ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Medieval Studies Archive
2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019
2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009
1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999
1980 - 1981 - 1982 - 1983 - 1984 - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989
2021 - Vol. XLVII
- Andrew Holland – Warfare, Poetry and the Community of the Realm in Later Anglo-Saxon England
- Philippa Byrne – Looking for law in all the wrong places: legal learning, ‘legal theology’, and historical methodology in twelfth-century England
- Victoria Burns-Price – The Hybridity of Demons: Perceptions of Demons in Medieval Theology and Iconography
- Mari-Liis Neubauer – The First Papal Legatine Mission in Livonia: William of Modena and the City of Riga, 1225-6
- Eliya Ribak – Jewish-Christian Relations in Medieval London: An Archaeological Evaluation
- Maria Luisa Maggioni – Devotional practice and emotional response to the Veronica in Middle English
- Janet Walls – The Relationship of Brontology and the ‘Regimen of Health’ in the Later Middle Ages
- Lucie Kaempfer – Pleasure in Knighthood: The Private Construction of a Social Identity in Partonopeu de Blois and its Middle English Adaptation
- ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Medieval Reviews
2020 - Vol. XLVI
Stenton Lecture and Symposium Proceedings 2018: English Royal Charters, 1066-1215: Discoveries, Gaps, and Opportunities
- David Bates – Introduction : The Plantagenet Acta Project and the Study of Charters
- Ned Holt – My father, Jim Holt
- Janet Whalley – Memories of Jim
- George Garnett – Jim Holt : A Very Personal Memoir
- George Garnett – Supplement to the Bibliography of the Writings of Sir James Holt
- Judith Everard – ‘The Acta Project’ at ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app, 1970–1978
- John Gillingham – Royal Letters, Writs and Chronicles, their Value for Interpretation of the Reigns of King John and His Predecessors in the light of the work of Sir James (Jim) Holt
- Nicholas Vincent – Stenton Lecture 2018 : ‘English (and European) Royal Charters : from ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app to reading
- ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Medieval Reviews
2019 - Vol. XLV
- In Memoriam: Brian Kemp
- Anne Lawrence-Mathers – Bede, St Cuthbert and the Science of Miracles
- Lindy Grant – Stephen of Lexington, the Abbey of Savigny, and Problems in the Cistercian Order in the Thirteenth Century
- Agata Zielinska – Remembering how to fast in medieval Poland: the papal legate Jacques Pantaléon on regional and ethnic particularity
- Joanna Bellis – An Anglo-Danish Naval Encounter in Two Fourteenth-Century Chronicles
- Anna Campbell – Networks of Influence: Women and Power in Fifteenth-Century France
- Helen Parish – ‘Multe etiam alie reliquie quorum scripta desunt’ : the migration of relics in Reformation EnglandÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Medieval Reviews
- ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Medieval Reviews
2018 - Vol. XLIV
Dedicated to Professor (Emerita) Françoise Le Saux
2017 - Vol. XLIII
- Preliminaries
- Rebecca Rist - Introduction: Transforming Male Devotional Practices from the Medieval to the Early Modern
- Gabriela Badea - Confessio Cordis and Landscapes of the Heart in Henry of Lancaster's Livre des Seyntz Medicines
- Sarah Macmillan - 'Well saved in suffering': Male Piety in Late-Medieval Tribulation Texts
- Katie Phillips - Devotion by Donation: the Alms-Giving and Religious Foundations of Henry III
- Rebecca Rist - The Crusades, Catholic Piety and Chivalry in the Novels of Walter Scott
- Carol Sibson - Lay Spirituality in the high Middle Ages: how the Layman became a Match for the Saint
- Alexandru Åžtefan - Death as a Social and Devotional Event, the Case of Several Guilds from Late Medieval Transylvania
2016 - Vol. XLII
- Preliminaries
- Lindy Grant - Introduction to this Special Edition on ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Abbey: ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Abbey - Intellectual and Artistic Culture in an Internationall Context
- Michael Gullick - Reflections and Observations on Romanesque Manuscripts and Charters from ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Abbey
- Laura Cleaver - History Books at ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app in the Twelfth Century
- Anne Lawrence-Mathers - The ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Computus Manuscript St John's College, Cambridge MS A 22
- Teresa Webber - ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app in the Refectory at ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Abbey
- Nigel Morgan - The Calendar and Litany of ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Abbey
- Cynthia Johnston - 'In the custom of this country': The Migration of Decorative Style in Thirteenth-century ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Abbey Manuscripts
- Catherine Léglu - ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Abbey's Anglo-Norman French Translation of the Bible (London, British Library, Royal MS 1 C III)
- Brian Kemp - The ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Abbey Formulary (Berkshire Record Office, DEZ 1761)
2015 - Vol. XLI
- Preliminaries
- Marianne Ailes - Literary responses to Agincourt the Allegories of Le Pastoralet and the Quadrologue Invectif
- Anne Bailey - Anthropology, the Medievalist... and Richard III
- Carolina Escobar-Vargas - Magic, Technology and New Categories of Knowledge in the Central Middle Ages
- I Fabry Tehranchi - Royal adultery and illegitimacy: moral and political issues raised by the story of Utherpendragon and Ygerne in the French rewritings of the Historia Regum Britanniae (12th-15th c.)
