It is great you are here and ready to embark on the exciting journey to become a more globally and culturally through the 伊人直播app Experience & Development (RED) Global Engagement Award.
Below you will find details on how to get started, we recommend reading the other sections on this webpage to ensure you have a good understanding of what you will be required to do. At each stage of the award remember you can come back to the webpage if you have questions or contact the RED team.
How do I sign up?
Registration is your first step on the way to completing the RED Global Engagement Award. You need to register by starting the Global Engagement Award Pathway on .
To find the Pathway you need to:
Log-in to (please note, you will need to activate your account on MyJobsOnline if you have not already done so)
Find the Pathways button/tab
Find the RED Sustainable Action Award Pathway
Click ‘Start'
Once you have started on the Pathway you will be able to begin logging your activity when you are ready.
The Pathway
The RED Global Engagement Award Pathway will guide you through what you need to do in order to complete the award. When you are recording your activity through the system you will be asked to record the following information:
You will be asked via a drop down menu if you are inputting activity for your ‘Global Awareness’ or ‘Global Action’ element.
If this is activity is a transfer submission from another skills award.
Type of activity: Here you should list what you have done. For example, if it was a course or volunteering.
Hours and minutes: Here you give details of how many hours of activity you are logging at this time.
Name of organisation: Here you give the name of the organisation you completed your hours with.
Dates of activity: Here you indicate when the activity was completed. If you do not remember the exact dates, please just give approximate dates.
Referee details: Here you give details of someone who can confirm your activity if needed. E.g. volunteering the name of your manager/supervisor.
Evidence: Here you need to provide evidence of your completed activity. For example, payslips, certificates or headed letters to show your completed hours. If you have multiple screenshots/documents to upload as evidence please copy and paste them into an individual Word document and upload this document.
You will also be asked the question: How did this activity build your knowledge of global and cultural awareness and/or challenge previous preconceptions you held?
You can add hours as you go, therefore make sure you remember to go back and add activity as you complete it. Please note not to press submit until you have logged all activity you wish to, as you will be unable to edit this once you have finalised the submission.
Please remember, you can backdate any activity you have completed since starting at the University. You will just need to ensure you have evidence of your completed hours.
Completed my activity log
If you have completed your activity log please visit the Global understanding webpage to find out more about the third stage of the award.