Student visa maintenance requirements
Important information
If you (and any dependants) are applying from inside the UK and have held valid UK immigration permission for at least 12 months preceding the date of your visa application, you will automatically meet the financial requirements. This means you will not be required to submit financial evidence to support your visa application. Holidays and short absences from the UK do not break the 12-month period, but you must have spent the majority of the time in the UK.
Please see our online information on who can apply from inside the UK.
If you are applying outside of the UK or you have not held valid UK immigration permission for at least 12 months, you must meet the maintenance requirements below.
Student Visa Maintenance Requirements
Tuition/course fees
If studying a course that is more than 12 months, you must show you have enough money for the first year. If your course is 12 months or less, you must show you have enough money for the entire course.
Any tuition fees paid to the University before you apply can be deducted from the total amount. This can be evidenced on your CAS or by receipts.
Living costs
You will have to show an amount of £10,224 (£1136 per month up to a maximum of 9 months) or the length of your course, whichever is shorter.
Up to £1483 of any 伊人直播app accommodation fees paid can be deducted from the total amount. This can be evidenced on your CAS or by receipts. This does not include fees paid towards private accommodation.
Each dependent will be required to demonstrate maintenance of £6120 (£680 per month up to a maximum of 9 months) or the length of leave (immigration permission) expected to be granted, whichever is shorter.
The money can be held by the dependent or the Student. Funds for dependent children can be held by the Student or the dependent partner providing they either have, or are being granted, immigration permission (other than as a visitor) at the same time as the child.
You should check if they can apply under the ‘Differentiation arrangement’.
See who can bring dependants.
You can use cash funds held in a personal bank or building society account (including current, deposit, savings, pension from which the funds can be withdrawn or investment account) provided the account holder has control of the funds and they can be accessed immediately.
If the funds were earned or acquired whilst the applicant was in the UK, they must have been earned or acquired lawfully and while the applicant had UK immigration permission and was not in breach of any conditions attached to that permission.
You cannot use evidence such as business accounts, overdrafts, bitcoin savings, stocks and shares, bonds, credit cards, pensions from which the funds cannot be withdrawn immediately (regardless of notice period), bank accounts that are not regulated by the financial regulatory body in the country you are applying from, accounts that cannot be verified by UKVI, and bank accounts that do not use electronic record keeping.
The funds can only be held by:
• You (the student), including a joint account you hold with someone else
• Your parent(s)/legal guardian(s). Dependents cannot rely on funds held in your parent(s) name(s).
• Your partner (if they already hold UK immigration or are applying at the same time as you).
Relying on your parent(s)/legal guardian(s) financial evidence: you will also need to provide evidence of your relationship (such as a birth certificate/court document/adoption certificate/government-issued household register) and a letter from your parent(s)/legal guardian(s) confirming your relationship and that they consent to you using their funds to study in the UK.
You cannot use an affidavit as it is only evidence that someone has made a sworn statement regarding a claimed relationship.
Relying on your partner’s financial evidence: you will also need to provide evidence of your relationship in the form of a marriage/civil partnership certificate and in the case of unmarried partners, proof you have lived together for two years such as, utility bills in joint names.
Bank statements should show:
• the account holder’s name(s); and
• account number; and
• date of statement; and
• bank’s name and logo; and
• amount available on each of the relevant 28-days; and
• currency type
You can provide electronic bank statements if they contain the above information. Statements do not have to be stamped.
If using funds not in GBP, you should check the currency conversion of the lowest amount you hold during the relevant 28-day period on the date or application using . You should write this amount of the statement.
You can use more than one bank statement to evidence funds, but they should ideally cover the same relevant 28-day period because the balance on each of the 28 days must total the amount you are required to demonstrate. Each statement needs to contain the information above.
You can also obtain a letter from the bank stating all the information above. They could include a sentence such as ‘We confirm the balance in the account has not dropped below [enter the lowest balance] in the 28 days preceding the date on this letter.’
UK Visas and Immigration may carry out verification checks with your bank. If they are unable to verify your funds your application is likely to be refused.
It must also confirm the account holder can access the funds at any time.
Student visa applicants can receive official financial sponsorship from:
• His Majesty’s Government
• their home national government
• the British Council
• an international organisation
• an international company
• a university
• an independent school
If your sponsorship covers your full tuition fees and living expenses, you do not require additional bank statements, but you will need to provide an official financial sponsorship letter. If you are not fully sponsored, you will need to show evidence of funds to cover the balance.
If you are sponsored by the 伊人直播app, we can include the details of your sponsorship/scholarship on your CAS and you will not require a letter.
If you do require a letter from your Official Financial Sponsor it should show:
• your name; and
• the name and contact details of your official financial sponsor; and
• the date of the letter; and
• the length of your sponsorship; and
• the amount of money they are giving to you (and any dependents) or a statement that your official financial sponsor will cover all your (and your dependents) tuition/course fees and living costs.
• they consent to your Student application
You can provide a loan letter, but it must meet the following requirements:
- be dated no more than 6 months before the date of application; and
- confirm the loan is for you (you cannot use a loan letter in a parent’s name); and
- confirm the loan is a student loan provided to you by either the relevant government or a government sponsored student loan company or an academic or educational loans scheme*; and
- the financial institution’s name and logo; and
- the amount of money available as a loan; and
- is on official stationery; and
- confirms the funds will be available to you or paid directly to the University before you travel to the UK (with any living cost portion of the loan being made available to you by the time you arrive in the UK), or available before you begin your course if the loan is provided by your national government; and
- confirms there are no conditions on release of the loan funds other than a successful application to study.
* an academic or educational loans scheme which is provided by a financial institution regulated for the purpose of issuing student loans by either the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) or, in the case of an overseas loan, the official regulatory body for purpose of issuing student loans in the country the institution is in and where the money is held.
If your loan does not fully cover your fees and living costs, you will need to show evidence of funds to cover the balance.
If clarification is needed on any aspect of the Rules or you have questions about your visa application, please contact the International Student Advisory Team.