- Phillipa Hardman - Wine, Women and Song in the Middle English Charlemagne Romances
- Dave Postles - English borough finances in the fourteenth century
2014 - Vol. XL
Special Issue - Law's Dominion in the Middle Ages: Essays for Paul Hyams
- The Collective - Introduction
- Danuta R. Shanzer - 'Augustine's Epp. 77-78 (A Scandal in Hippo): Microhistory and Ordeal-by-Oath'
- Thomas D. Hill - 'The Weight of Love and the Anglo-Saxon Cold Water Ordeals'
- Richard Abels - 'The Limits of State Action in Late Anglo-Saxon England'
- Stephen D. White - 'Hic est Wadard: Vassal of Odo of Bayeux or Miles and Frater of St Augustine's, Canterbury?'
- Ruth Mazo Karras - 'Telling the Truth about Sex in Late Medieval Paris'
- Eliza Buhrer - 'Law and Mental Competency in Late Medieval England'
- Paul Brand - 'New Light on the Expulsion of the Jewish Community from England in 1290'
- Chris Briggs and Phillipp R. Schofield- 'Understanding Edwardian Villagers' Use of Law: Some Manor Court Litigation Evidence'
- Ada Kuskowski - 'Lingua Franca Legalis? A French Vernacular Legal Culture from England to the Levant'
- Thomas J. McSweeney - 'The King's Courts and the King's Soul: Pardoning as Almsgiving in Medieval England'
- Richard W. Kaeuper - 'John Ruskin, the Medieval Ordines, and Meritorious Suffering'
- Peter Coss - 'Neifs and Villeins in Later Medieval England'
- Dave Postles - 'Bibliography of the Writings of Paul Hyams'
2013 - Vol. XXXIX
- Tony Moore - ''Score it upon my Taille': The Use (and Abuse) of Tallies by the Medieval Exchequer'
- Milosz Sosnowski - ''Prussians as Bees, Prussians as Dogs': Metaphors and the Depiction of Pagan Society in the Early Hagiography of St. Adalbert of Prague'
- Jane Bliss - 'Vignalis, or Guénaël, of Alderney: A Legend and its Medieval Sources'
- William C. McDonald - 'A Note on the Source of Michel Beheim's Ain gruss und ain lob der juncfrawen'
- Catherine Léglu - 'The Child of Babylon and the Problem of Paternity in Medieval French Alexander Romances'
- Carys Gadsden - 'A New Date for the ChwedJeu Seith Doethon Rufein of Oxford, Bodleian Library, Jesus College MS 20?'
2012 - Vol. XXXVIII
Special issue: Legendary Rulers: Arthur and Charlemagne
- David Rollason - 'From Tintagel to Aachen: Richard of Cornwall and the Power of Place'
- Ad Putter - 'Arthur's Children in Le Petit Bruit and the Post-Vulgate Cycle'
- Philippa Hardman - 'Knight, King, Emperor, Saint: Portraying Charlemagne in Middle English Romance'
- Marianne Ailes - 'Charlemagne 'Father of Europe': A European Icon in the Making'
- Jane Bliss - 'Who Wrote the Nun's Life of Edward?'
