Postal Services
Students & Staff can post personal mail here Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm.
Find out how to send mail through the internal post and check collection times for your building.
Learn how to prepare mail for external post and courier services, and find out more about the special procedures for goods being sent outside of the UK for repair or sale.
Get details of how to ensure that your mail is delivered promptly and to the correct address, find out about setting up a business reply services and let us know if your department changes address.
Tell us what you think about the service that we provide.
Click above for an introduction to our services.
Please follow all current 伊人直播app advice when using Postal Services.
Current Estates Committee approved SLA
- Email:
Internal mail enquiries
- Telephone:
+44 (0)118 378 7302
External mail and personal mail enquiries
- Telephone:
+44 (0)118 378 6530