The first step in applying for a Direct Loan is to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This is available from the from 01 October. If you list the 伊人直播app as one of your choices, you will be asked for our School Code. This is G10143.
Once you have completed the FAFSA, this in turn will create a FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS). As a foreign school we do not receive automatic notification direct that you have completed the process so you will need to email us at to let us know.
How to apply for Loans
Once you have completed the FAFSA, a FAFSA Submission Summary is produced. As a foreign school, we do not automatically receive your FSS. Once you have completed your FAFSA, please email us at quoting your student and social security numbers and this will allow us to access your FSS. Please remember to use our school code G10143 when completing your FAFSA.
Once we have received your FSS, we will check that you meet all of the eligibility requirements and we will contact you as soon as possible if there are any problems.
We will also check that the loan amount requested in your Cost of Attendance (COA) is within the published guidelines. We will contact you to discuss if there is any adjustment required.
Once we are satisfied that all of the requirements have been met, we can proceed with originating your loan.
Please complete the free application for . Information on how to complete the FAFSA is also available using the same link. This is your application to the US Department of Education for a Direct Loan. The 伊人直播app’s school code is G10143. You will need to include this on the FAFSA in order for us to receive your FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS). It is your responsibility to complete the FAFSA, and please note that you will be required to complete a new FAFSA for each year of study at the 伊人直播app.
Your award letter will include specific details on what loans we plan to disburse as well as the expected disbursement dates and amounts. Please read your award carefully and remember that it is your responsibility to pay back any amount that you borrow plus interest. You have a right to either decline the loan or request a lower amount if you believe your cost of attendance to be lower than our calculation.
The Master Promissory Note (MPN) is your loan agreement. It is a legal document which explains the terms and conditions of your loans and holds you accountable to repay all loans and any associated fees and interest to the Department of Education. . If you want a Parent PLUS Loan, your parent will have to complete the MPN. Without copies of your signed MPNs, your loan will be rejected.
Please Note: A new MPN is required for each year you receive Federal Student Aid. As the applicant you are responsible for ensuring a new MPN is sent to us each year.
The United States is classed a low-risk country by UKVI. Therefore, you are strongly advised to ensure you have evidence of qualifications and money, even though you do not necessarily need to send them with your visa application. However, UKVI may request this evidence as part of their decision process and they will refuse your application should you fail to provide it within a specified timeframe. This is why it is crucial to your application that you obtain, and be able to provide, the appropriate evidence if it is requested by UKVI.