2011 - Vol. XXXVII
Special issue: Preaching, Teaching and Manipulating in Medieval Literature
- Philippa Hardman - 'Learning Lessons in Middle English Romance'
- Huw Grange - 'Preacher, Dragon-Slayer, Soldier, Elephant: George the Miles Christi in Two Late Medieval French Versions of the George and the Dragon Story'
- Suzanne Leedham - '(Mis)Remembering the Past: The Middle English Song of Roland's Contemporary Religious Alterations to a French Tradition'
- Natalie Orr - 'The Clerk and the Courtier: Debating the Tristan Problem in Chrétien de Troyes's Cligès and Lancelot'
- Gemma Wheeler - 'Rewriting the Past: Women in Wace's Roman de Brut'
2010 - Vol. XXXVI
Special issue - Crusading and State Building in the Central Middle Ages, edited by Catherine Léglu
- Rebecca Rist - Introduction
- Malcolm Barber - 'The Challenge of State Building in the Twelfth Century: The Crusader States in Palestine and Syria'
- Marcus Bull - 'The Eyewitness Accounts of the First Crusade as Political Scripts'
- Jochen G. Schenk - 'Nomadic Violence in the First Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Military Orders'
- William J. Purkis - 'Eleventh- and Twelfth-Century Perspectives on State Building in the Iberian Peninsula'
- John France - 'Capuchins as Crusaders: Southern Gaul in the late Twelfth Century'
- Rebecca Rist - 'Salvation and the Albigensian Crusade Pope Innocent III and the Plenary Indulgence'
2009 - Vol. XXXV
- Conor Kostick - 'A Further Discussion on the Authorship of the Gesta Francorum'
- Jane Bliss - 'Jehan de Saintré the Anonymous Lady
- Carole Weinberg - Victim or Virago: The Construction of Guinevere in Laзamon's Brut'
- Leslie C. Brook - 'Could Gauvain be considered the hero of Escanor?'
- Catherine A. M. Clarke - 'Signs and Wonders: Writing Trauma in twelfth-century England'
- William Sayers - 'Naming and Renaming the Grampus'
- Ken Dark and Eliya Ribak - 'A report on the unpublished excavation by Roland de Vaux at the 'Synagogue Church' in Nazareth, Israel'
- Leah Tether - '(Dis-)continuing Gauvain's Lance Quest in the First Continuation of the Old French Perceval'
2008 - Vol. XXXIV
Medieval History Discourses: Essays in Honour of Professor Peter S. Noble, edited by Marianne J. Ailes, Anne Lawrence-Mathers and Françoise Le Saux
- Marianne Ailes - Introduction
- Marianne Ailes - 'Ambroise's Estoire de la Guerre Sainte and the Development of a Genre'
- Peter Ainsworth - 'Technologies nouvelles, manuscrits virtuels: La guerre de Cent Ans à travers les Chroniques de Jean Froissart'
- Malcolm Barber - 'Was the Holy Land Betrayed In 1291?'
- Philip E. Bennett - 'Rhetoric, Poetics and History: Machaut's Prise d'Alixandre and the anonymous Geste des ducs de Bourgogne'
- Anne Curry - 'The Battle Speeches of Henry V'
- Philippa Hardman - 'Speaking of Roland: The Middle English Roland Fragment in BL MS Lansdowne 388'
- Tony Hunt - 'An Old French Crusade Proposal'
- Catherine Léglu - 'Rebuilding the Tower of Babel in Girart de Roussillon'
- Linda M. Paterson - 'Writing the Present: Boniface II of Montferrat and Frederick II Hohenstaufen'
- Karen Pratt - 'The Genre of Gautier d'Arras's Eracle: A Twelfth-century French 'History' of a Byzantine Emperor'
- Françoise H. M. Le Saux - ''La geste des trois fils Guillaume'?: Henry I in Wace's Roman de Rou'
- Neil E. Thomas - 'The History of a Talisman: The Quest for the Holy Lance from Chrétien de Troyes to Richard Wagner'
- Professor Peter S. Noble - List of Publications
2007 - Vol. XXXIII
- Thomas Asbridge - 'The Holy Lance of Antioch: Power, Devotion and Memory on the First Crusade'
- Anthea Harris - ''Let streams of living water flow': The Archaeology of a Secular Settlement in a Monastic Landscape'
- Amanda Holton - 'Chaucer and Pronominatio'
- Anne Lawrence-Mathers - 'The Problem of Magic in Early Anglo-Saxon England'
- Penny Simons - 'Literary and Historical Contexts: Possible Tools for Dating Jourfroi de Poitiers'
2006/7 - Vol. XXXII
Incipieng Globalization: Long-distance contacts in the 6th century, edited by Anthea Harris
[Issued separately as British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1644 (Oxford: ArnchaeoPress, 2007). ISBN 9781407300788.]
