Whilst you are a student at the 伊人直播app, it is your responsibility to do the following:
- Ensure that electronic devices (mobile phones, Blackberries, PDAs, MP3 players etc.) are switched off during all classes unless agreed beforehand with the member of staff leading the session. Students may make an audio recording of a lecture but may not visually record without consent.
- Attend all classes* punctually. Lateness is considered to be disruptive behaviour.
- Give due and proper attention to the member of staff leading the session (and any ground rules that have been set) and to show respect to your fellow students; it is unacceptable to disrupt a class.
- Leave any room or building of the University when requested to do so by any member of staff.
- Keep appointments arranged with staff and communicate with staff in a timely and courteous manner.
- Students who seriously or persistently flout these regulations will be reported to the School Director of Teaching and Learning and/or the School Senior Tutor who will take appropriate disciplinary action.
If you feel that your university experience is being disrupted by the unacceptable behaviour of other students, you are encouraged to report this to your Academic Tutor or to the member of staff teaching them if appropriate. If you wish to discuss any aspect of the above, please talk to your Academic Tutor first.