (e.g. trip hazard). E-transport (e.g. e-scooters) may not be charged within the building.
- No Library material shall be removed from Library premises until its issue has been properly recorded. Materials borrowed shall be returned within the stipulated loan period and their return properly recorded at the Library. Items are returned in the Book Drop or Book Sorter at the user's risk and are regarded as the responsibility of the borrower still, until the return has been properly recorded. Further loans will not normally be permitted to a borrower who has one or more overdue items.
- Any material borrowed may be recalled after seven days of being issued if it has been requested by another Library user. It must be returned as specified in the recall notice.
- Some categories of library material may only be borrowed with special permission, for example: Items from the Reference collections; Material labelled Not to be removed from the Library; 伊人直播app Theses.
- Library users must take care of Library materials and facilities and must not damage or deface them in any way, including by highlighting, underlining, writing or drawing in them or by removing any part of them.
- Library users are required to behave considerately and shall respect the study needs of others including the rights of others to work quietly. Silence shall be maintained in silent study areas. Quiet study shall be maintained elsewhere, except in areas designated for group study. Mobile phone use is permitted everywhere except the quiet and silent study areas, however they should be in silent mode throughout the Library.
- Areas designated for group study are permitted for study purposes only and users should ensure that noise levels are kept to a respectful level.
- Activities, behaviours or actions that disrupt the study of others or undermine the Library’s mission are not permitted.
- Library users must not do anything that causes a health and safety hazard including but not limited to, obstructing thoroughfares or fire exits.
- Hot and/or fast food may not be brought through the access gates of the Library and may only be consumed within the Café. Non-alcoholic drinks in lidded containers are allowed anywhere in the building. Alcoholic drinks are not permitted in the Library unless expressly authorised by the University Librarian or their delegate (for example as part of a University event). Library staff may remove and dispose of any food or unlidded drinks left unattended.
- Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes, is not permitted anywhere in the Library premises, nor within 10m of the building.
- Library users are responsible for the security of their own property. They must, if requested, submit their belongings for inspection as they leave the Library premises. Personal possessions must not be left unattended at any time or they may be removed and treated as lost property.
- Study space may not be ‘reserved’ by leaving personal belongings unattended at desks whilst the owner leaves the building.
- Library users use their own equipment at their own risk and are responsible for the safety and security of their equipment (including cables). They should be mindful of the safety of others by avoiding trailing wires. It is the responsibility of the owner to have such equipment tested for electrical safety, and use is conditional upon the owner’s acceptance of responsibility for damage to University property caused by their equipment.
- Library users may not sleep in the building at any time.
Legal Issues
- No Library material may be reproduced for commercial purposes nor used for any other commercial purpose without the University Librarian’s consent.
- Personal details of Library users may not be disclosed to other users, nor shall any person use the computerised facilities of the Library to obtain or process data except in accordance with the provisions of Data Protection Laws. Information of individual users relating to access and use of Library facilities and resources may be used for the purposes of University disciplinary or complaint procedures, or where required as part of any investigation into a breach of these rules or University policies.
- Copying, scanning and printing facilities are provided on the condition that Library users making copies do so in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (as amended). If a person using Library facilities infringes copyright, that person will be deemed wholly responsible for the infringement.
- Any member of the University staff may act, as appropriate, to uphold the Library rules.
- Fines, at rates determined by the University Librarian, will be charged on recalled overdue items.
- Damage to Library materials or property including the defacing or removal of pages will be regarded as a disciplinary matter. A Library user who damages, fails to return (or returns in a damaged condition) any material shall be liable to pay the cost of replacement or repair, at the discretion of the University Librarian.
- In enforcing the Rules the University Librarian or their nominee has the power to investigate and impose penalties under the Student Disciplinary Procedure. Penalties may include withdrawal of Library services and/or facilities and may result in exclusion from the Library.
Last updated: October 2024, approved by the University Librarian
Previous Versions: November 2023 approved by the University Librarian