- Anthea Harris - Introduction
- Ken R. Dark - 'Globalizing Late Antiquity: Models, metaphors and the realities of long-distance trade and diplomacy'
- Charlotte Behr - 'Using bracteates as evidence for long-distance contacts'
- Susanne Bangert - 'Menas ampullae, a case study of long-distance contacts'
- Kate da Costa - 'The limits of long-distance exchange: evidence from sixth-century Palaestina/Arabia'
- Mei-Ling Chen - 'The Importation of Byzantine and Sasanian Glass into China during the fourth to sixth centuries'
- Jörg Drauschke - ''Byzantine' and 'oriental' imports in the Merovingian Empire from the second half of the fifth to the beginning of the eighth century'
- Niall Finneran - 'Ethiopian Christian material culture: the international context. Aksum, the Mediterranean and the Syriac worlds in the fifth to seventh centuries'
- Anthea Harris - 'Britain and China at opposite ends of the world? Archaeological methodology and long-distance contacts in the sixth century'
2005 - Vol. XXXI
- Cristian Bratu - 'The Aesthetics of the Chroniclers of the Fourth Crusade and the Gothic-Scholastic Episteme'
- Jan Kostenec - 'Observations on the Great Palace at Constantinople: The Sanctuaries of the Archangel Michael, the Daphne Palace, and the Magnaura'
- John Spence - 'The Identity of Rauf de Boun, Author of the Petit Bruit'
- Alison Truelove - 'Linguistic Diversity in the Fifteenth-Century Stonor Letters'
2004 - Vol. XXX
- Ferudun Özgümüs - 'A Byzantine church at Sirkeci in Istanbul'
- Julian M. Luxford - 'The Tomb of King Henry I at ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Abbey: New Evidence Concerning its Appearance and the Date of its Effigy'
- Liz Herbert McAvoy, '' ... The fend set him in my throte': Sexuality and the Fiendish Encounter in Julian of Norwich's Revelations of Divine Love'
- Peter S. Noble - 'Women in the Vulgate Cycle: From Saints to Sorceresses'
- Natasha Romanova - 'Female Doubling in Galeran de Bretagne'
2003 - Vol. XXIX
- Jane Chedzey - 'Manuscript Production in Medieval Winchester'
- Catherine A. M. Clarke - 'Overhearing Complaint and the Dialectic of Consolation in Chaucer's Verse'
- Ken R. Dark - 'Large-scale population movements into and from Britain south of Hadrian's Wall in the fourth to sixth centuries AD'
- Helen Phillips - ''This Mystique Show': Dryden and The Flower and the Leaf'
- Reviews
2002 - Vol. XXVIII
- Marianne J. Ailes - 'Fierabras and the Chanson de Roland: An Intertextual Diptych'
- Leslie C. Brook - 'Demons and Angels: Female Portrayal in Escanor'
- Naoë Kukita Yoshikawa - 'Margery Kempe's Mystical Marriage and Roman Sojourn: Influence of St Bridget of Sweden'
- Robert L. Schichler - 'From 'Whale-Road' to 'Gannet's Bath': Images of Foreign Relations and Exchange in Beowulf'
- K. S. Whetter - 'The Stanzaic Morte Arthur and Medieval Tragedy'
- Reviews
2001 - Vol. XXVII
Current Trends in Dante Studies, edited by Claire E. Honess
- Zygmunt G. Baranski - 'Three Notes on Dante and Horace'
- Simon Gilson - 'Medieval Science in Dante's Commedia: Past Approaches and Future Directions'
- Catherine Keen - 'The Language of Exile in Dante'
- Paola Nasti - 'The Wise Poet: Solomon in Dante's Heaven of the Sun'
- Guyda Armstrong - 'Dantean Framing Devices in Boccaccio's Corbaccio'
- Rachel Owen - 'Dante's Reception by 14th- and 15th-century Illustrators of the Commedia'
- Reviews
2000 - Vol. XXVI
- Rosamund Allen - 'The Awntyrs off Arthure: Portraits and Property'
- Benjamin Arnold - 'The End of Territorial Lordship in Medieval Germany. Reflections upon an Historiographical Theory'
- Peter Damian-Grint - 'Apocalyptic Prophecy in Old French: An overview'
