What is a STaR Mentor?
A STaR Mentor is a current student who helps new students with their start at university. A bit like a buddy service, your mentor is there to answer any questions you may have and to provide you with an insight into what university is all about. The Student Transition at ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app (or STaR) scheme is made up of lots of volunteer students who have received training from the university on how they can help YOU get the best out of your experience.
All undergraduate students and International Foundation Programme students automatically receive a STAR mentor. You should have an email in your in-box (personal and/or student) just before your start at ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app from your very own STaR mentor. They will have been matched with you based on what you are studying or the department you are studying in. Even if you don’t have any questions, it is a good idea to respond to their email even just to say hello!
A STaR Mentor can:
- Introduce you to student life & support you with your start at university
- Answer questions about university
- Provide more information about your course
- Talk through any worries or concerns you may have about university
- Direct you to clubs and societies and help you to find like-minded people
- Help you settle in
STaR Mentors are here for you. They are all students that have been in a similar position starting out at university for the first time. STaR Mentors are your free insight into what life at university is really like, so make the most of them and get in touch!
The benefits of having a STaR Mentor include:
- Feeling positive and ready for university
- Finding out about services that are available to you at the university
- Gaining insight directly from current students
- Finding out how to make new friends
- Increasing your academic and social confidence
- Talking through any problems or worries
If you want some IDEAS on some of the questions you MAY like to ask your mentor we have listed a few.
If you would like to learn more about the scheme, please feel free to email us: starmentors@reading.ac.uk.