Staff parking
Parking Alternatives
伊人直播app is a very well connected university and it's easy to get around without using a car. Here are some of the options available to you. For more information on sustainable travel and to view travel offers, please click :
- Cycling: we now have 4,239 cycle parking spaces on campus, 5 secure bicycle sheds on Whiteknights and secure storage at halls.
- Buses: The main bus routes from Whiteknights campus are the Whiteknight 20 and Claret 21 which travel from 伊人直播app train station and town centre, past London Road campus and onto Whiteknights campus up to every 7-8 minutes (Mon-Fri, daytimes during semester time). The Claret 21 also runs 24/7 so you will never miss the last bus. Visit the for further information and for
- Park and Ride: Staff and 伊人直播app Students can use (Junction 11 of the M4). You can park for free, show your Campus card to the driver and travel direct to Christchurch Green stop for Whiteknights campus or the Royal Berkshire Hospital stop for the London Road campus.
- EasitSHARE - lift-share scheme: For UoR Staff only - Provided via the , which you can sign up to . EasitSHARE connects you with other users who would like to share their commute - by car, public transport, cycling or walking. You can use this tool to share the details of the journey you wish to share and search local available routes. Lift sharing with those who live near you is a fantastic way to save money and reduce carbon emissions.
Parking on Campus
To park on campus you will need to have a valid parking permit.
There is also the Pay & Display car park (1a and 1) charges are 拢2.00 per hour, or 拢12.50 for all day parking.
Designated motorcycle parking spaces can be found at the following car parks: CP1, CP5, CP6, CP12 , AMS and RSSL. These parking areas are in addition to parking spaces available for both cars and motorcycles that can be found in University car parks.
Getting a permit
To apply for a parking permit, you'll need to complete the VEP1 Form and email it to Campus Parking Staff with disabled badges registered in their name are entitled to a free permit. Casual staff (who do not qualify as Associates, and are generally agency staff) cannot apply for a parking permit but should ask the staff member responsible for their employment to contact Campus Parking at to establish the best solution for their parking requirements.
If you work for Campus Jobs, you are unfortunately not entitled for a staff parking permit. Please contact your line manager who can liaise with the reception team to ascertain the best type of permit for you.
Parking charges from 1st August 2024
Whiteknights and London Road campuses:
Grade | Cost |
Grades 1-3 | 拢53.04 p.a |
Grades 4-5 | 拢109.26 p.a |
Grades 6-8 |
拢136.58 p.a |
Grade 9 and Professional | 拢220.65 p.a |
Staff outside salary bands | As per salary equivalent |
Blue Badge Holders | Free |
The cost of a permit for part time staff will be calculated at 50% of the appropriate rate.
Temporary permits
Staff who would like to park on campus occasionally will be able to purchase day permits charged at 拢3.46 per day. These permits can be purchased online via the e-commerce shop. To purchase temporary permits, please visit: . Please allow at least 1 working day for us to action your request. Please note that we only issue these permits if the date of the permit is confirmed at purchase.
Greenlands campus:
Greenlands staff will be charged at 50% of the 伊人直播app campuses rates due to the limited accessibility of the campus by alternative means of transport.
Staff Common Room Members - Retired staff only
If you are an SCR member, please apply for a permit here. Parking charges from 1st August 2024 are 拢54.59 per calendar year.
Change of vehicle
You can update your vehicle details by following this link: /parking/staff/permit/ or emailing
For more information on staff parking please visit our Staff Parking FAQs page.
Faded/Damaged Permits
If your permit is significantly faded or damaged please email with your employee number, vehicle registration number and permit number for a Free of Charge replacement permit.
Replacement Parking Permits
If you lose your permit a replacement is available at a charge of 拢12.50.
Please email with your employee number and vehicle registration number
Cancelling your permit
If you no longer need your parking permit, please return it to Whiteknights House Reception as per conditions of use. We will cancel the permit and inform Payroll to stop the parking charges being deducted from your salary.
Where you can park on campus
The University has a number of car parks spread across each of its campuses. Please visit our visitors' page where you can download campus maps.
Please note that staff parking permits are not valid in car park 5 (Visitors car park), where separate parking arrangements apply.
Disabled parking spaces
There are dedicated disabled parking bays in every University car park. Accessible parking bays map.
Parking regulations
Parking at the University is subject to the Parking Regulations. Anyone infringing the regulations is likely to incur a parking charge notice of 拢75.
Parking Charge Notice - Appeals
The procedure for appealing a Parking Charge Notice is outlined on the reverse of the Notice. You should in the first instance contact Total Parking Solutions.
For more information on staff permits please see Staff Parking FAQs
Keeping your vehicle secure
Vehicle crime rates on campus are comparable to the rest of the Thames Valley area. You can reduce the risk of your vehicle being broken into by following these simple steps:
- Always lock your vehicle.
- Never leave any items on display.
- Remove all valuable items from your vehicle.
- Remove the fascia from any radio/stereo equipment.
- Remove all Sat Nav Equipment, including the holder.
- Do not leave your vehicle on campus overnight.
- Always use any security devices fitted to your car.
that revenue generated from parking permits is used to fund initiatives from the University's Green Transport Plan?
- Staff Parking FAQs
- Download the VEP1 Form
For queries relating to car parking, please contact Campus Parking by e-mail.
Telephone: +44 (0)118 378 7307