- Ken R. Dark - 'A Famous Arthur in the Sixth Century? Reconsidering the Origins of the Arthurian Legend'
- Penny Eley - 'The Subversion of Meaning in Hue de Rotelande's Ipomedon'
- Sarah L. Hamilton - 'Tales of Wonder in the Chronica Maiora of Matthew Paris'
- Andrea M. L. Williams - 'Perspectives on the Grail: Subjectivity of Experience in La Queste del Saint Graal'
- Reviews
1999 - Vol. XXV
- Leslie C. Brook - 'Rewards and Punishments in the De Amore and Kindred Texts'
- Sally L. Burch - 'The Lady, the Lords and the Priests: the Making and Unmaking of Marriage in Amadas et Ydoine'
- Margaret J. Ehrhart - 'Machaut's Allegorical Narratives and the Roman de la Rose'
- Philippa Hardman - ''Dear Enemies': the Motif of the Converted Saracen and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight'
- Peter Noble - 'Eyewitnesses of the Fourth Crusade - the War against Alexius III'
- Robert Penkett - 'Perceiving the Other: Sensory Phenomena and Experience in the Early Medieval Other World'
- Victoria Thompson - 'Kingship-in-Death in the Bayeux Tapestry'
- Reviews
1998 - Vol. XXIV
- Richard Bromiley - 'Stylistic Aspects of Proper Names in some Late French Arthurian Verse Romances'
- Peter Damian-Grint - 'Learning and Authority in Benoît de Saint-Maure's Cosmography'
- Bonnie Millar - 'Richard the Redeles and the Concept of Advice'
- Robert Penkett - 'Discerning the Divine and the Demonic in the Life of Antony'
- Mayumi Taguchi - 'Cleanness and a Hitherto Unedited Religious Text in MS. Pepys 2125'
- Rose Walker - 'Sancha, Urraca and Elvira: the virtues and vices of Spanish royal woman 'dedicated to God''
- Reviews
1997 - Vol. XXIII
- Margaret J. Ehrahrt - 'Irony and Audience: What Machaut Did Not Borrow from the Roman de la Rose'
- Gillian R. Knight - 'Uses and Abuses of amicitia: the Correspondence between Peter the Venerable and Hato of Troyes'
- Irina Metzler - 'Perceptions of Hot Climate in Medieval Cosmography and Travel Literature'
- Neil Thomas - 'Gauvain's Guilt in L'Âtre Perilleux: the Subtext of Sexual Abuse'
- Rod Thomson - 'William of Malmesbury, Historian of Crusade'
- Anne Curry - 'Review Article: Fifteenth-Century Historical Studies'
- Reviews
1996 - Vol. XXII
- Finn Sinclair - 'Defending the Castle: Didactic Literature and the Containment of Female Sexuality'
- William Sayers - 'Principled Women, Pressured Men: Nostalgia in Fljótsdœla saga'
- Catherine Léglu - 'A ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app of Troubadour Insult Songs: the Comunals Cycle'
- Patricia Skinner - 'Disputes and Disparity: Women in Court in Medieval Southern Italy'
- Reviews
1995 - Vol. XX
Special issue: The Cistercians
- Brian Golding - 'Gerald of Wales and the Cistercians'
- Anne Lawrence - 'Cistercian Decoration: Twelfth-Century Legislation on Illustration and its Interpretation in England'
- Neil M. Mancor - 'Tradition in Bernard of Clairvaux's Sermons On The Song of Songs'
- Karen Pratt - The Cistercians and the Queste del Saint Graal
- Rachel Gibbons - Review Article, Medieval Queenship: an Overview
- Reviews
Special Edition
1994 - Vol. XX
- Benjamin Arnold - 'Structures of Medieval Governance and the Thought-World of Otto Brunner (1898-1982)'
- Mary-Ann Constantine - 'Story and History in the Breton Ballads: the Case of Iannik Kokard'
- Rosalind Field - 'January's "honeste thynges": Knighthood and Narrative in the Merchant's Tale'
- Alex Nicholls - 'The Corpus of Prose Saints' Lives and Hagiographic Pieces in Old English and its Manuscript Distribution (Part 2)'
- Neil Thomas - 'The Arthurian Trilogy of Der Pleier: a Reassessment'
- Reviews
1993 - Vol. XIX
- Alison André - 'Geoffrey of Monmouth's Portrayal of the Arrival of Christianity in Britain. Fact or Fiction?'
- Leslie C. Brook - 'The Bird's Three Truths in the Lai de l'Oiselet'
- Jennifer Fellows - 'St George as Romance Hero
- Colin Morris - The Gesta Francorum as Narrative History'
- Alex Nicholls - 'The Corpus of Prose Saints' Lives and Hagiographic Pieces in Old English and its Manuscript Distribution (Part 1)'
- Neil Thomas - 'The Sources of Wigamur and the German Reception of the Fair Unknown Tradition'
- Reviews
1992 - Vol. XVIII
- A. K. Bate - 'Ancient Greek Theatre, Sicily and Medieval Comedy'
- Peter Noble - 'Music in the Twelfth-Century French Romance'
- Donald Matthew - 'Modern Study of the Norman Kingdom of Sicily'
- Wolfgang van Emden - 'La Chanson d'Aspremont and the Third Crusade'
- Philippa Hardman - 'Scholars Retelling Romances'
- Michael R. Evans - 'Brigandage and Resistance in Lancastrian Normandy: A Study of the Remission Evidence'
- Anne Curry - 'The Nationality Of Men-at-Arms serving in English Armies in Normandy and the pays de conquête, 1415-1450: A Preliminary Survey'
- Reviews
1991 - Vol. XVII
- Lenora D. Wolfgang - 'Chrétien's Lancelot: Love and Philology'
- P. J. C. Field - 'Malory and Chrétien de Troyes'
- Sarah Kay - 'Commemoration, Memory and the Role of the Past in Chrétien de Troyes: Retrospection and Meaning in Erec et Enide, Yvain and Perceval'
- Brenda Hosington - 'Voices of Protest and Submission: Portraits of Women in Partonopeu de Blois and its Middle English Translation'
- Edward Coleman - 'Incastellamento on the Po plain: Cremona and its territory in the tenth century'
- Andrew Breeze - 'Chaucer, St Loy, and the Celts'
- Peter Noble - 'Review of Robert de Boron; Joseph of Arimathea - a Romance of The Grail. Translated by Jean Rogers'
1990 - Vol. XVI
Saints and Saints' Lives - Essays in Honour of D.H. Farmer
- Anne E. Curry - 'David Hugh Farmer. An Appreciation' and 'David Hugh Farmer - A Bibliography of Published Works'
- Nigel Berry - 'St Aldhelm, William of Malmesbury, and the liberty of Malmesbury Abbey'
- Margaret Harris - 'Alan of Tewkesbury and St Thomas of Canterbury'
- Christopher Holdsworth - 'Hermits and the Powers of the Frontier'
- Brian Kemp - 'The Hand of St James at ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Abbey'
- Colin Morris - 'The Aims and Spirituality of the First Crusade as seen through the eyes of Albert of Aachen'
- Peter S. Noble - 'Saints in the Tristan Legend'
- Bella Millett - 'The Audience of the Saints' Lives of the Katherine Group'
1989 - Vol. XV
Medieval Women in Southern England
- Rowena E. Archer and B. E. Ferme - 'Testamentary Procedure with special reference to the Executrix'
- Caroline M. Barron - 'The 'Golden Age' of Women in Medieval London'
- Anne Crawford - 'Victims of Attainder: The Howard and de Vere Women in the Late Fifteenth Century'
- Pauline Stafford - 'Women in Domesday'
- Barbara Yorke - ''Sisters Under the Skin'? Anglo-Saxon Nuns and Nunneries in Southern England'
1988 - Vol. XIV
- Leslie C. Brook - 'The notion of adventure in Guingamor'
- Anne Curry - 'Sex and the Soldier in Lancastrian Normandy, 1415-1450'
- Ruth Harvey - 'The Troubadour Marcabru and his Public'
- Gillian Knight - 'Chrétien de Troyes: his 'Rhetoric of Love''
- Rosemary Morris - 'The knight and the superfluous lady: a problem of disposal'
- Peter Noble - 'The Heroic Tradition of Kei'
- Brian Kemp - 'The Seals of ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app Abbey'
- Anne Curry - review of Répertoire International des Médiévistes / International Directory of Medievalists
- P. A. Thurlow - review of Proceedings of the PMR (Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance) Conference, vol. 11, 1986, pp.1-86
1987 - Vol. XIII
- Richard Goddard - 'Colour-symbolism in the troubadour Marcabru and his followers'
- Norris J. Lacy - 'Fabliaux and the Question of Genre'
- Anne Lawrence - 'Alfred, his Heirs and the Traditions of Manuscript Production in Tenth Century England'
- Neil Thomas - 'Sir Gawein's interpretation of Iwein's transgression and the 'Mabinogion' controversy'
- W. Ann Trindade - 'The Celtic Connections of the Tristan Story (Part Two)'
- Neal Sumner - 'The Countess Lucy's Priory? The Early History of Spalding Priory and its Estates'
1986 - Vol. XII
- Michael J. Routledge - 'The Monk Who Knew the Ways of Love'
- Kenneth Varty - 'The Giving and Withholding of Consent in Late Twelfth-Century Literature'
- Andrew Roach - 'The Cathar Economy'
- Benjamin Arnold - 'Servile Retainers or Noble Knights? The Medieval Ministriales in Germany'
- Marta Powell Harley - 'The Origin of A Revelation of Purgatory'
- W. Ann Trindade - 'The Celtic Connections of the Tristan Story (Part One)'
- Ann Peal - 'Olivier de Termes and the Occitan Nobility in the Thirteenth Century'
- Donald Mathew - review of R. A Brown, The Normans and the Norman Conquest
- Brian Kemp - review of W. M. Ormrod, England in the Thirteenth Century: Proceedings of the 1984 Harlaxton Symposium
1985 - Vol. XI
East Anglian and Other Studies presented to Barbara Dodwell, edited by Malcolm Barber, Patricia McNulty and Peter Noble
- Patricia McNulty - Introduction
- Nicola Coldstream - 'The Lady Chapel at Ely: its Place in the English Decorated Style'
- D. H. Farmer - 'Some Saints of East Anglia'
- Brian Feeney - 'The Effects of King John's Scutages on East-Anglian Subjects'
- J. C. Holt - 'More Battle Forgeries'
- Brian Kemp - 'Maiden Bradley Priory, Wiltshire, and Kidderminster Church, Worcestershire'
- Dorothy Owen - 'Two Medieval Parish Books from the Diocese of Ely: New College MS.98 & Wisbech Museum MS.1'
- Janet Williamson - 'Dispute Settlement in the Manorial Court: Early Fourteenth-Century Lakenheath'
1984 - Vol. X
- Marianne J. Ailes - 'Observations on the Grouping of Epics of Revolt in Manuscripts and Compilations'
- John France - 'Anna Comneno, the Alexiad and the First Crusade'
- Ruth Harvey - 'The Harlot and the Chimera in the Songs of the Troubadour Marcabru'
- Ann G. Martin - 'Disgrace in Diu Crone'
- David J. Shirt - 'Metaphor as a structuring device in the 'Roman d'Eneis''
- Peter A. Thurlow - 'Ovid's Amores III, iv: its reception in William of Aquitaine, Sebastian Brant and Middle High German Literature'
- Carol M. Meale - 'The Middle English Romance of lpomedon: a Late Medieval 'Mirror' for Princes and Merchants'
1983 - Vol. IX
- Doris Edel - 'The Arthur of 'Culhwch and Olwen' as a Figure of Epic-Heroic Tradition';
- Keith Bate - 'Ovid, Medieval Latin and the Pastourelle'
- Odette Cadart-Ricard - 'The Shepherdess in Cerveri de Girone's Fourth Pastorele'
- F. R. P. Akerhurst - 'Cognitive Orientations in the Fabliaux: Contribution to a Study of the Audience of Thirteenth-Century French Literature'
- Brenda Thaon - 'La Fiere: The Career of Hue de Rotelonde's Heroine in England'
- David Lampe - 'The Courtly Rhetoric of Chaucer's Advisory Poetry'
- O. J. Padel - 'Beroul's Geography and Patronage'
- Peter S. Noble - 'Flling a Gap'
- Constance Bullock-Davies - 'he Visual Image of Arthur'
1982 - Vol. VIII
- J. Norton-Smith - 'Textual Tradition, Monarchy and Chaucer's Lak of Stedfastnes'
- Jocelyn Price - 'Floire et Blanchefloir: the Magic and Mechanics of Love'
- E. M. R. Ditmas - 'Béroul the Minstrel'
- Norman Reid - 'Margaret 'Maid of Norway' and Scottish Queenship'
- J. A. Hunter - 'Wolfram's Attitude to Warfare and Killing'
1981 - Vol. VII
- Ian Lovecy - 'Exploding the myth of the Celtic myth: a new appraisal of the Celtic background of Arthurian romance'
- Vincent Gillespie - 'Justification by Good Works: Skelton's The Garland of Laurel'
- Julia Cresswell - 'The Tales of Acteo and Narcissus in the Confessio Amantis'
- Tony Hunt - 'The Significance of Thomas's Tristan'
- Letizia A. Panizza - 'Seneca's fortuna in fourteenth-century ItaIy and Anselm's ontological proof'
- Deborah Nelson - 'The Public and Private Images of Cligès Fenice'
- Benoît Beaucage - 'Feudalism in Crisis: The Devastation of the Possessions of the Hospitallers in Provence (1373-1429)'
1980 - Vol. VI
- Jonathan Riley-Smith - 'An Approach to Crusading Ethics'
- C. B. Hardman - 'Eloquence and Morality in the Old Poet and the New: Chaucer and Spenser'
- Beate Schmolke-Hasseslmann - 'King Arthur as Villain in the Thirteenth-century Romance Yder'
- P. A. Thurlow - 'Augustine's City of God, Pagan History and the Unity of the Annolied'
- M. G. Fulford - 'Carthage: Overseas Trade and the Political Economy, c AD 400-700'
- D. J. Shirt - ''La Chastelcine de Vergi' - the technique of stylistic cohesion'
1979 - Vol. V
- John A. Scott - 'Dante's Francesca and the Poet's Attitude towards Courtly Literature'
- Maura Coghlan - 'The Flaw in Enide's character: a Study of Chrétien de Troyes' Erec'
- Barbara Dodwell - 'History and the Monks of Norwich Cathedral Priory'
- Alison Adams - 'History, Love and the Cultivation of Suspense: the Roman d'Eneas and Aimon de Varennes' Florimont'
- Angus Mackay and Geraldine McKendrick - 'Confession in the Cántigas de Santa MarÃa'
1978 - Vol. IV
- J. A. W. Bennett - 'Carlyle and the Medieval Past'
- Gillian R. Evans - 'Unstudied Arguments in the Early Letters of St. Anselm'
- Benjamin C. B. Arnold - 'The Circulation and Impact of Reformist Ideas in Germany before the Reformation'
- C. Claire Isoz - 'Enclisis after Paroxytones in Sanson de Nantuil's Proverbs of Solomon'
- David J. A. Ross - 'Not Worth a Penny'
1977 - Vol. III
- Alison Stones - 'The Earliest Illustrated Prose Lancelot Manuscript'
- Malcolm C. Barber - 'Women and Catharism'
- James L. Taylor - 'Animal Tales as Fabliaux'
- Lucie Polak - 'Plato, Nature and Jean de Meun'
1976 - Vol. II
- Gordon Leff - 'Ockham and Wyclif on the Eucharist'
- Piero Boitani - ''Fine Words and Joyful Melodies': Some Stylistic Aspects of the Love Songs of Bernart de Ventadorn'
- Philippa Hardman - 'The Unity of the Ireland Manuscript'
- J. Norton-Smith - 'Chaucer's Boethius and Fortune'
- F. P. Pickering - 'Trinitas Creator: Word and Image'
1975 - Vol. I
- Gillian Evans - 'Insight in the Thought of St. Anselm'
- Julian Gardner - 'Simone Martini's St. Louis of Toulouse'
- L. T. Topsfield - 'The Roman de la Rose of Guillaume de Lorris and the Love Lyric of the Early Troubadors'
- Peter Noble - 'Kay the Seneschal in Chrétien de Troyes and his Predecessors'
- Rosemary N. Combridge - 'Ladies, Queens and Decorum'
Submissions should be sent to the relevant editor:
Dr Ruth Salter (History) (r.j.salter@reading.ac.uk)
For all other enquiries about the journal: